‘Bring Back the Beach’ Annual Awards Gala Guest Registration

Register your guests for L.A.’s biggest beach party — Heal the Bay’s annual awards gala.

Please use this form to provide us information about who will be the table/guest host along with their mobile contact information. Once you have added all of your guest names, mobile numbers, and emails, please submit them below (including yourself if you plan on attending). If you have any changes/additions after you have registered your guests, please email them to GalaGuest@healthebay.org.

Note: Guest contact information will only be used in connection with this event. Mobile phone numbers will only be used to facilitate mobile bid registration. They will not be used for solicitations. Each guest must have an email that works to provide event details and updates.

  • First NameLast NameMobile Number
    This person can clear up any confusion about guest names on the night of the dinner, and is the person we will call if questions arise or changes occur.
  • Please select the number of seats you will be filling.
  • First NameLast NameEmailMobile Number 
    Please fill out as completely as possible. Click on the plus sign at the end of the row to add the next guest. If you are still missing a name, please include them as TBD so all your seats are accounted for.