
Heal the Bay Blog

Local shorelines already impacted by climate change are now bracing for El Niño. The picture may not be pretty, says Heal the Bay’s Dana Murray, but there are things we can do to prepare.

What will El Niño’s footprint be on our beaches this winter? No one can say for sure, but the expected heavy precipitation and storm surges in California this winter will certainly take their toll on our local shorelines. Couple that with already rising sea levels due to climate change and the outcome could be seriously destructive and dangerous for coastal life.

Based upon historic El Niño events like 1982-83 and 1997-98, much of Southern California’s beach sand may disappear, coastal bluffs will suffer serious erosion, and some homes and businesses will flood. The suite of impacts associated with both El Niño and climate change is also a serious stressor to ocean life.

It’s important to note that El Niño is not climate change. Rather, it’s a natural cycle on Earth that occurs every 7-10 years. What remains to be seen is if our coastal ecosystems can recover and survive climate change-intensified El Niño events.

This makes strong coastal and ocean policies even more important, and Heal the Bay staff are busy advocating for such management measures. By creating marine protected areas and reducing the ocean stressors that we can control, such as pollution, inappropriate coastal development and overfishing, we are helping to buffer coastal and ocean environments from harm associated with strong El Niño events.

The eastern tropical Pacific typically averages about 10°F cooler than the western Pacific, making it more susceptible to heat-induced temperature increases, as well as creating conditions ripe for global warming to usher in Godzilla El Niños.

Scientists predict that super or “Godzilla” El Niño events will double in frequency due to climate change. This is not to say that we will have more El Niños, but rather, the chances of having extreme El Niños doubles from one every 20 years in the previous century to one every 10 years in the 21st century.

Although ocean temperatures are the common measure to evaluate El Niño intensity, sea level heights also provide an important glimpse into the strength of an El Niño. In some areas of the Pacific, particularly along the eastern side, sea levels actually rise during an El Niño. Currents displace the water along the equator, and warmer waters expand, which results in higher sea levels in the eastern Pacific and lower levels in the western Pacific. It’s important to remember that a rise of just a few inches in sea-level height can contribute to El Niño impacts.

Marine Life Impacts

During an El Niño, marine life has to contend with stress due to extreme fluctuations in sea level, as well as warming ocean temperatures and ocean acidification due to climate change. In the tropical western Pacific, climate change will more than double the likelihood of extreme changes in sea levels that could harm coral reefs. Extreme sea level drops in the western Pacific will also last longer, putting coral under even more stress. During the 1997-98 El Niño, sea levels dropped up to a foot in the western Pacific, leaving coral reefs high and dry. 2015’s El Niño has already caused the sea level to drop seven inches in the western tropical Pacific Ocean.

Back in California, El Niño also quashes the usual upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich seawater along our coastline. The cold California current supports our oceanic food chain: from plankton and fish species, to kelp forests and marine mammals. Fish have responded to warming ocean temperatures this year by migrating north or out to sea in search of cooler waters. Consequently, sea lions have had to venture further from their young to look for those fish as their primary food source. This has had a cascading effect on California sea lion populations, leading to an unusual mortality event for sea lions this year. Following the warm ocean water, an influx of southern, more tropical marine life have moved up along California this year, such as whale sharks, pelagic red crabs, and hammerhead sharks.

Riding the warm ocean currents across the Pacific and Indian Oceans, the only sea snake that ventures completely out to sea has been spotted in Southern California waters and beaches as far north as Oxnard for the first time in 30 years. The Yellow-bellied Sea Snake has some of the most poisonous venom in the world, and is a descendant from Asian cobras and Australian tiger snakes. This sea snake is a harbinger of El Niño–it typically lives in warm tropical waters. The last time the yellow-bellied snake was spotted in California was in the early 1980’s during an El Niño. Scientists are calling for the public’s help to confirm occurrences of these sea snakes in California and your sighting could be published in scientific journals. A recent sighting took place in the Silver Strand beach area in Oxnard. As the yellow-bellied sea snake is highly venomous, the public should not handle it. Instead, take photos, note the exact location, and report any sightings in California to iNaturalist and Herp Mapper.

Shoreline Impacts

Storm Surge Beach HouseEl Niño-caused sea level rise, coupled with sea levels rising from ice sheet melt associated with climate change, is projected to lead to more coastal flooding, shrinking beaches, and shoreline erosion. This year’s El Niño has western U.S. cities planning for coastal flooding. Higher sea levels, high tides and storm surges that force waves well past their usual reach pose very real threats. And when these forces coincide, such as during an El Niño, significant inundation can lay siege to coastal communities, freshwater supplies, wastewater treatment plants, power plants, and other infrastructure — not to mention public health and the environment.

Locally we have several communities that are particularly susceptible to coastal flooding and erosion (photo on right shows home on Malibu beach). Venice Beach, San Pedro, and Wilmington are some of the most vulnerable local communities to flooding, according to a USC Sea Grant study examining sea level rise impacts for coastal communities in the City of Los Angeles.

Sea level rise in Los Angeles may reach 5.6 feet by 2100, which may be further exacerbated by El Niño storm events, high tides, and storm surge – especially when big wave events occur at or near seasonal peak high tides, or King Tides.

Some sandy beaches in Malibu are already eroding away with each wave that crashes on armored sea walls. Beach parking lots and playgrounds in Huntington Beach become inundated after a winter storm, as storm surges push seawater deeper into the built environment.

At Heal the Bay, we’re committed to advocating for environmentally sound climate change adaptation methods through participating in local stakeholder groups such as Adapt-LA, analyzing and commenting on proposed plans and policies, and educating the public about the coastal threats associated with climate change. We want to help everyday people understand how they can support sound solutions that protect our critical natural resources.

It’s imperative that coastal communities invest in environmentally sound adaptation solutions to be resilient in the face of climate change, especially during an El Niño year. The environmental, economic, and social impacts of sea level rise in California emphasize the importance of addressing and planning.

Preparing for El Niño and climate change requires time, money, and planning, but by investing in the long-term health of our coastal communities, we can foster resilience to coastal climate change. Protecting and restoring marine and natural coastal areas like wetlands, kelp forests, and sand dunes will leave both us and the environment better prepared and protected as we brace for the impact “Godzilla” El Niño and climate change traipsing down our beaches this winter.

In a time of severe drought, one El Niño isn’t going to solve all our problems. But here’s how cities can prepare to take maximum benefit of what rains do come.


Wasteful: After a storm, as much as 10 billion gallons of water is wasted flowing into the sea from urban runoff. That’s enough to fill 100 Rose Bowls! Even when it doesn’t rain, 10 million gallons of urban runoff flows through L.A County stormdrains each day, picking up pollutants and eventually reaching the ocean without the benefit of any treatment. It’s why many of our beaches, rivers and creeks remain chronically polluted. This pollution along our shorelines is terrible, but the waste of water in a time of extreme drought is equally maddening.

Smart: Capturing that runoff, cleaning it, and using it to augment regional water supplies.

The potential:  Up to 630,000 acre feet per year could potentially be generated by better stormwater capture and reuse in the state, according to estimates by the NRDC. This volume is roughly equal to the amount of water used by the entire city of Los Angeles annually.  Using this water for non-potable uses and groundwater recharge can greatly increase local water supplies.

How to get there: It will take significant resolve and funding, but watershed management plans that prioritize green infrastructure and multi-benefit stormwater capture projects must be embraced. Portland and Philadelphia are doing it, and so can we.

What Heal the Bay is doing: Our policy team is working to ensure stormwater management planning and implementation includes multi-benefit solutions that improve greenspace, beautify communities, and capture water onsite for reuse or recharging groundwater.  Our staff scientists are working with state and local governments to find creative ways to fund stormwater programs. We hope to get funding in place before 2020.


Wasteful:   Contaminated plumes continue to expand in aquifers in the San Fernando and San Gabriel valleys, infringing on and reducing groundwater that is available to greater Los Angeles. Much of our groundwater contamination is due to historic improper handling and disposal of industrial chemicals.

Smart: Removing pollutants from groundwater basins in order to enhance available storage space for stormwater and reclaimed water recharge.

The potential: The city of Los Angeles has the rights to pump up to 87,000 acre-feet of water annually. That’s enough water to meet the demands of the greater L.A. Basin for two months out of the year.

How to get there:  We need to find the funding to clean up our groundwater basins. Investment is necessary to allow for our local aquifers to be used to their fullest extent in the future once we do a better job of capturing runoff and recycling treated runoff

What Heal the Bay is doing: Our advocacy staff supports funding through state bond money and the Metropolitan Water District to help clean up the San Fernando Valley and San Gabriel Valley aquifers. LADWP hopes to have two San Fernando Valley aquifer remediation facilities in operation by 2022.

Improved water supply and improved water quality are inextricably linked. Heal the Bay will continue to advocate for smart projects that help us achieve both goals. The drought will require sacrifice and investment. Let’s just make sure we are investing wisely.

Illustration by Jenny Adams

You can learn a lot hanging out with motivated students, says Heal the Bay staffer Jenn Swart. Find out how you can get your school to join Club Heal the Bay.

With predictions of a wet El Niño winter and a deluge of sewage-related waste being released into Santa Monica Bay from a local sewage treatment plant, it’s clear that school environmental clubs have their work cut out for them.

But where to start?

 Last Sunday, 25 students representing nine different middle and high school environmental clubs crept into the closed-to-the-public Santa Monica Pier Aquarium to try and answer that question.

At the Heal the Bay-led after-hours workshop, it became clear that it’s easier to highlight a problem than to actually choose and plan an action to help. Clubs brainstormed their goals for the school year and then grouped them into themes common across all clubs.

Some examples were “Smarter Members and Smarter Schools,” in which education on current environmental issues is key; “Alternatives at School,” which tackles changing the way schools do things; “Cleanups”, which can be completed from coast to campus; and “Awareness Through Social Media,” where dedicated accounts can keep members and followers up-to-date with club happenings.

Choosing S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound) tasks or projects is crucial to seeing goals blossom, attendees learned. The group was lucky to hear from three youth leaders who’ve all completed dynamic projects in the past. From cleanups and fundraising, to youth boards and media interviews, Ben Moody, Fallon Rabin and Paige Hornbaker had great tips to share with the group.

The summit wrapped up with time for each club to reflect on what proposed projects would suit their vision for the year and then plot those goals onto a calendar of the school year. As a registered Club Heal the Bay partner, school groups also learned that participating in three events or netting three reward “drops” would earn them an invitation to our Beachy Celebration, which we will host at the end of the school year.

Whether it’s educating their own peers, spreading environmental awareness through social media alerts, or fundraising within their communities or local businesses, clubs from all grade levels and with varying membership bases strategized how to make a big splash this school year.

I’m looking forward to seeing many of our summit attendees and getting to meet their club members at October’s Nothin’ But Sand Beach Cleanup, this Saturday from 10 a.m.-noon. 

The Governor’s office has been busy over the last few weeks reviewing nearly 1,000 bills that reached his desk after making it through the California legislature this year. While he focused on pressing public policies issues, like healthcare and criminal justice, he also weighed in on several environmental issues, including climate change, oil spills, and water.

Here’s a quick round-up of the bills that became law in the areas of water and coastal environmental protection, many of which Heal the Bay weighed in upon throughout the session. For the full list of bills that were both signed and vetoed, visit the Governor’s website.

Plastic Pollution  AB 888 (Assemblymember Bloom)  bans the sale of personal care products that contain plastic microbeads in California, starting in 2020. Microbeads are currently used in shampoos, soaps, toothpaste, and exfoliating beauty products. Microbeads have become a major source of pollution in waterways, and have become ubiquitous in both the Los Angeles River and Pacific Ocean. This is a huge product stewardship bill that will hopefully set the stage for the elimination of microbeads in other states and products that reach beyond the U.S.

MPA Enforcement  AB 298 (Assemblymember Gonzalez) gives enforcement personnel the authority to cite people that are illegally fishing in marine protected areas (MPAs) with an infraction or a misdemeanor, ensuring that lawbreakers are held accountable without placing a burden on the courts. All Marine Protected Area (MPA) violations were previously misdemeanor crimes and often prosecuted without priority. Heal the Bay worked with partners to successfully pass this legislation that will strengthen enforcement of our state’s MPAs. This law will help enforcement agencies to combat poaching and illegal fishing in the MPAs off California’s coastline by issuing violators with a ticket – akin to a traffic violation – to enforce restrictions.

Oil Pipeline Rig CaliforniaOil Spill Response  SB 414 (Senator Jackson) helps make oil spill response faster, more effective, and more environmentally friendly by creating a program for fishing vessels to voluntarily join in oil spill response and place a temporary moratorium on the use of dispersants within state waters. Catalyzed by the devastating Plains All American oil spill in Santa Barbara earlier this year, the Governor remarked that together SB 414, SB 295, and AB 864, will improve planning for and prevention of oil spills in California.

Oil Pipeline Safety  AB 864 (Assemblymember Williams) requires oil pipeline operators located near environmentally and ecologically sensitive areas near the coast to use the best available technology to protect state waters and wildlife. This includes automatic shut-off valves, leak detection technology, and requires pipeline operators to document the best available technology used in their oil spill contingency plan.

Oil Pipeline Testing  SB 295 (Senator Jackson) requires the State Fire Marshal to annually inspect all intrastate oil pipelines, and hydrostatic testing of pipelines over five years of age to be tested every two-to-three years. It also requires high-risk pipelines to be tested annually.

L.A. River Restoration  AB 530 (Assemblymember Rendon) establishes a local working group tasked with updating the Los Angeles River Master Plan to develop a revitalization plan for the Lower L.A. River, which is a priority for the new Speaker. Substantial work has already been done to restore the Upper L.A. River within the boundaries of the City of Los Angeles, and this bill establishes a framework for restoration efforts also to be dedicated for the Lower Los Angeles River. 

Water Auditing  SB 555 (Senator Wolk)  Requires water retail suppliers to audit their systems for water loss and report these losses annually to the State Water Resources Control Board. This bill is aimed at reducing the billions of gallons of water that are lost each year from leaks in aging pipes and municipal water systems. It also requires the State Water Resources Control Board to set standards on acceptable leak rates by July 1, 2020. Previous leak rates were required to be reported every five years.

Drought Landscaping  AB 1164 (Assemblyman Gatto) prohibits cities and counties from passing or enforcing rules to ban the installation of drought-tolerant landscaping or artificial turf on residential property.

Low-income Water Rates  AB 401 (Assemblymember Dodd) directs the State Water Resources Control Board and Board of Equalization to develop a plan for establishing and funding a low-income water rate assistance program. In his signing message, Governor Brown also foreshadowed a potential battle at the ballot box next year. “While the plan called for in this bill will provide a path for modest, additional steps, we already know that Proposition 218 serves as the biggest impediment to public water systems being able to establish low-income rate assistance programs.  Proposition 218 similarly serves as an obstacle to thoughtful, sustainable water conservation pricing and necessary flood and stormwater systems improvements. My administration will work with the Legislature and stakeholders next year to address these problems, while maintaining rate payer protections.”

California Wind Renewable EnergyMandated Renewable Energy  SB 350 (Senator De Leon) aims to create a green energy transformation in the state. Building on AB 32, this law requires California to produce half its electricity from renewable sources like solar and wind by 2030, while doubling energy efficiency in homes, offices, and factories.

Green Transportation  SB 767 (Senator De Leon)   allows the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) to seek voter approval for a tax increase for transportation projects. Voters would be allowed the opportunity to weigh in on a resulting measure on the ballot geared towards reducing traffic and improving transportation throughout Los Angeles. Heal the Bay has been tracking development of the transportation measure to advocate that it also have water quality benefits.

Climate Change Adaptation  AB 1482 (Assemblymember Gordon) expands the Strategic Growth Council’s mandate to oversee state and federal agency coordination on climate change adaptation, promoting integration of climate adaptation into planning and investment decisions around natural resources protection and infrastructure.

Climate Change Policy  SB 246 (Senator Wieckowski) creates Climate Action Team to coordinate the state’s climate change adaptation policies, including facilitating development of regional and local adaptation plans. It also requires the Office of Planning and Research to establish a clearinghouse for climate adaptation information.


Keep water from collecting on your property. Make sure to regularly clean out leaf clutter and other debris that may have been collecting on your roof, gutters and downspouts. Clogs can create serious blockages that will be a lot harder to deal with once rains actually come. Also, make sure any downspouts on your property are directed away from your home’s foundation. You may need to buy easy-to-install extensions to guarantee clearance. You may also want to examine the soil around your home’s foundation, making sure that there is enough slope to carry water away instead of puddling.

Install a rain-capture device. As a first step, install a rain barrel and have the downspout empty into it. For every inch of rain that falls on one square foot of your roof, you’ll collect a little more than a half of a gallon in your rain barrel (.6 gallons to be exact). For example, say you have a 10×10 shed and one inch of rain falls on it. You’ll collect .6 gallons x 100 square feet, or 60 gallons of rainwater! If you are feeling more ambitious, you can install a larger-volume rain tank or cistern on your property. For more information, visit, or

Create landscapes that are able to capture and store as much rainwater and runoff as possible.  Whether it’s rain from a few small storms or a devastating El Niño, you can help retain more water and recharge local aquifers. Small-scale residential projects help reduce a site’s impervious surface, improve ability to infiltrate stormwater, conserve stormwater runoff and reduce negative impacts downstream.

Specific small-scale residential solutions include:

  1. Driveway Cross
  2. Dry/Gravel Swales
  3. Dry Wells 
  4. Permeable Pavements
  5. Planter Boxes
  6. Rain Barrels & Small Cisterns
  7. Rain Gardens
  8. Vegetated Swales


Check your property. Clear drains, rain gutters and downspouts of debris.

Get flood insurance. If you already have it, check your policy to make sure you have enough coverage-most policies don’t cover flooding. Residents can identify their flood risk by entering their addresses at the government’s floodsmart website you can also get an estimate for annual premium costs and access a plethora of resources for flood preparedness and recovery.

Put together a disaster supply kit and to practice a family communication plan. A basic disaster supply kit, should include a clear gallon tub filled with:

  • a battery powered hand crank radio to listen to evacuation routes
  • a flashlight
  • batteries
  • a first aid kit
  • a whistle
  • water
  • canned food and can opener
  • a cell phone with external chargers or solar powered chargers
  • prescription medications
  • extra eyeglasses — even an old prescription is better than nothing
  • formula and diapers for babies
  • pet food and water for animals

Check out our Ultimate El Niño FAQ here.

Kicking off El Niño Week, Heal the Bay staff scientists and program directors have assembled simple answers to the complex questions about what El Niño may bring to your home, our beaches and greater L.A.

What does El Niño mean anyway?

El Niño is a global climate event that occurs at unpredictable, two-to-seven-year intervals. The hallmark of El Niño is more than a year of above-average surface temperatures in much of the Pacific Ocean. This has impacts on weather over most of the world, but can mean more rain for the southwestern U.S. 

The direct translation from the Spanish word means “the little boy.” According to one version of the name’s derivation, Peruvian fisherman noticed a pattern of unusually warmer waters around Christmas time and called it “El Niño” in reference to baby Jesus. Scientists in Peru adopted the name and evolved the meaning when they recognized more intense and irregular changes in climate within seven-year intervals seen throughout the entire Pacific Ocean, not just along the coast of Peru.

el ninoWhat causes an El Niño?

An El Niño is caused by the prolonged warming water temperatures in the Pacific Ocean. It occurs alongside Southern Oscillation, which is the change of atmospheric pressure over the eastern and western Pacific Ocean. Because they happen at the same time, El Niño and Southern Oscillation are often referred to as ENSO. Today, scientists use ENSO and El Niño interchangeably, so El Niño does refer to the entire phenomenon.

With a decrease in atmospheric pressure over the eastern Pacific, we also see an associated decrease in the westward blowing Trade Winds along the equator. This allows the warmer waters to travel north, and during heavy El Niños the subtropical jet stream can move north. The subtropical jet stream usually runs over Mexican and Nicaraguan rainforests. If it were to move over the southwestern U.S. this year, we could see heavier rains and a stronger El Niño.

When is it coming?

We will be feeling the effects of El Niño in the late fall/early winter of 2015. We already have experienced some early signs, with unusual stretches of humidity this summer and our thunder storms in July from Hurricane Dolores (warmer oceanic waters help to fuel hurricanes). The effects are expected to diminish in spring 2016.

Will it definitely bring heavy storms?

Experts predict a 95% chance of moderate El Niño conditions to continue into the winter, which may bring rain to California during a few large rain events.  El Niños don’t guarantee rain and can be unpredictable, which is why you probably heard discussion on the matter on-and-off for years without seeing a lot of rain. Some El Niño years have remained dry while others have produced epic rains.

The last major El Niño we saw in Southern California was in 1997-98, and the above average ocean temperatures this summer have mirrored the ones we saw in 1997. As of now, we are seeing predictions of El Monstruo-type storm events this winter.

record el nino graphHow much rain are we talking about?

The ocean temperatures suggest that we will see an El Niño that matches, and may even surpass, the strength of the 1997 El Niño, the strongest on record (represented by graph on right). In February 1998, downtown L.A. saw 13.68 inches of rain, which is almost equivalent to a full year’s worth of rainfall seen in only one month. If it does indeed mirror 1997, we could see double the rainfall in Southern California. However, this is all dependent on the wind patterns, which we have yet to see. These uncertainties make El Niño so unpredictable and why we keep speaking in terms of hypotheticals.

What’s a “Godzilla” El Niño?

A Godzilla El Niño refers to an exceptionally strong El Niño that can actually move the subtropical jet stream over California. We have only seen these Godzilla storms in the El Niños of 1982-83 and 1997-98.

What areas in L.A. will likely be hit hardest? 

El Niño events can bring much rain to Southern California, which can result in mudslides, erosion and flooding. Homes located in areas known to be at risk of mudslides will likely be hit hardest–for example, houses built on the side of steep mountains or hills. Also, any areas in L.A. that have storm drains that are clogged by trash and debris could experience flooding in their neighborhoods. If you find a gutter that’s blocked, call the City’s Storm Drain Hotline at (800) 974-9794 so that L.A. Sanitation can remove the debris before the rain hits. (And look out for our blog post later this week on how you can better prepare your home for expected rains.)

If it rains, will it mean the drought is over?

No. California has 43 million acre-feet of water storage in reservoirs, and 75% of that storage is located north of Fresno. The majority of the rains are expected to hit Southern California, and currently our regional infrastructure is not set up to store rainwater or dry weather runoff. The system is designed to move rain water to the ocean as fast as possible. Only 12% of Southern California drinking water comes from locally captured rainwater seeping into our groundwater. It might temporarily relieve drought effects, but it is not the silver bullet answer.

A good analogy is relating the drought to using your credit card: an El Niño winter is like paying off the minimum balance on your credit card. You have temporary relief, but you still have a lot of water debt to pay off from the water you took out before. Our depleted reservoirs require much more water to reach healthy and secure levels.”

Is this a sign of the future? Are storms going to continue to be more intense?

Climate change impacts are already happening now in L.A., and can be intensified in an El Niño year. Impacts from climate change along our coasts include increased storm intensity, ocean temperature increases, changing currents, sea level rise, species range shifts, coastal erosion, and ocean acidification. To make matters worse, a combination of impacts may collide during an El Niño year — such as high tides, sea level rise, storm surges, and inland flooding. The projected inundation could severely impact our freshwater supplies, wastewater treatment plants, power plants, and other infrastructure, not to mention public health and the environment. (See our blog post later this week about how climate change could impact local shorelines in Venice and Malibu.)

I thought rain was a good thing. Why is Heal the Bay worried about it?

Yes, we desperately need rain in our drought-parched state. But rain creates urban runoff — the No. 1 source of pollution at our beaches and ocean.

What is “stormwater capture” and why is Heal the Bay so excited about it?

The L.A. region now imports more than 80% of our water from Northern California and the Colorado River watershed, using enormous amounts of energy and capital to do so. In an era of permanent drought, we simply must do a better job of using the water we already have by investing in innovative infrastructure projects that capture and reuse stormwater instead of sending it to senselessly pollute our seas. Runoff — if held, filtered and cleansed naturally in groundwater basins — can provide a safe source of water for human use.

First Flush TrashHow does rain create pollution?

Rimmed by foothills and mountains, Los Angeles County is like a giant concrete bowl tilted toward the sea. When it rains, water rushes along paved streets, picking up trash, fertilizer, metals, pet waste and automotive fluids before heading to the ocean via the region’s extensive stormdrain system.

How do stormdrains trash the beach?

With memories of historical deluges on their mind, engineers designed L.A. County’s 2,800-mile stormdrain system in the ‘30s and ‘40s to prioritize flood prevention.  Moving stormwater out to sea quickly was their number one goal. But it also has the unintended function of moving trash and bacteria-laden runoff directly into the Santa Monica and San Pedro Bays, completely unchecked and untreated. An average one-inch storm will create about 10 billion gallons of runoff in L.A. County stormdrains. That’s 120 Rose Bowls’ worth of dirty water.

What does all this runoff to do the ocean and the animals that call it home?

Hundreds of thousands of animals each year die from ingesting trash or getting entangled in manmade debris. Seawater laden with chemicals and metals makes it harder for local marine life to thrive and reproduce.

What about the human health impacts?

Beachgoers who come in contact with polluted water after storms face a much higher risk of contracting illnesses such as stomach flu, ear infections, upper respiratory infections and skin rashes. A UCLA epidemiology study found that people are twice as likely to get sick from swimming in front of a flowing stormdrain than from swimming in open water.

How can ocean lovers stay safe during the El Niño months?

  • Wait at least 72 hours before entering the water after a storm 
  • Stay away from storm drains, piers and enclosed beaches with poor circulation 
  • Go to Heal the Bay’s to get the latest water quality grades and updates 

How can I support Heal the Bay’s efforts to make L.A. smarter about stormwater?

  • Come to a volunteer cleanup to learn more about stormwater pollution and what can be done to prevent it. Invite family and friends to help spread the word.
  • Share information on your social networks and support our green infrastructure campaigns.
  • Become a member. Your donation will underwrite volunteer cleanups, citizen data-collection efforts and advocacy efforts by our science and policy team to develop more sustainable water policies throughout Southern California.

 Heal the Bay staff members Nancy Shrodes, Matthew King and Dana Murray contributed to this report.

El Niño Week

Bill Patzert may be a JPL super-scientist and El Niño geek, but he really is a fun guy, says Heal the Bay vp Sarah Sikich. Come hear him speak next week at our Aquarium.

I’m very excited to announce that Dr. Bill Patzert, a leading climatologist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, will be joining us for El Niño week at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium on Oct. 13 for a feature presentation, “Whiplash: From Super Drought to El Niño.”  Dr. Patzert’s forecasting prowess has earned him the nickname “Prophet of California Climate.” His work involves improving our understanding of Earth’s climate and important environmental problems ranging from El Niño, La Niña and longer-term climate forecasts. I’ve enjoyed talking with and learning from Dr. Patzert at meetings and science forums over the past several years. With a quick wit and fresh sciencey style, he makes forecasting and environmental science fun. He also loves to surf! He joined me for a little appetizer Q&A to get you ready for the special event:

What piqued your interested in science, and compelled you to pursue it as a career?

My dad was a sea captain and taught me celestial navigation, shooting the stars and the sun with a sextant. At night he would point out the North Star and the many constellations and tell me about the mythology of each. This was heady stuff and fascinating for a budding geek. Many men and women have inspired me. My parents were supportive and stimulating. They loved ideas, education and the natural world. Many of my mentors and professors were superb. And, reading Rachel Carson’s “The Sea Around Us” opened new worlds to me. I also had the good fortune to spend a week with the late Arthur C. Clark at his home in Sri Lanka. Wow, what a great guy! He encouraged me to be fearless and let my imagination soar.

You received your Ph.D. in Hawaii?! You must have taken some study breaks to enjoy the beach. Do you have a favorite beach or snorkel spot on the islands?

Honestly, I chose Hawaii for graduate school so I could surf (which I did and still do), check out the ladies at Waikiki and blast my eardrums with the great music of the 60’s – The Beach Boys, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, etc. I surfed and dove every Hawaiian Island and much of the South Pacific. It was sweet!

El Niño vs. The Blob: who wins?

El Niño trumps The Blob. Come to my talk to find out why.

With the recent discovery of water on Mars, have you considered taking your oceanography skills to space?

There is no space more important than Earth space. I’ve got my hands full here at home. I follow and admire the research of my Martian buddies here at JPL, but fending off man-made climate change keeps me Earth bound.

What are your hobbies when you need a break from climatology?

I’m a reader, a mystery junkie. Mysteries are addictive! Good historical novels are a treat, too. I collect art of all types… my tastes are eclectic. I have Mexican folk art, Japanese prints, Persian rugs and, my prize collection – Hawaiian surf shirts. For exercise, I do some biking, romantic walks on the beach, some swimming and surfing, and have good intentions of being fitter. And, I raise cacti and succulents.  I love HBO.

You can read more about Patzert’s take on the coming El Niño, which he describes as “too big to fail,” in this week’s interview with the Los Angeles Times.

Top restaurants in town are offering El Niño-inspired cocktails to raise awareness and to benefit Heal the Bay. Oyster shell-infused mezcal, anyone?

Here at Heal the Bay we take the possibility of an intense El Niño winter very seriously. Downpours and deluges can impact our homes, cities and waterways negatively. So we’ve targeted Oct. 11-17 as El Niño Week to help us all understand what causes this meteorological phenomenon, offer tips to prepare and explore the ways that expected heavy rains can be turned to our advantage.

But if this all sounds too serious, take heart – supporting Heal the Bay’s preparation efforts includes fun cocktails too!

Terrazza Lounge Santa Monica SkyFive local establishments are supporting Heal the Bay’s efforts to protect our communities, waterways, and the marine environment by creating El Niño-inspired libations. Heal the Bay will receive a portion of the proceeds from each clever concoction sold throughout El Niño Week. You can contribute to our work by sampling tasty beverages (responsibly!) at the following restaurants:

  • The Lobster: This long-time Santa Monica institution offers a perfect perch to observe approaching weather — and their own El Niño cocktail.
  • Cassia: One of Santa Monica’s newest, hottest restaurants. Sample a Hop Sea Negroni (pictured on bottom left); you’ll have to drop by to see the recipe — but it does involve some oyster shell-infused mezcal. It’s the perfect drink to enjoy with items from the raw bar or a bowl of seafood laksa!  
  • Hotel Casa del Mar’s Terrazza Lounge: The staff was so inspired by our El Niño Week that they’ve come up with two cocktails. They’re too gorgeous for words, but the names say it all: “Santa Monica Water,” and “Santa Monica Sky” (pictured on right).
  • Locanda del Lago: These mixologists are sure to put a Northern Italian twist on their version of the El Niño.
  • Rusty’s Surf Ranch: Contemplate a stormy winter with a stormy drink on the Pier – all the while contributing to Heal the Bay’s efforts.

 And a reminder if you’re looking for more substantial food for thought — we’re kicking off El Niño Week at our Santa Monica Pier Aquarium at 2:30 pm Sunday, Oct. 11 with “Capture, Conserve and Reuse,” a discussion about water and land use. Check out all the latest methods of water recovery with demonstrations on the Aquarium’s patio from 2:30 to 4:30.

Cassia Hop Sea Negroni DrinkThen on Tuesday Oct. 13, come back to the Aquarium to learn all the latest on El Niño from Bill Patzert, often called the “Prophet of California climate.” Patzert has been a scientist at the California Institute of Technology’s NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, since 1983. He’ll be speaking from 3:30 to 4:30 pm.

Our website and social media outlets will be overflowing with blogs, contests and giveaways.  And since this is a Heal the Bay production, we’ll cap off the week’s activities with our Nothin’ But Sand beach cleanup Saturday, Oct. 17 on Venice Beach.

So get prepared, support Heal the Bay’s efforts for clean and healthy water from the mountains to the sea – and enjoy the drinks – responsibly, of course.

Thanks to staffer Randi Parent for writing this preview and arranging many of the drink promotions.

El Niño is coming, right?

No one can say for sure, but early indications are that a major set of storms could soon be hitting greater Los Angeles this fall and winter. That likely means lots of rain, which is great for augmenting our severely depleted local water supplies. But the expected deluge also poses a lot of challenges – for our local beaches (pollution), municipalities (stormwater control) and residences (flooding and erosion).


So to help Southern California get ready, Heal the Bay has assembled seven days of special programming from Oct. 11-17. We call it...


Here’s a calendar of offerings…

  • “Whiplash: From Super Drought to El Niño,” a public lecture by leading JPL climatologist Bill Patzert. Tuesday, Oct. 13, 3:30-4:30 p.m. at our Santa Monica Pier Aquarium
  • Capture, Conserve, Reuse: A Conversation with Water LA,” a presentation by Melanie Winter, longtime water and land-use activist and founder/director of the River Project. Sunday, Oct. 11, 2:30-3:30 p.m. at our Santa Monica Pier Aquarium. Green manufacturer RainReserve will be on hand as well, with demonstrations/information about installing rain tanks in your home.
  • “Nothing But Sand” beach cleanup at Venice Beach on Saturday, Oct. 17, 10 a.m. to noon. More than 500 volunteers expected at cleanup, which will provide info on El Niño readiness. We will also be recruiting members for our elite Storm Response Team, which is mobilized through social media to respond quickly to heavily trash-impacted beaches following major rains.
  • The El Niño Cocktail program. Heavy rains are serious stuff, but we are working with boutique Santa Monica restaurants to promote awareness in a light way. CassiaHotel Casa Del MarThe Lobster and Locanda del Lago are among the establishments that will be concocting special ocean-and-El Niño-themed cocktails throughout the week. Rusty’s Surf Ranch, a longtime neighbor and supporter of our Santa Monica Pier Aquarium, will also be offering promotions. A portion of sales will be donated to support the protection of local beaches and watersheds this winter.
  • Tips, quizzes, contests and giveaways on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram profiles.

El Niño Week promises to have more bite than Shark Week. So sign up now for our events and make sure you check our website and social media channels for regular updates throughout the week. It all starts this Sunday! .

We couldn’t do our work without the committed volunteers that are the backbone of Heal the Bay. This is especially true in the month of September, when we coordinate Coastal Cleanup Day for LA County.

On September 19th, 9,475 volunteers removed 21,310 pounds of trash from over 60 miles of territory (including three underwater sites). A huge thank you to everyone who cleaned our beaches, parks and waterways on a sweltering Saturday, and to the LA County Board of Supervisors and the Coastal Cleanup Day site captains.

We are so grateful to our sponsors:

Mattel, REI, City of Santa Monica, LA Department of PublicWorks, the California Coastal Commission, Anheuser-Busch InBev, simplehuman, Union Bank, and Kaiser Permanente.

The Wednesday before Coastal Cleanup Day, Heal the Bay gives more than 700 students from underserved schools a day at the beach, where they learn about ocean conservation through a series of games by the shore and visit the marine life at our Santa Monica Pier Aquarium It’s all-hands on deck for this action packed day, and by the time the kids are back on their buses, staff and volunteers have worked up an impressive appetite. Thanks to Grey Block Pizza, we weren’t hungry for long. The donation of a variety of delicious pies was greatly appreciated.

And it was so neighborly – and generous – of Rusty’s Surf Ranch on the Pier to name our Aquarium as their beneficiary during Santa Monica’s Buy Local/Get Local week. Rusty’s donated a portion of the week’s sales to the Aquarium.

Heal the Bay will receive proceeds from General Admission of Venice’s sales at this weekend’s Abbot Kinney Festival as well.

And lastly, thanks to the Environmental Learning Center at Hyperion for hosting our Speaker’s Bureau training this August.  Congrats to the 19 new volunteers who graduated from the training.

