Rain Doesn't Mean an End to Drought

It’s been a wet winter, so does that mean it’s ok to be a little more cavalier with our watering habits? Like, maybe, we can rip out that rock garden and install a nice sloping lawn? The answer, apparently, is no. 

Yes, the rain has recharged reservoirs and built up a nice snow pack that will please skiiers and snowboarders all winter long, and also provide water for much of the state, but Southern California still needs to learn to live with the water we have. Which isn’t much. 

SoCal is, and always will be, a desert, and the more water we use, the more water we suck from rivers and the aquatic life that call those rivers home, as well as agriculture. Plus, when we do get rain, we funnel it straight out to the ocean instead of trying to capture and reuse it. We need to figure out how to use less water, as a region, and be more creative with our limited rainfall. Read more at the LA Times.