
Heal the Bay Blog

March 12, 2015 — Building on a long-standing partnership, Heal the Bay has named Time Warner Cable as its Beach Healer for the month of March.

TWC employees and their family members will participate in a cleanup at Santa Monica Beach near the iconic Pier this Saturday at 8:30 a.m. In addition to removing ocean-bound debris, 300 volunteers will learn about the causes of ocean pollution and what steps they can take in their daily lives to reduce impacts on our shorelines.

“Heal the Bay relies on the community to help us keep Santa Monica Bay vibrant and thriving,” said Danielle Portnoy, Heal the Bay’s Advancement Director. “It’s heartening to see so many Time Warner Cable staff willing to donate their Saturday morning to our cause. It demonstrates that they are committed and that they care.”

Time Warner Cable is a longtime supporter of Heal the Bay’s educational initiatives, through its Connect a Million Minds program. TWC served as the presenting sponsor of the 2nd annual Rube Goldberg Contest at the Santa Monica Pier, held last November. Engineering teams from local colleges and high schools competed to construct contraptions that will erase a chalkboard in a wacky fashion.

“Time Warner Cable is committed to promoting environmental awareness and sustainability,” said Katherine McDonald, Time Warner Cable’s Community Investment Manager. “Heal the Bay has been a terrific partner in our STEM efforts, and we are excited to work with them to further our ‘Go Green’ efforts and volunteerism among our employees.”

Heal the Bay hosts dozens of companies each year for cleanups as part of its ongoing Corporate Healer program, which fosters camaraderie and improved morale. Participants also leave the beach with the satisfaction of knowing they helped reduce blight, protected marine animals and boosted the regional economy.

If your company is intertested in participating in a cleanup or our Adopt-a-Beach program, please contact Afarin Davari.

Heal the Bay has been advocating on behalf of the ocean and clean water for 30 years. Last week, we took time out to revel in this milestone with staff, Heal the Bay members, and friends at two super celebrations: an evening “Party like it’s 1985” Birthday Bash for adults, followed two days later by a family party at our Santa Monica Pier Aquarium.

Whether dancing the night away to 80’s tunes or decorating fish-shaped cookies at the Aquarium last Saturday, everyone had a terrific time celebrating the organization and all its accomplishments. Of course there are many to celebrate or their contributions to the festivities.

The gorgeously painted surfboards available at the silent auction were the work of artists Lindsey Nobel, John Colqui, Meex One and Norton Wisdom.

We are so grateful for the following vendors who helped make our evening Birthday Bash tasty, refreshing and fun:

Simmzy’s provided a delicious array of bites; thanks to Sam’s Club of Torrance for the yummy cupcakes; and Malibu Rum was the key ingredient of a signature 30th cocktail. Thanks also to Golden Road Brewing for sharing their L.A.-brewed IPAs and lagers.  

Fruit of the vine was flowing thanks to several wineries: Cline Cellars, Frontera, Rodney Strong, Francis Ford Coppola Winery  and Deutsch. And a very special shout-out to Corey Cline, long-time volunteer and former intern, friend of Heal the Bay, and principal wrangler of wine donations on our behalf!

Thanks also to Hotpoint – for donating a video booth that had everyone mugging and dancing up a storm.

Wells Fargo gave Heal the Bay a birthday present to last the year by sponsoring one free day a month at the Aquarium for the remainder of 2015. The Feb. 28 Family Birthday Bash was the first free day. Thanks also to the Los Angeles Public Library’s Store on Wheels for bringing their traveling book store/gift shop to the party.

And the party continues! For the remainder of 2015, Well Fargo’s generous present allows Aquarium visitors free admission the first Wednesday of the month from 2-5 p.m.

March 3, 2015 — Yessssss! No oil drilling in the Bay.

Voters in Hermosa Beach today overwhelmingly rejected an oil company’s proposal to begin oil drilling underneath the seafloor there, according to initial election returns. Heal the Bay staff and volunteers led the charge to defeat the ill-conceived project, which would have set a dangerous precedent for further oil exploration in L.A. waters.

E&B Natural Resources, a Bakersfield-based oil company, outspent Heal the Bay and other grassroots opponents nearly 10-to-1 in its losing bid to sink 34 wells in the 1.4-square mile coastal city. Big Oil may have deep pockets, but we have a secret weapon: you and thousands of other ocean lovers who simply can’t stand to see the Bay opened up to oil drilling.

Thanks to our supporters, Heal the Bay had the resources to mount a comprehensive and integrated 18-month campaign to halt the project. Staff and volunteers reviewed technical reports, canvassed neighborhoods, manned phone banks, organized community rallies, testified at City Council meetings, created newspaper ads and mobilized opponents on social media.

And you know what? It worked. Nearly 80% of voters rejected drilling in their town! We employed the same strategy in Hermosa that’s been Heal the Bay’s trademark for the past 30 years: passionate advocacy guided by sound science and consensus-driven community input. We are proud to be part of a broad-based coalition that helped protect the Bay, led by such champions as Keep Hermosa Hermosa, the Surfrider Foundation, the NRDC, Food & Water Watch and thousands of individual citizens.

The truth is that we dodged a bullet in Hermosa, but corporate interests continue to target the Bay for further industrial uses.

Our staff scientists recently collaborated with the NRDC on a detailed study that mapped the entire Los Angeles coastal zone and identified areas vulnerable to oil exploration. Many don’t realize it, but several areas underneath our local ocean are at risk, ranging from Long Beach to Malibu. Our policy team will remain vigilant and advocate against potential oil projects off our local coastline.

But we’re not just worried about drills and spills. The Bay faces other industrial threats. For example, corporations are drawing up plans to build desalination plants along the California Coast. In a time of water scarcity, energy-intensive desal plants shouldn’t take the place of smart water conservation and reuse. We shouldn’t just rubber stamp these potentially destructive plants, which suck up millions of gallons of seawater daily.

Whenever harmful proposals pop up, Heal the Bay will be there to gather the facts, do the analysis, speak up and push back when warranted. We’re proud to be the watchdog of the Bay. But to have any bite, we need the political and financial support of the community.

If this work is important to you, please consider contributing to our special Advocacy Fund this March. Any donations made this calendar month will be matched by a generous supporter who values our ongoing policy work.

March 3, 2015—We may have lost one battle. But we haven’t lost the war to keep oil drilling out of Santa Monica Bay.

Voters in Hermosa Beach have narrowly approved an oil company’s proposal to begin drilling underneath the seafloor there, based on initial results from today’s election. E&B Natural Resources, a Bakersfield-based corporation, outspent Heal the Bay and other grassroots opponents nearly 10-to-1 in its bid to sink 34 wells in the 1.4-square mile coastal city.

We believe that low turnout and a misinformation campaign funded by Big Oil led to the narrow passage of Measure O. Voters seemed to be swayed by wildly speculative promises of royalty revenues, despite the obvious risks of oil spills and impacts to quality of life from drilling.

While the vote is disappointing, there is some good news to share: This dangerous and ill-advised project is far from a sure thing.

And that’s where you come in.

Big Oil may have deep pockets, but we have a secret weapon – you and thousands of other ocean lovers who simply can’t stand to see the Bay opened up to oil drilling.

There is no oil drilling in the Bay now, and we aim to keep it that way by using the best science and passionate advocacy to deny E&B the necessary regulatory permits. If E&B is allowed to proceed in Hermosa, it would set a terrible precedent for further industrialization of the Bay.

Heal the Bay’s science and policy team is assembling a multi-tiered campaign to persuade the California Coastal Commission and State Lands Commission to withhold permits to E&B based on numerous safety and health risks outlined in the official Environmental Impact Report. We’re already reviewing technical documents, gathering expert scientific testimony, preparing legal arguments in consultation with our partners and mobilizing political support.

We got our start in 1985 by leading the grassroots fight to stop the Hyperion Treatment Plant from dumping partially treated sewage in the Bay. We’ve come too far in the three decades since to allow oil drilling under the Bay. A spill would be disastrous for our entire region, not just Hermosa.

We will keep you posted on ways you can lend your voice to stop this project in coming months.

We will prevail.

We ask you to please consider contributing to our special No Oil Fund this March. Any donations made this calendar month will be matched by a generous supporter who values our history of effective policy work.

Today’s guest blogger is Tony Corley, the  founder of the Black Surfing Association, which is partnering with the Malibu Surfing Association on a special paddle out this Saturday, Feb. 28 to honor the legacy of Nick Gabaldon.

The Black Surfing Association has been in existence since 1975. This grouping of surfers was the first of its kind. Our intent and purpose is the continuous search for the unique character and individuality that are so fluidly expressed in dancing — wave dancing that is. 

We are a developing organization — young and old, male and female – that seeks to share the pleasures of oceanic rhythms. Our distinctive group, which is increasing in number, is greatly diversified in our individual perspectives and pursuits.  Our politics, philosophies, vocations and social relations are as varied as our personalities and spiritual realizations.

Yet with our varied lifestyles, we are bonded together by two cosmic forces: blood and water. The blood being our ancestral African roots, and the water being the oceans and seas of the world.  The focal point of this bond is the sharing of the sport and art-form of surfing.

This water sport, believed to have been created by our own oceanic ancients, is enjoyed today throughout the coastal regions of the world.  Though comparatively small in numbers, the black surfing community is passionate and committed. Our community continues to grow.

From this growth of participation and the need to share arose the conception of the Black Surfing Association. Umoja, together as One, let us surf, share, and save our oceans and seas.

The BSA and the MSA will be meeting this Saturday near the Santa Monica Pier to celebrate Nick Gabaldon, the first documented surfer of color in the Los Angeles region. You can register for the paddleout and after-party here.

Dirty 30? Hardly!

Southern California’s coastline, beaches and inland watersheds are cleaner than ever, thanks to Heal the Bay’s 30 years of effective, passionate, science-driven environmental advocacy.

While we’re proud of our accomplishments over the past three decades, keeping our waterways clean and healthy requires constant vigilance and tenacity. While we would be thrilled if straight-A’s on our Beach Report Card gave us a reason to close our doors for good, the reality is that there’s enough work to do to keep us in business for at least another 30 years. (Probably more like 300.)

For now, however, get that scrolling finger limbered up. As we mark the 30th anniversary of our incorporation 30 Februarys ago, it’s the perfect time for a Heal the Bay history lesson!

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  • In a major victory for Heal the Bay and ocean health, Sacramento passes SB 270, the long-awaited statewide ban on single-use plastic bags. An estimated 13 billion plastic bags will be kept out of the waste stream because of this groundbreaking legislation.
  • Heal the Bay led the legislative charge in Sacramento to enact AB 2403, making it easier for cities to secure public funding for multi-benefit water projects like stormwater capture facilities and wastewater recycling plants.


  • Governor Jerry Brown signs AB 376 into law, banning the sale and possession of shark fins in California. Heal the Bay actively fought for a California ban on the sale of shark fins, holding rallies, writing op-eds and encouraging our supporters to call and send emails to Sacramento urging the horrific practice of shark finning to cease.


  • A series of underwater parks, or Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), are established along California’s coast by the state Department of Fish and Wildlife. Heal the Bay staff and volunteers spent thousands of hours at public meetings to advocate for the protection of these special places, including two local spots – Palos Verdes and Point Dume. Now, marine life that live in select spots along the coast are protected from fishing to allow populations to recover and flourish.


  • Heal the Bay debuts its Jeremy Irons-narrated mockumentary, “The Majestic Plastic Bag,” bringing awareness to the issue of single-use plastics in an offbeat, creative way. Racking up over 2 million views, this film put Heal the Bay in the spotlight as the leader in the legislative fight against the scourge of plastic pollution.


  • Volunteers pick up the one-millionth pound of trash in celebration of Heal the Bay’s 20 years of coordinating Coastal Cleanup Day for Los Angeles County.


  • The EPA awards Heal the Bay’s Angler Outreach Program its prestigious Citizen Excellence in Community Involvement and the National Environmental Justice Awards. These national awards recognize our outreach team and other project partners for their work educating anglers on DDT and PCB pollution off the coast of Palos Verdes and the dangers of eating specific species of fish caught between Santa Monica Pier and Seal Beach.


  • Heal the Bay begins the long fight to end plastic trash in our oceans through advocating for local bans on Styrofoam and plastic bags and statewide efforts to encourage the use of reusable bags by levying a fee for single-use plastic and paper bags.


  • Heal the Bay hosts the first Urban Watershed Summit. Today, Heal the Bay’s Healthy Neighborhoods Initiative connects the community leadership present in L.A.’s neighborhoods with our long history of grassroots activism to effectively address pollution in neighborhoods and communities.


  • Proposition O, a measure to improve local water supplies and keep dangerous bacteria and toxic pollution from contaminating L.A.’s waterways, passes, thanks to aggressive advocacy by Heal the Bay.


  • After years of pressure from Heal the Bay and a coalition of environmental advocates, Washington Mutual agrees to sell Ahmanson Ranch to the State of California, preserving 2,300 acres as parkland and ensuring a contiguous wildlife corridor “from the mountains to the sea.”
  • Heal the Bay-sponsored environmental literacy bill, AB 1548, passes in the state, authorizing comprehensive environmental education standards and curriculum in all disciplines for K-12 students.
  • Heal the Bay opens the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium, bringing the Santa Monica Bay to life for an average of 100,000 visitors and students each year.


  • The Clean Beach Initiative becomes law, dedicating $78 million for projects to help clean up and protect our coast, including $2 million for Mother’s Beach and $2 million for Surfrider Beach.


  • Heal the Bay launches Key to the Sea, our “teach on the beach” environmental education program, reaching an average of 10,000 elementary school students each year with hands-on marine activities.


  • The Beach Water Quality Act (AB 411) passes, creating statewide human health standards for beach water quality, establishing a public notification and closure system and mandating beach water quality monitoring.
  • Heal the Bay launches the Stream Team, a citizen-science initiative that gathers data and monitors the Malibu Creek Watershed and establishes baseline data for the sources of storm drain pollution and the locations of degraded habitat.


  • A Heal the Bay study finds high levels of DDT and PCB contamination in 84% of commercially-caught white croaker, a fish popular for consumption among Asian-Americans. Today, our Angler Outreach Team has educated over 80,000 anglers on the health risks of eating contaminated fish.


  • The 40 Day Fight, an intense 40-day lobbying and outreach effort, convinces the Regional Water Quality Control Board to pass a precedent-setting stormwater permit for L.A. County.


  • Heal the Bay, along with USC, L.A. and Orange County, completes the first study examining the health effects of polluted water on people who swim in Santa Monica Bay.


  • Heal the Bay works with more than 1,500 volunteers to restore the Point Dume headlands and the El Segundo Blue Butterfly Habitat Preserve.
  • Heal the Bay’s Gutter Patrol program begins stenciling more than 60,000 catch basins throughout L.A.


  • Heal the Bay publishes the first Beach Report Card. Today, water quality at over 450 beaches in California, Oregon and Washington are graded every week.
  • Heal the Bay coordinates its first Coastal Cleanup Day, mobilizing thousands of Angelenos to clean up dozens of beaches in L.A. County. We’ve coordinated the County-wide effort every year since, averaging 15,000 volunteers and 40,000 lbs of trash.


  • Heal the Bay’s Speakers Bureau is formed. The program now reaches more than 20,000 people every year.


  • Thanks to Dorothy Green’s tireless advocacy, L.A.’s Hyperion Treatment Plant is ordered to stop dumping incompletely treated sewage into the Bay. Today, sewage pollution levels have decreased by over 90%.


  • Heal the Bay is founded by Dorothy Green and a group of concerned L.A. citizens who could no longer endure the continued pollution of Santa Monica Bay.

Make a donation to Heal the Bay

Feb. 24, 2015 — Well, it looks like it may be time to bring back our Bag Monster. We thought we had put our symbol of Big Plastic out to pasture with last year’s passage of a statewide ban on single-use plastic bags. But the plastics industry has thrown millions of dollars into a voter referendum to halt the common-sense legislation.

The California Secretary of State announced today that the referendum sponsored by opponents of California’s single-use bag ban has qualified, which will put implementation of the bag law, SB 270, on hold. Voters will now decide whether or not the ban lives in the November 2016 election.

The plastic bag industry, primarily driven by out-of-state support, has sunk over $3.2 million into its campaign to repeal this landmark pollution prevention law. But, Heal the Bay, along with our partners in the California vs. Big Plastic coalition, are not backing down.

Thankfully, voters agree that it’s time to eliminate the single-use bags, which are a powerful symbol of our throw-away consumer culture. A poll by USC Dornslife/Los Angeles Times showed that about six in 10 California voters support the ban, while 34% would vote to overturn the law.

Removal of the plastic bag ban wouldn’t just harm the environment, it would be bad for the economy. California cities and counties spend an estimated $428 million annually to clean up litter and prevent plastic pollution. Flimsy, discarded bags are a blight to our communities, and harmful to aquatic life, like sea turtles and birds.

So what does this mean for shoppers throughout California? The 138 local plastic bag bans that were enacted prior to passage of the state law will remain in place, in areas like the city and county of Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and Long Beach. Referendum qualification will freeze implementation of SB 270, as originally scheduled, so retailers in communities without plastic bag bans may continue to distribute free plastic bags.

But, nothing is keeping individual municipalities from acting against the plastic sack scourge. Right now, nearly one in three Californians live in a municipality that has banned bags. Since implementation of the statewide law is on hold, members of California vs. Big Plastic will continue to advocate for the adoption of local bans.

Investigation of the legitimacy of the plastic industry’s signature gathering practices will continue as well. After widespread voter complaints of signature gathering fraud, the California Attorney General mounted an investigation earlier this year into whether deceptive signature gathering practices were employed.

It’s troubling to think that out-of-state plastic corporations can buy their way onto the ballot. Let’s stand up and show them we are proud to move past costly and polluting plastic bags.

Our science and policy team will continue to work with our partners to help uphold the ban. We’ll keep you posted on ways you can help in the months to come.

We always get questions about plastic bags. We recently assembled an FAQ that details many of the myths and facts about the mysterious bag.

The Plastic Bag Monster has won a brief reprieve. But his days are numbered ….

Swimming in the Bay

Unfortunate as it may be, humans can become ill from contact with polluted water found in Santa Monica Bay.

This fact was proven conclusively in 1995 through a groundbreaking epidemiological study designed to determine how exposure to ocean water bacteria relates to human illness. The study, which Heal the Bay assisted with, found that you are twice as likely to get sick swimming in front of a flowing storm drain compared to swimming in clean ocean water 400 yards away. The bottom line is that contact with ocean water with high bacteria levels increases one’s risk of getting sick.

The two most common illnesses contracted from contact with polluted ocean water are stomach flu & upper respiratory infections. Additional problems can include skin rashes and ear, nose and throat infections.

Wait at least 72 hours after a rain storm

When it rains, pollutants that have been accumulating on the streets and in the catch basins get whisked through the storm drain system to the ocean, dramatically increasing bacteria levels in the Bay. Heal the Bay recommends avoiding all ocean water contact during a storm and waiting at least 72 hours (3 days) after it has stopped raining before going into the ocean as well as avoiding storm drain impacted and enclosed beaches for 5 to 10 days after a storm. This provides time for bacteria levels to return to safe levels. And remember, over 95% of the time beaches along the Santa Monica Bay are safe in dry weather.

Avoid flowing storm drains

Swim at least 100 yards away from where the storm drain flow enters the surf. You are twice as likely to get sick if you swim in front of a flowing storm drain due to increased bacteria concentrations from urban runoff.

Do not play in storm drain puddles

Shallow puddles of water on the sand between a storm drain and the surf may appear safe, warm and inviting for children, but this water is urban runoff, filled with bacteria that can cause illness. Although there may not always be warning signs surrounding puddles of urban runoff, this water is never safe for swimming.

Avoid enclosed beaches

Many beaches named “Mother’s Beach” (e.g. in Marina del Rey, Los Angeles County) or “Baby Beach” (in Dana Point, Orange County) are enclosed with poor tidal circulation. Bacteria levels are usually much higher and tend to survive longer in duration at enclosed beaches than those exposed to the open ocean due to the lack of water circulation. Although enclosed beaches appear safe and inviting to children, parents should research water quality conditions carefully before allowing their children to swim at these beaches.

Eating Fish From the Bay

Is it safe to eat fish from Santa Monica Bay and Southern California coastal waters? It can be if you follow our precautions.

Many people catch and eat fish from the waters off the coasts of L.A. and Orange counties. Because fish from these areas may contain DDT, PCBs and methylmercury, people who consume such fish may be ingesting these chemical contaminants and putting their health at risk.  Heal the Bay’s Angler Outreach workers spend their days on local piers, talking to subsistence fishermen about how to avoid contaminated fish and lessen their exposure to these chemicals.

To safeguard your health when consuming fish caught in Santa Monica Bay and surrounding coastal waters, use the information below to reduce your risk of exposure to toxic chemicals. For additional information, visit the Fish Contamination Education Collaborative.

Avoid white croaker

White croaker (also called kingfish or tomcod) generally contains higher levels DDT and PCB than other fish from the Santa Monica Bay area. This is primarily because the white croaker is a non-migratory fish that feeds off the ocean floor where these chemicals have settled. In fact, a 1997 Heal the Bay study on the white croaker found that an astounding 84% of the samples tested exceeded EPA’s “acceptable cancer risk level” for DDT.

Avoid fishing in contaminated areas

Several areas exist along the coast of Los Angeles and Orange counties where fish are likely to contain higher levels of DDTs and PCBs than those fish caught outside of these areas. These contaminated areas include Cabrillo Pier, White Point, Pier J, Belmont Pier and Point Vicente. The highest levels of DDTs and PCBs in ocean sediment are found about one to three miles offshore of the Palos Verdes Peninsula.

Follow the consumption recommendations 

Heed the Fish Consumption Recommendations, which shows how much of each fish caught from the different zones in the Bay one can safely eat (brochures and pocket guides). Since chemicals can pose greater health risks to babies and young children, it is particularly important for women of childbearing age, pregnant women, and nursing mothers to follow the fish consumption recommendations.

Staff scientist Dana Murray reports on a photo contest to crown the king of King Tides.

How can we get everyday people thinking about the impacts of climate change? How can we illustrate that we’re not talking about some far-off problem that we don’t have to solve for 20 years? As we’ve seen with super storms in recent times, perhaps we’re not that far off, but communicating the risks of sea level rise can still be a challenge. Impacts are often difficult to see or visualize, and with a plethora of scientific jargon, modeling predictions, and maps being thrown at us, it is often difficult to understand real-life impacts of climate change, and the slow-burn of rising sea levels.

One of the unique opportunities nature has provided us is through extreme “king” tides. These tides happen most drastically in the winter when the sun and moon align to exert the greatest gravitational pull on earth, and result in experiencing the most extreme high and low tides of the year. In California, experts say that the annual king tide today is what we can expect our daily high tide to look like in 35 years. Especially when paired with a winter storm, King Tides are a glimpse of how sea level rise will impact our communities.

To capitalize on these illustrative events, we’re calling for all photographers to get out and participate in digital storytelling by photo-documenting the impacts of these extreme high tides. The pictures you take could help communities understand flood risk and explore adaptation options. They also can help build a local catalogue of at-risk places and people.

There’s a great contest in Los Angeles you can enter your photographs of King Tides into, and win cool prizes through the Urban Tides Photo & Video Contest.

Go to the Urban Tides Photo & Video Contest webpage for more info from USC Sea Grant on King Tide documentation. Be sure to scroll down and check out the tide chart, photo tips, and most importantly the safety tips.

Additionally, the website provides lesson plan information for educators.

Urban Tides Photo & Video Contest

This Thank You Thursday is one big Valentine to our partners and the people of Hermosa Beach who joined us for our Pop-up Pep Rally on Feb. 7

Heal the Bay is going all out to defeat Big Oil in Hermosa Beach leading up to the city’s March 3rd vote on whether to keep the current moratorium on oil drilling in place. Together with partners Surfrider Foundation and Keep Hermosa Hermosa, we hosted a giant outdoor party that brought out the community for a celebratory day of community action, awareness, musical performances, food and good fun.

We couldn’t have done it without the generosity of Becker Surf Shop and its amazing (and musical!) management team of Bob Rich and Kira Lingman. Becker gave up its parking lot for the day and offered staggering discounts on merch while partygoers munched on cheesy deliciousness from The Grilled Cheese Truck and people of all ages made a show of hands (oily black hand prints, that is) for a Vote No On O banner–all to the rockin’ beat of Lingman and her band The Hollow Legs.

And the music never stopped, with guest appearances by The Spillage People (fabulously choreographed by our friends at The Pretenders Studio) and Allan Mason–Hermosa’s own Pete Seeger–who led the crowd in his anthem “Send em’ back to Bakersfield.”

It was an incredible day, and we’re so grateful for all our friends who helped make it happen!

Check out our Facebook album for pictures from the party!