There’s Ca$h in Your Lawn!

If you’ve been planning to remove your lawn and replace it with water-wise landscaping instead, now’s the time!

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power is currently offering a cash incentive from $1.50-$2 per square foot for residential customers who install “California friendly” plants and other water-conservation features. Commercial customers may receive $1 per square foot.

Grass is water-thirsty and high-maintenance, which is why LADWP is encouraging residents and businesses to remove their lawns. Forty percent of water use in L.A. occurs outdoors. And, as we prepare for the dry season, James McDaniel, senior assistant general manager of LADWP’s water system, points out:  “We need to find ways to save precious potable water for indoor uses.”

In addition, much of L.A.’s rainfall ends up just being wasted as it runs off into the storm drain system and eventually the ocean. This urban runoff contains dangerous pollutants for humans, animals and the environment.

Besides using California native plants, there are some innovative and appealing ways to enhance a landscape with non-vegetative groundcover or paving materials like decomposed granite, pea gravel, rocks, pebbles, mulch and wood chips. A list of landscaping options is available at

All customers must pre-apply for a rebate and receive LADWP approval before starting the turf replacement. LADWP will also inspect the lawn before and after the project. To get started, visit