
Heal the Bay Blog

Guest blogger Melissa Riche is a PR consultant and interior designer. She recounts a pleasant weekend sail with friends that becomes a mission — and a lesson in why decorative balloons are an environmental disaster.

On a recent Sunday, the conditions didn’t look promising for a great sail: grey skies, the threat of rain, and barely a breeze indicated that we wouldn’t be gliding along at the usual 10-12 knots.  Out past the end of the Marina del Rey tidal break, our predictions came true, but the five of us were happy to be out on the water to blow away the week’s cobwebs. 

Dawdling along at 4 knots on a calm sea, Kelly saw her first balloon. “Steve!” she cried to her husband, “we have to go pick it up.” Steve turned on the motor to make navigating easier and Kelly leaned over the side with a gaffer hook to grab the balloon.  Wrapping the balloon’s long string around the hook took several attempts, but she managed to haul it in and proudly showed off her catch to the rest of the crew.  It was a Stars and Stripes July 4th Mylar special.

Little did we know, this was about to be the theme of the afternoon.  During the next couple of hours, while Steve and Kelly, Jim, Tracy and I meandered around the bay with no purpose other than a relaxing Sunday sail, we hauled in 34 balloons.  We weren’t even looking for them.  We would be sitting chatting, telling stories, eating our lunch and just having a good time when someone would shout out “balloon!”

Photo by Stephen Graziano

We took turns bringing them in. Sometimes we missed the first pass because the balloon strings would slip through the hook, so Jim, my husband and my old sailing pal Tracy took to bending over the side of the boat, arms outstretched, to grab the odd ones. Two or more tied together made hooking them much easier.  We even got in some ‘man overboard’ sailing practice to pick up a couple of balloons we’d missed first time.

Later on, as we headed back, we saw a dark shadow bobbing some distance away.  “What’s that over there?  Is it a small boat?  Is there someone in trouble?” I wondered.   We headed towards the mystery silhouette – about 200 yards away but big enough for us to see a strange outline.  As we got closer Jim’s 20/10 eyesight identified ‘more balloons’ and we all laughed and groaned in disbelief.  How could there be so many balloons out on the water?  Kelly and Stephen who sail in the bay at least twice a month said they’d never picked up more than one or two balloons in the water on any one sail.  This time it was a group of 8 purple Mylar balloons.  Tracy and I landed the catch of the day!

“OK, that’s enough,” we declared.  But in fact just as we landed the big catch, we saw another balloon about 50 yards away so we picked that one up too.  And on the way back, as the wind dropped some more and the sea became glass-like, we saw balloons everywhere.  Groups of yellow and pink, yellow and white, single green single blue, ‘Hello Kitty’ birthday balloons, a mylar butterfly and more.

Back on the dock, we spread them out and counted them — 34 balloons altogether.

The balloon catching had made for a really fun sail on an otherwise unexciting weather day, but the downside of our enjoyment was clear to all of us.  If we could pick up 34 balloons in one day without even trying, how many more ended up in the bottom of the ocean, threatening marine life with plastic and likely toxins from the balloons’ graphic designs– which came off in our hands when we pulled them in – not too mention entanglement from the long strings.

For years I’ve been a supporter of banning plastic bags (we banned them in England long ago), and so I was delighted to support both Environment California and Heal the Bay in their work to encourage plastic bag bans and even more thrilled when cities throughout California started to institute the bans.

But balloons. We’ve all bought them for friends and family special occasions.  They’re fun, they’re decorative – and then what happens to them?  When I see events marking a launch with a balloon release, I wonder where the balloons end up.  When you see all those balloons blowing in the wind at car dealerships – where do they go?  All those families celebrating birthdays on the beaches – the wind catches the balloon and away it goes.

Our poor Santa Monica Bay suffers so many indignities.  Perhaps in addition to banning plastic bags, we should at least start a discussion about balloons.

At the very least, I encourage everyone who sails in the bay to do as we did, and pick up balloons when they see them.

Pictured above: The author, kneeling on the dock, holds a sampling of the balloons the crew retrieved from the bay. (Photo by Stephen Graziano)

My first exposure to the Colorado River was as a kid.  I was very fortunate to take a two week white water rafting trip down the Colorado River with my family.  To this day it is the best vacation that I have ever taken. Experiencing this amazing natural wonder so intimately was the adventure of a lifetime.

Fast-forward to now, when, as a resident of Southern California, I rely on the Colorado River each and every day.  Angelenos are among the 20 million Californians who depend upon the Colorado River for at least a portion of their drinking water.  Most of the California-grown vegetables we eat are irrigated with Colorado River water.  Unfortunately, demand on the river’s water now exceeds supply, which is depleting both river flow and bringing water stored in reservoirs to historic lows. 

There is currently considerable “buzz” around the Bay Delta — and rightly so.  This system is under enormous pressure.  The draft Bay-Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) was recently released, which is the state’s strategy for the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Bay Delta system that aims to ensure a more reliable water supply and a healthy ecosystem.  Of note, many environmental groups have raised concerns over the draft BDCP and have provided counter-proposals.  The Colorado River provides roughly the same amount of water for urban Southern California as does the Bay-Delta, and both systems are under intense pressures. Yet the Colorado receives much less attention in California than the Bay-Delta receives.  Colorado River Day provides an opportunity to reflect and give the much needed attention to the Colorado River system.   

Heal the Bay has long advocated for maximizing our local water supplies, thereby decreasing our region’s need for imported water and relieving pressure on these over-taxed river systems.  At the same time, focusing on local water helps us improve the water quality in our rivers and ocean.  For instance by infiltrating stormwater into groundwater basins, we increase our local water supply and prevent polluted stormwater runoff.  By increasing the recycling of treated wastewater, we offset the need for imported water and reduce discharge to our rivers and streams.   Further, increasing our local water supply will save ratepayers money over generations.  Los Angeles Department of Water and Power drafted cost comparison models that show the cost of Metropolitan Water District imported water will eclipse the cost of conserved water in 2015, groundwater cleanup for recharge in 2022, reclaimed waste water in 2028, and reused stormwater in 2029.[1] In other words, investing in local water is a win-win scenario.    

I hope to take another river trip down the Colorado someday.  I recently learned that the Colorado River supports a $26 billion recreation economy!  However, we Californians need to make some serious changes in our reliance on imported water to ensure that this precious resource is protected and visitors and wildlife can enjoy this resource in perpetuity.  Let’s use Colorado River Day as an opportunity to ask our leaders to take the steps necessary to make sure this becomes a reality.

 — Kirsten James
Science and Policy Director, Water Quality

 Keep track of West Coast beach water quality with Heal the Bay’s Beach Report Card®


[1] LADWP, Local Water Supply Sensitivities, November 2011.

In honor of the first Swimmable California Day, a few of us at Heal the Bay felt inspired to share our favorite beaches for swimming, surfing and kayaking because today we celebrate California’s healthy waters and the legislation we’ve enacted to protect them. Now go get in the ocean!

Bay Street, Tower 20

Bay Street is my go-to surf spot. It’s close to the Heal the Bay office, so I can get a quick morning surf session in before heading to work. Several Heal the Bay staffers call this break home, making it a great place to meet up and surf with friends. The waves aren’t the best in the bay, but I always have a blast when I’m out there in the water. It’s a good place to learn how to surf by riding the white wash, and the waves can get pretty gnarly and powerful so it teaches you how to navigate strong surf. It’s where I learned how to surf, and I’ll never forget the first time I made the drop on what was a HUGE wave for me – average for anyone else – and got totally stoked. Another thing I love about Bay Street is the historical significance it holds as the home break of Nick Gabaldon, a barrier breaker in the history of surfing. When I’m out in the water I imagine Nick putting his longboard in the water and starting his 12 mile journey north, paddling to ride the epic waves at Surfrider in Malibu (see below). You can find me out there practicing most mornings, working on my own journey, hoping someday to be good enough to surf alongside Sarah and other surfing greats at Surfrider! 🙂

 —  Ana Luisa Ahern, Interactive Campaigns Manager

Catalina Island

Slicing through the emerald green saltwater with my kayak paddle, I enjoy the expansive view of Catalina’s craggy island coastline. If I look closely, I might spot a grazing bison on the hills or a soaring bald eagle searching for fish. I beach my kayak along the narrow isthmus beach and head up towards the small SCUBA shop to check if my tanks are filled from this morning’s dives. I treasure my summer weeks at Catalina Island, diving right off our sailboat to be submerged within an underwater world filled with garibaldis, bat rays, and giant kelpfish. No sounds of cars, crowds, or sirens – just the ocean breathing, people laughing, and boats cutting through the water. Catalina Island’s isthmus is my favorite swimmable beach, and my little ocean paradise.

– Dana Roeber Murray, Marine and Coastal Scientist


Some people seem a little shocked when they ask my favorite place to surf, and hear my response, “Malibu.” Malibu, Surfrider, 1st Point are all names for the long peeling right break just north of the Malibu Pier (pictured right). And, despite its water quality problems, it is my favorite wave, which I feel a little shame admitting as a scientist at Heal the Bay. During dry weather, Surfrider can score A’s on our Beach Report Card®, but during rainy weather or when Malibu Lagoon breaches, it’s not surprising to see it score F’s. Even with the crowds, I can’t get enough of the glassy long ride, whether it’s knee surf or overhead.

It’s too bad the questionable water quality haunts the minds of most surfers at Malibu, which is why California Swimmable Day is important – it reminds us that all beaches should be safe for swimming, and that clean-up efforts at dirty beaches need to be implemented to meet this goal. Sometimes it’s hard to stay out of the surf after a rain, especially with a nice storm swell, but the risk versus reward has to be weighed.

Some of my favorite spots near Malibu include: the veggie Farm Sandwich at John’s Garden, the refreshing smoothies at The Vitamin Barn, nighttime grunion runs on the beach during the spring and summer, catching a quiet sunrise over the Bay, spotting surfing dolphins (a rare but rewarding moment).

 –– Sarah Sikich

Science and Policy Director, Coastal Resources

Santa Monica Pier

I love summer time in SoCal for so many reasons.  One of my favorite reasons is the longer days.  More sun means more of a chance to swim before or after work.  One of my favorite spots to swim is to the south of the Santa Monica Pier, right near Tower 18 (the second tower south of the Pier).  It’s close enough for all the Pier amenities, and the long beach allows the waves to just roll in.  On a Thursday night, I can watch the opening act for the Twilight Concert Series as I body surf or boogie board.  With a backdrop of the sun setting behind the Santa Monica Mountains, those summer moments are hard to beat.     

— Tara Treiber, Education Director

Torrey Pines State Beach

Torrey Pines State Beach is my favorite beach to visit when I am in San Diego.  Torrey Pines offers everything you need to have a great beach day-good waves year round, beautiful natural environment, plentiful parking, and Mexican food within walking distance!  I love to surf and Torrey Pines always has waves.  I have been surfing here since I was a kid and whenever I am in San Diego, I try to surf Torrey Pines at least once because it reminds me of my childhood and I always seem to feel better off when I leave.

 —  Peter Shellenbarger, Science and Policy Analyst, Water Quality


On Saturday, July 27, 2013 LA Waterkeeper will host two events to celebrate! Bring your family for a fun day in the water!

Enter the California Coastalkeeper Alliance photo contest by uploading your favorite ocean action photos on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with #SwimmableCA. CCKA will announce a grand prize winner on August 1, as well as top swimmable pet and youngster entries, and wettest photo. 

It’s not every day that we get to report some good news.  But today, reflecting on the last 14 years, we can confidently say that our local beaches and creeks are on a solid path for improved water quality.

In fact, earlier this month, we reached a big milestone in the effort to clean up our local waterways.  July marks the end of a 14-year consent decree that resulted from a 1999 legal settlement among USEPA, Heal the Bay, NRDC and Santa Monica Baykeeper (now LA Waterkeeper).  Through the consent decree USEPA committed to approve Total Maximum Daily Loads or “TMDLs” for an extensive list of water bodies in the Los Angeles Region (Los Angeles and Ventura counties). 

What is a TMDL?  TMDLs are a calculation of the maximum amount of pollution that a waterbody (river, lake or the ocean) can handle before it can no longer meet its beneficial uses (i.e. habitat and recreation).  By developing and implementing TMDLs, water quality improves. In fact, TMDLs are arguably the most useful tool in the Clean Water Act toolbox environmental groups like ours have to actually clean up Southern California’s coastal waters and watersheds.  Prior to the consent decree, we hadn’t seen any quantitative or enforceable limits developed. 

As a result of this effort, 57 TMDLS have  been established for over 175 water bodies that address numerous pollutant impairments including elevated bacteria, metals, pesticides, PCBs and trash. Heal the Bay provided technical input on all of these TMDLs.  In addition, we had a major success late last year when the TMDLs were placed within the municipal stormwater permit, and therefore, became enforceable. 

Most importantly, as a result of these TMDLs, our creeks and beaches are on the path towards getting cleaner.  We see success stories throughout the region.  For instance as we noted in the last two Heal the Bay Beach Report Cards, low flow diversion projects implemented by the City of Los Angeles have resulted in much improved beach water quality at those locations (A and B grades, up from D and F grades).  Also the trash TMDLs have prevented millions of pounds of trash from reaching the Santa Monica Bay.

We still have a long way to go – many of the TMDLs will be implemented for years to come (some 20+ years into the future!).  For instance, we look forward to the implementation of Malibu Creek and Lagoon TMDL for Sedimentation and Nutrients to Address Benthic Community Impairments that was the final TMDL to be adopted under the consent decree.  Heal the Bay has been focused  on the Malibu Watershed for over a decade, and our data collection efforts highlighted this impairment.  

Heal the Bay will continue to push the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board to ensure that this TMDL and others are implemented and enforced.  We will also ensure that the TMDLs that are reconsidered uphold the strongest scientific backing (for instance the Marina del Rey Harbor Toxics TMDL and Ballona Creek Toxics and Metals TMDL are being reopened in the coming month.)

 But it is gratifying to look back over the past 14 years and see that our hard work and the efforts of many other stakeholders, including USEPA and the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, have paid off.

–  Kirsten James

—  Heal the Bay’s Science and Policy Director, Water Quality

Sign up for our e-newsletter to stay up to date on Heal the Bay’s campaigns, or follow us on Twitter for real-time updates. 

Have you ever seen small holes on the beach and been perplexed by the mystery of what made them? They are from nocturnal bugs, called isopods, which burrow along our beaches to hide from the heat of the day and predators. They play an important role in beach ecology – breaking down decaying matter, like washed up kelp and seagrass. And, local seabirds, like sanderlings, rely on isopods for a crunchy snack while they walk along the shore.

You might be surprised to hear it, but Southern California’s isopod populations are in peril. Some beach experts fear that they are at risk of extinction, as indicated by a recent study conducted by ecologists, Jenny Dugan and David Hubbard. They examined historical changes in distribution and abundance of two intertidal isopod at SoCal beaches since 1905. The researchers found declining trends region-wide with local extinctions at about 60% of beach sites where they were reported over 100 years ago. Populations were stable at only a handful of beaches – not surprisingly, the more natural areas where beaches aren’t groomed or hardened with seawalls, like Point Dume in Malibu.

Although most people don’t have the same affection for isopods as they do dolphins and sea otters, these little critters are important indicators of change. Living in the upper zone of the beach, they are particularly vulnerable to human-induced environmental threats, like beach grooming and coastal development.

Beach, bluff, and dune protection won’t just help imperiled isopods on our beaches; these natural habitats are also important in buffering coastal communities against the threats associated with climate change.

According to a new study by scientists with the Natural Capital Project on July 14, 2013 natural coastal habitats such as dunes and reefs are vital to safeguarding millions of US residents who live in coastal communities, as well as billions of dollars in property from coastal storms and sea level rise. They found that these natural habitats provide both economic and environmental benefits to coastal communities poised to cope with climate change. Defaulting to seawalls and engineered structures is costly and may have unintended environmental and economic consequences in the long-term.

This research helps stress the importance of local climate change adaptation planning by local governments and the need to build resiliency by investing restoration and conservation of natural habitats, like beaches, dunes, and wetlands to protect coastal communities. Heal the Bay is working with partners in the Los Angeles area to help plan for climate change impacts and advance the adoption of adaptation strategies that protect public safety and the environment.

Check out this interactive map to see sea level rise and storm surge exposure projections for the U.S. over the next century — you can even zoom in to see the risks to your community or favorite spot.

Discover how Heal the Bay is working to address climate change.

California beach funding is a go, as the state’s full $1.8 million was approved and included in California’s budget.

Since 2008 when nearly $1 million was eliminated from the state’s beach monitoring funds, California’s Beach Program has struggled year after year to maintain a sufficient level of beach monitoring.  

State funding was in limbo for several years until Senate Bill 482 (Kehoe) was signed into law in 2011. SB 482 allowed up to $1.8 million in permit fees to be directed towards California’s Beach Program. (Of note, the estimated $1.8 million is based on the minimum funding needed to sustain a model monitoring program in California). Unfortunately, only $1 million of the $1.8 million allowed in the bill was approved in the 2012 state budget, a serious shortfall affecting the entire beach monitoring program.  

Beach water quality monitoring and strong pollution prevention measures are critical for protecting beach goers from waterborne diseases. Reduced monitoring could compromise not only public health protection but also the ability to track chronically polluted beaches.

Through Heal the Bay’s advocacy, along with the leadership of Assembly Member Richard Bloom and Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, the full $1.8 million was included in the California state budget to fund California’s Beach Program during the next fiscal year (July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014). Though there are many uncertainties when it comes to the future of beach funding, this is huge victory for water quality and public health!

— Amanda Griesbach
Beach Water Quality Scientist

Is your favorite beach safe for swimming? Find out by checking our free Beach Report Card.

Here at Heal the Bay, we’re still floating, buoyed by the knowledge that the city of Los Angeles has taken another step toward sustainability by banning single-use plastic bags.

But we have to admit that the victory was made even sweeter, thanks to the surprise ice cream delivery sponsored by Heal the Bay alumna Leslie Tamminen and her husband Terry. Thank you, Tamminens! 

This week we’d also like to extend special thanks to Southern California Edison for their longtime support of our educational programs. SoCal Edison funded the Heal the Bay Santa Monica Pier Aquarium’s field trip program. The energy company has also supported our Education and the Environment Initiative over the last few years.

And props go to Santa Monica Seafood for their renewed support of our marine education Key to the Sea program

Only this morning we hosted a cleanup with Warner Bros. to help spread the word about their sci-fi movie Pacific Rim.

Among the SWAG prizes, “Go Big or Go Extinct” tee shirts made from recycled water cooler bottles.

Thanks to everyone who came to clean the beach with us!

 Partner your company with Heal the Bay. Contact Nina Borin or call 310.451.1500 x124.

Josh Friedman, former aquarist intern at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium, recently published the following article and accompanying photograph in Alert Diver Magazine. He is about to begin his third year of college.

When I tell people my biggest passion is underwater photography, they often respond with astonishment. I’m 19 years old and a sophomore in college, and it surprises people to learn that I have logged around 400 dives and fervently pursue photography of the marine world. School and other extracurricular interests take up the majority of my time, but during my breaks I am in the water, diving. The more I study environmental science and oceanography in school, the keener I am to get back into the water.

I started photographing marine life when I was certified as an open-water diver at age 12, and it has come to be what I love doing most. I have since become a rescue diver and now use a closed-circuit rebreather. To me, the most rewarding aspects of underwater photography are the life-changing experiences that occur in the ocean and the fascination and awe elicited by the photographs themselves. The sea is such an unfamiliar environment to many people, and by sharing photos I hope to encourage a sense of familiarity with and respect for the oceans — making marine conservation a more personal issue for people.

As the health of our oceans deteriorates, underwater photography has become a way for me to take action and encourage awareness among friends, family and the general public. Shark conservation in particular has become a very personal issue for me. I find sharks to be the most fascinating marine animals, and most of the dive trips I’ve taken 
have focused on diving with sharks. It saddens me to see widespread employment of fishing methods that lead to the large-scale and inhumane slaughter of sharks for their fins. As a result, I have committed myself to advocate for the conservation of shark populations worldwide and to expose unsustainable and destructive methods of fishing.

Diving has provided me with close, personal encounters with tiger sharks, bull sharks, oceanic whitetips and other species. Through these experiences I have come to understand much about the behavior and true nature of these animals. These interactions have driven my advocacy for these graceful creatures, and underwater photography has enabled me to use images of sharks to support their conservation by conveying that nature to my audience. Diving with sharks has made
 me living proof that they are not the ruthless, human-killing machines they have been portrayed to be.

In addition to driving my conservation efforts, the magnificence of the underwater world and its innumerable biological interactions and symbioses has made diving 
a significant and meaningful part of my life. Sensing the power, agility and playfulness of the wildlife that inhabit the oceanic environment is truly a singular experience. My hope is that more young people get involved in diving and come to really know the wondrous underwater environment, as this will undoubtedly help create a brighter future for our marine ecosystems.

Learn how to intern at Heal the Bay’s Santa Monica Pier Aquarium.

Learn more about shark conservation in California.  

In the same week that the federal government declined to protect the great white shark, California’s ban on shark fin sales and possession went into effect.

According to an article in the Los Angeles Times, an estimated 73 million sharks are killed each year for their fins, which can sell for more than $2,000 a pound in California. The International Union for Conservation of Nature estimates that the populations of some shark species, such as hammerheads, have been reduced by as much as 90% in recent years.

In 2011, Heal the Bay, our partners and supporters urged the passage of legislation to protect the oceans and our environment by making the sale of shark fins illegal. We made a difference, and last year Governor Jerry Brown signed AB 376, which banned the sale, trade and distribution of shark fins in California. At the same time, he signed a companion bill that allowed existing stocks of on-hand shark fins to be sold until July 1, 2013.

Now that July 1 is here, restaurants are mandated to remove the item from their menus and store shelves. Violators could face penalties of up to six months in prison and fines up to $1,000.

Victory, however, was bittersweet. At least for the white shark population, as Friday, great white sharks in California were rejected for listing under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle: “The National Marine Fisheries Service declined to list the big sharks despite recent estimates showing only 350 adults and sub-adults in the two places along the West Coast where they congregate — Guadalupe Island, in Mexico, and in the area known as the Red Triangle between Monterey Bay, the Farallon Islands and Bodega Head.”

In California, the Department of Fish and Wildlife is collecting data and assessing whether a statewide threatened or endangered species listing is merited for this species.

Read more about our efforts to ban shark fin sales.

Learn about listing the white shark as endangered in California. 

If the realization that lawns are inefficient isn’t enough for you to move forward on replacing yours, now there’s even more incentive: cash!

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power is currently offering an incentive from $1.50-$2 per square foot for residential customers who install “California friendly” plants and other water-conservation features. Commercial customers may receive $1 per square foot.

Grass is water-thirsty and high-maintenance, which is why LADWP is encouraging residents and businesses to remove their lawns. Forty percent of water use in L.A. occurs outdoors.

And, as we prepare for the dry season, James McDaniel, senior assistant general manager of LADWP’s water system, points out:  “We need to find ways to save precious potable water for indoor uses.”

There are some innovative and appealing ways to enhance a landscape with non-vegetative groundcover or paving materials like decomposed granite, pea gravel, rocks, pebbles, mulch and wood chips. A list of landscaping options is available at

All customers must pre-apply for a rebate and receive LADWP approval before starting the turf replacement. LADWP will also inspect the lawn before and after the project. To get started, visit

Read more about low impact development.