
Heal the Bay Blog

June 12, 2012 — Most teenagers don’t even know what a Marine Protected Area (MPA) even is. Then there’s Zola Berger-Schmitz, who at age 13 earned a prestigious Heal the Bay Super Healer award for her tireless work to help establish MPAs off the California coast.

Now 15, Zola was recently honored for her environmental achievements by Action For Nature, receiving the group’s Young Eco-Hero Award for “speaking out for her generation.”

“Zola was very involved advocating for MPAs here in Southern California,” says Sarah Sikich, Heal the Bay’s Coastal Resources Director. “She even drove up to Monterey to testify at a Fish and Game Commission hearing on her spring break and showed a video about kids supporting MPAs that she produced.”

More recently, Sarah notes, Zola helped gather student support for the L.A. City single-use plastic bag ban. “She’s been a great volunteer, and is extremely driven for such a young age.”

Action For Nature’s 2012 International Young Eco-Hero Award recognizes young people 8 to 16 years old for their accomplishments to “preserve and protect the Earth upon which all life depends.” See the full list of honorees.

You can also support Heal the Bay’s work to protect marine life: Join an MPA Watch training.

Donate now to sustain this crucial conservation program.

Donate to Heal the Bay

It’s almost Independence Day. So it’s time to declare freedom from the tyranny of ocean pollution this 4th of July holiday with Heal the Bay. Join our summer-long Take L.A. by Storm movement to keep our local waters clean with these ocean-friendly activities:

  • Kick off Independence Day with a star-spangled tribute to “Weird Science” by marching with Heal the Bay in the Santa Monica 4th of July parade. Conjure up a costume and meet us at 8 a.m. in front of the Civic Center. RSVP with “PARADE” in the subject line.
  • Enjoy the breezy folk-rock tunes of Donavon Frankenreiter later that evening at the Santa Monica Pier’s free Twilight Concert series. The California native will headline the show, which will also include a performance by the Song and Dance Society, featuring Jeff Young and Dannielle DeAndrea. (Note: The beach cleanup with Donavon Frankenreiter has been canceled due to a scheduling conflict.)
  • Meet the 100 species of animals that live in our Santa Monica Pier Aquarium (SMPA), which is located on the beach level below the carousel. The SMPA will be open until 6 p.m. through September 3.

This summer, keep an eye out for all our Take L.A. by Storm events. Donate and take action now.

The Los Angeles Times reports that “California energy officials are beginning to plan for the possibility of a long-range future without the San Onofre nuclear power plant.”

The story continues:

“The plant’s unexpected, nearly five-month outage has had officials scrambling to replace its power this summer and has become a wild card in already complicated discussions about the state’s energy future.

That long-range planning process already involves dealing with the possible repercussions of climate change, a mandate to boost the state’s use of renewable sources to 33% of the energy supply by 2020 and another mandate to phase out a process known as once-through cooling, which uses ocean water to cool coastal power plants, that will probably take some other plants out of service.”

Heal the Bay has long worked to end once-through cooling, a process in which fresh ocean water is sucked into the power plant, cycled through to cool the systems, and flushed out, destroying thousands of animals a day.

Help our efforts to protect marine animals from threats such as once-through cooling, desalination and habitat degradation.

June 20, 2012 – Local anglers reeled in the love at the third annual “Fisherman Appreciation Day” organized by the Fish Contamination Education Collaborative and its partners at Venice Beach Pier on June 16.

More than 250 anglers, families and friends enjoyed an educational day where fishermen and visitors learned about fish contamination, local ecological issues and organizations focused on fisheries and the environment. The festivities also included prizes, food and face painting for children.

Heal the Bay co-sponsored the event with Cabrillo Marine Aquarium, Montrose Settlements Restoration Program, California Department of Fish and Game, Seafood for the Future, L.A. Conservation Corps/SEA Lab, United Anglers of Southern California, Marina Del Rey Anglers, and Los Angeles Rod and Reel Club.

Since its inception, our EPA-award winning Pier Angler Outreach program has educated nearly 100,000 anglers about the health risks of eating certain fish (e.g. white croaker). Members of the bilingual Angler Outreach team span eight different piers ­‑‑ Santa Monica, Venice, Hermosa, Redondo, Pier J, Rainbow Harbor, Belmont and Seal Beach‑‑ to spread their message.

Find out more en espanol.

Download a guide to eating fish caught in the bay.

–Frankie Orrala, Angler Outreach Coordinator

Learn how to save money and the planet by using earthworms to convert “waste” into a valuable soil amendment on Friday, June 29, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at Santa Monica College.

The day will also provide a chance to see SMC’s automated Vermitech flow-through bin, where over 300,000 red wigglers process cafeteria scraps and cardboard.

Vermicomposting not only reduces costs, but the process can also help reduce greenhouse gas emissions that are produced in landfills.

Led by North Carolina State University and SMC staff, this “Mid-Scale Vermicomposting” seminar and tour will provide the tools you need to start or expand a vermicomposting program at your institution or business. The information is especially beneficial for restaurant/coffee shop owners, landscapers and city park and recreation facilities.

Seminar topics will include: vermicomposting, types of vermin-technologies, and details about how vermicomposting is saving money at schools, universities, prisons, military bases, and businesses. Information on how vermicompost and extracts (tea) can be used, and their effects on plant growth and disease suppression will also be shared.

The tour will encompass SMC’s 12-year-old vermicomposting operation via its 16-foot long, temperature-controlled continuous-flow vermi-system.

For details and to register, visit here.

Any questions, please contact either Tom Corpus at 310-420-2470 or Madeline Brodie at 310-420-3886.

Muralist David Legaspi passed away earlier this month, leaving behind a legacy enjoyed by thousands of people each year, the mural outside the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium (SMPA).

David completed the mural appropriately enough in celebration of Earth Day in 2007, which members of the SMPA staff still recall as one of their favorite events in the Aquarium’s history. Under David’s guidance, painting the mural was a community effort, with countless people—from German tourists to a dad and his young daughter, even some high school students—each grabbing a paintbrush to help populate the underwater world he’d created. It was a true community celebration and collaboration — the kind he generated wherever he worked.

Not only did the mural brighten up a dark corner of the pier, it quickly became its own photo opportunity. It seems like a day doesn’t pass when we don’t look out our windows to see someone outside the Aquarium posing for photos in front of it. It’s hard to imagine how many vacation photos, press shots, engagement pictures and recordings of class fieldtrips the mural has provided a backdrop for since its completion.


David Legaspi SMPA Mural Before and AfterBefore and After: David Legaspi SMPA Mural

We first met David when he came to the Aquarium during public hours to research certain rock fish in our tanks for one of his many murals at our local schools. At that time, he and Randi Parent, SMPA’s Outreach Manager, discussed the possibility of David painting an underwater scene outside the Aquarium. With the permission of the Pier Corporation, he launched the full-scale project outside our office windows.

Aquarium visitors are not the only people fortunate to appreciate David’s legacy, as he will live on in the innumerous murals he created around the city and the amount of people whom he has touched along the way. We feel very privileged to have been a part of it all.

Randi Parent recalls: “My last conversation with David was just a few months ago. He was hoping to come back here to complete our underwater scene by painting on the underside of the ramp. He told me how he’d recently been in Australia and a friend showed him her vacation photos taken at the SM Pier. There she was, standing in front of his mural, and she didn’t realize it was his work! He was so pleased with what a small world it is.”

–Randi Parent (SMPA Outreach Manager) and Tara Crow (SMPA Programs Manager)

A Celebration of Life for David is being held June 27, 2012 at 1 p.m. at Barnum Hall on Santa Monica High School campus. For more information, visit the event’s Facebook page.

In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to: David Legaspi III Memorial Fund, PO Box 2863, Malibu, CA 90265.

Messages can be sent to the family at

View a map of David’s public murals, most of them in Los Angeles area schools.

Recently the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board issued the City of Avalon a Cease and Desist Order for violating waste discharge requirements, in addition to requiring the city to implement a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for bacteria at Avalon Beach. This means that in order for the city to meet all state water quality standards for bacteria, Avalon is required to clean up its beach waters. This action was long overdue, as Avalon Beach has an extensive history (more than two decades) of chronically polluted beach water.

As part of Heal the Bay’s efforts to protect public health, improving Avalon’s beach water quality has been a longstanding goal. Heal the Bay’s Beach Report Card (BRC) has identified Avalon Beach as one of California’s “top 10 polluted beaches” for the past eight out of 10 years, making it one of the most polluted in the state. This statistic is quite alarming, as the main industry on the island is tourism. Avalon Beach is a popular recreational destination for many people including, boaters, fishermen, divers and beachgoers (many of whom are children). The primary source of Avalon Beach’s extensive pollution problem? The city’s severely corroded sewer infrastructure.

Last year, Avalon’s Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) agreed to spend an estimated $5.7 million towards sewer improvement repairs and upgrades. Many of these upgrades have since been completed and the Avalon is definitely moving in the right direction by implementing these much needed upgrades. However, a more comprehensive approach is needed to maximize the city’s overall improvement efforts.

Prior measures taken by the discharger to address sewer improvement projects posed as a mere Band-Aid on a much larger problem. Despite our past frustrations with the health risk to millions of visitors from potential exposure to infections such as diarrhea, nausea and skin rash, Heal the Bay is relieved that Avalon will finally be held accountable for decades of polluted beach water.

Upcoming challenges to ensure that Avalon meets all water quality standards are far from over however. We will continue our efforts not only to bring awareness to this ongoing pollution problem, but also to apply the necessary pressure to improve public health protection at Avalon Beach for future tourists and beachgoers.

Today’s blogger is Amanda Griesbach, a beach water quality scientist at Heal the Bay.

“The myth that surfing is a white boy sport is absurd.” So say the filmmakers behind White Wash, a documentary focused on shattering the surfer-dude stereotype.

Using rare archival footage, interviews with historians and professional surfers such as Buttons Kaluhiokalani, director Ted Woods traces the history of black surfing from its origins in West Africa and chronicles the struggle against Jim Crow laws for freedom and equality at the beach, including in Southern California.

In the 1920s-50s, Santa Monica’s beaches were segregated, with only one beach — the “Ink Well” — designated for African Americans. Located at Bay Street and Ocean Front Walk, this beach served as the home base for pioneering African American surfer Nick Gabaldon and as a haven for black Angelenos who loved swimming and surfing.

The film will screen July 7 at the California African American Museum (CAAM) as part of an afternoon to raise awareness for water sports, water safety and environmental protection, with input from the L.A. County Lifeguard Service, Black Surfing Association, Black Surfers Collective, LA Black Underwater Explorers, and Heal the Bay. 

Heal the Bay is co-sponsoring the event with CAAM, the Pan African Film Festival and the NAACP. 

Program activities begin at 1 p.m. followed by the 2 p.m. White Wash screening. Post-screening discussion will follow with the film’s participants: Director Ted Woods, and Rick Blocker (Black Surfing Network), historian Alison R. Jefferson and educator Andrea Kabawasa (Black Surfing Association).

The RSVP list for this event is now closed. If you missed the CAAM event, check out the White Wash screening and panel discussion on September 16 at the Santa Monica Public Library.

Even though the L.A. River has received significant media attention since the EPA designated it a “traditional navigable water” in July 2010, a lot of work still needs to be done to educate the public about the river and its many access points.

There are 1 million people living within a one-mile footprint of the Los Angeles River, and there are 9-10 million people living in the L.A. River watershed, according to Friends of the LA River staffer Karin Flores, writing in a KCET Departures blog post.

Flores continues: “Three thousand volunteers is a great start, but we need more. …here’s what you can do to help the revitalization plans: explore the river, and share it with those who have never experienced it. Show friends and family the many pocket parks, historic bridges, murals, and decorative gates. Pedal the bike paths, birdwatch in the estuary, and ride a horse on the equestrian river trails.”

Explore the river yourself. Join Heal the Bay and the Pacific American Volunteer Association on June 23 for a river cleanup to kick off Take L.A. by Storm this summer.

Municipal stormwater permits regulate all urban runoff discharge from separate storm sewer systems, so-called MS4s. Because stormwater is the No. 1 source of coastal pollution in California, these permits are a big deal for ensuring public health for those who recreate in our local waters. This summer, ocean lovers have a major fight on their hands in Los Angeles County.

Take Action

The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board is now considering a new municipal stormwater permit for the county, after years of delay. Board hearings over the summer will determine the fate of our local water quality for the next decade or more. We are at a fork in the road in terms of local water quality, with many cities and dischargers fighting hard to relax hard-won regulations that prevent them from dumping pollution into our waterways.

Our Regional Board can do the right thing and place strong protections (including pollution limits or TMDLs and low impact development requirements) in the permit. Or, they can make decisions that could result in dirtier water, and a higher risk of getting sick anytime you swim or surf. Heal the Bay will do everything we can to ensure that they make the right choice. We hope you will join us in the fight!

In order to spread the word on this important issue, we are kicking off an outreach campaign we call “Take L.A. by Storm.” We are going to have some great events this summer leading up to the hearing in October where the permit will be approved. We need the public there to take a stand to protect our bay and neighborhoods.

If you care about protecting the ocean and public health, we need you to make your voice heard. We need beachgoers of all stripes to sign our petition on telling the Board you want to be able safely swim at our beaches or fish in our rivers. Please help protect what you love.