Donate to Heal the Bay
Your gift to Heal the Bay holds polluters accountable, keeps our beaches, rivers, and watersheds safe, healthy and clean, and inspires thousands of students each year to become environmental stewards. Give with confidence and support award-winning science, education, advocacy, and community action.

Make Your Impact, Make Your Gift
Want to make a donation in honor of someone, or need more payment options, please click here to make a gift to Heal the Bay.
Does your employer enjoy doing oceans of good? Find out if your employer is part of the match your donation program.
Want to donate by check? Make your check payable to “Heal the Bay” and send it to: 1444 9th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401. US Mail is preferred and mail is collected daily. Please call us at (310) 451-1500 for any questions.

Can feed our Heal the Bay Aquarium animals for one day

Can train and equip two volunteers to survey Marine Protected Areas

Can fund one week of water quality data collection for California beaches

Can make it possible to subsidize a community cleanup for 60 volunteers
More Ways to Give

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Our Advancement team is passionate about helping people Heal the Bay in a variety of ways. Whether it’s time, talent, or treasure, we will find the best way for you to make a lasting impact. Contact us!