
Heal the Bay Blog

Today’s guest blogger is Nick Fash, an education specialist at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium.

What do you get when you share the underwater world and all of its amazing life to 75,000 visitors and 15,000 students a year? Lots of broken things.

At Heal the Bay’s public marine education facility, the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium, it’s a fact of life that the constant use of our projectors, DVD players, cameras and other items eventually leads to their demise. And while it is our passion and goal to show each and every visitor, child or adult, as much as we can about the amazing life just steps from our door in the Santa Monica Bay — there is only so much space our intimate facility offers to accomodate and house our local marine life. So, using photography, video and other interactive displays helps us share so much more of what is right in our back yard.

Having served as a valuable community resource for the past nine years, we are now turning to the community to ask our neighbors and fans to help us in replacing some of the critical equipment that keep our public education programs running. To see what items members in our community might be able to donate to us, we are starting a Heal the Bay Wishlist program.

That old iPad which you just upgraded? We would love it. The projector you no longer need at the office? Yes please!

To see if there is an item you no longer need that would help us run our programs better, take a look at our list below:

  • Web Cams (live feeds of exhibits and special tanks)
  • Windows or Apple Computers or Laptops (systems for use by interns and volunteers)
  • iPads (tablets for surveying, data collection, display of material and even sign usage)
  • Projectors
  • DVD players
  • Paint Supplies/Painting Services (new paint needed for Santa Monica Pier Aquarium’s exterior and interior)
  • New/Used Vehicles (a truck with 4-wheel drive for dive and facility equipment transport)
  • ROV (for underwater research)

To donate to the Heal the Bay Wishlist program, call Nick at 310.393.6149 x108 or send Nick an e-mail.

See where your donation goes, visit our Aquarium.

Today’s guest blogger is Sarah Sikich, Heal the Bay’s coastal resources director

California lost a coastal hero this week, but it is a life to be celebrated. After a long battle with lung cancer, Peter Douglas passed away. I found out about this loss Tuesday morning, on my way to a meeting to celebrate our new South Coast marine protected areas and to strategize on ways to make implementation of these critically needed underwater parks as successful as possible.

Driving from Los Angeles to Crystal Cove, there were signs of Peter all along the way: projects he improved through leading his staff to prioritize coastal protection; access points he helped open; and a San Onofre State Beach that would look quite different if the proposed toll road leading to it wasn’t defeated under Peter’s leadership a few years ago.

Peter’s dedication and focus on coastal protection was extraordinary. He began his early career by co-authoring a state ballot initiative, Prop. 20, that created the Coastal Commission in 1972. A few years later he helped write the Coastal Act to formally create the Coastal Commission and establish goals and means to protect coastal resources and critically evaluate development along California’s coast.

Under his decades of leadership as the executive director of the Coastal Commission, he facilitated access to hundreds of miles of coastline by opening up dozens of coastal accessways along our coast, he curtailed industrialization of Southern California’s shores by defeating projects like the Cabrillo liquefied natural gas terminal off Malibu’s coast, and affected many other proposed projects. He will long live on as an environmental leader and coastal champion.

After a day of MPA meetings, Tuesday concluded with an event at MacGillivray Freeman Films, the producers of many inspirational IMAX films about the ocean’s wonders. The evening event opened with a moment of remembrance for Peter, and everyone among the group reflected on his inspiration. Dr. Jane Lubchenco, the Administrator of NOAA and another incredible ocean hero, gave a moving speech that night. She encouraged the group of California ocean advocates, researchers, and educators to continue our engagement on new and challenging issues, and tirelessly work to find innovative solutions to the problems facing our coasts and oceans. Her words are exemplary of the type of leadership Peter provided over the past several decades. In a night dedicated to Peter, I think it rang especially loud to all of us.

Today’s blogger is Tara Crow, our Aquarium’s public programs manager.

I took a quick pause from my other work duties this morning to find something fun and exciting to post on the Aquarium’s Facebook Wall.  Checking around, it seemed like a quiet news day on the marine science front and I was struggling with my task. Staff member and education specialist Amanda Jones walked into the office to stretch her legs when she noticed something funny walking by outside.  

“Is that a crab?” she asked.  Sure enough, a rogue, striped shore crab had somehow found its way, a quarter mile from the pier pilings where it should be living, to the front of our Aquarium. Coincidentally, Amanda had arrived at just the right moment to see the crab walking by our office.  

One Lost Little Crab in front of the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium

One lost little crab rescued from in front of the Aquarium

The crab was stalking along in the open area next to a busy footpath and the pier deck stairs that has been getting quite a bit of traffic during the spring break rush.  A few of us decided to go out to check on the little crab.  Striped shore crabs can spend days out of water if they’re not exposed to direct sun and this crab appeared to be in good shape, other than being totally covered in dirt and dust.  I grabbed the crab (who turned out to be a female), brought her inside and placed her in a beaker of salt water to clean her off.  She seems to be doing just fine now.  Our best guess as to how she made it to the front of the Aquarium is that either she was dropped by a bird, or someone had pulled her from a pier piling.  

As a happy ending to the story, the once-lost crab is now safe and sound in the Aquarium and will be making herself at home in our touch tanks where she will be well fed and kept safely away from predators.  Be sure to stop by and meet our newest crustacean local and help us come up with a name for this little rescuee.

Plan your next visit now.

Today the Los Angeles City Council’s Energy and Environment Committee took a bold step towards a double-ban on single-use plastic and paper bags.  The Committee’s unanimous recommendation, led by Councilmember Paul Kortez, would require a phased, three-step approach: for the first six months a ban would be enacted for plastic bags only, then for the following six months a 10 cent charge would be placed on paper bags and finally, after 12 months, there would be an outright ban on both single-use plastic and paper bags.

Testimony from the city’s Board of Public Works helped to debunk claims from bag manufacturers that the ban would create job losses. If enacted, L.A.’s ban would be one of the most-far reaching measures in the nation.

This decision should embolden other cities, counties and states nationwide to take action. The Committee’s move highlights that the time has come to eliminate plastic pollution at its source in order to protect our environment and economy. The progress made today is very gratifying for Heal the Bay, as we have been leading the charge in Southern California to rid our neighborhoods, rivers, beaches and ocean of plastic trash for over two decades.

The full City Council is expected to vote on this measure in the next two weeks. After the policy direction passes the full Council, the city will need to conduct an environmental review.

The Rancho Palos Verdes City Council voted April 3 to curtail a one-year pilot dog beach program. Since the pilot program was approved in February, many dog owners have descended on the newly established off-leash area near the Trump National Golf Club.

In letters and testimony submitted to the council, several local area residents and businesses complained to the city about the impacts of increased traffic and having dogs running on nearby trails. Heal the Bay sent a letter to the council urging its members to reconsider the pilot program because of concerns about potential water quality issues related to dog droppings left behind by less thoughtful owners.

Many staffers at Heal the Bay are dog owners or dog lovers, so we understand the desire for people to spend time with their pets outdoors. However, Heal the Bay and the NRDC have counseled local elected officials not to place off-leash dog parks near the shoreline or in areas where canines will impact local bird populations. We continue to work with local cities to develop solutions that will allow dog owners to enjoy the outdoors with their animals but not negatively impact public health.

Heal the Bay has been leading the fight to end the fiscal and environmental waste created by single-use shopping bags for five years. So we were heartened today to see the Los Angeles Times’ editorial board urging the Los Angeles City Council to adopt its long-gestating ban. An excerpt is printed below:

L.A.’s delay in banning single-use, carry-out plastic bags has put it behind dozens of other municipalities in the state. With a recycling rate of only 5%, the bags are an environmental menace that we can easily do without.

When the city of Los Angeles held off three years ago on banning single-use, carry-out plastic bags, it missed a chance to be at the forefront of environmentally responsible lawmaking in California. By the time it inexplicably delayed a vote again in December, close to 20 cities as well as Los Angeles County had prohibited stores from providing the bags. And since then, the bags have been banned in more than two dozen additional municipalities in the state.

More important, in the last three years tens of millions of plastic carry-out bags — possibly hundreds of millions — have been distributed in Los Angeles. Statewide, only about 5% of them are generally recycled. They snag on trees and bushes in the wilderness and are washed down waterways to the ocean. They are the second most common trash item found on beaches, and contribute to the giant floating garbage patch in the Pacific.

The City Council’s Energy and Environment Committee should waste no more time. It should approve a ban for the full council to consider.

Read more.

Today’s blogger is Kirsten James, Heal the Bay’s water quality director.

All too often when I mention the topic of TMDLs (Total Maximum Daily Loads), people’s eyes start to glaze over. What’s a TMDL you ask? It’s a calculation of the maximum amount of pollution that a waterbody (river, lake or the ocean) can handle before it can no longer meet its beneficial uses (i.e. habitat and recreation). Yawn, yawn – I know.

I swear though, TMDLs are actually very interesting. By developing and implementing TMDLs, water quality improves. In fact, TMDLs are arguably the most useful tool in the Clean Water Act toolbox environmental groups like ours have to actually clean up Southern California’s coastal waters and watersheds.

The Los Angeles Region has led the way nationwide in developing TMDLs. Thirteen years ago Heal the Bay, NRDC and Santa Monica Baykeeper entered into a settlement agreement with USEPA to develop a specified number of TMDLs over the 13 year period. Before that time, we hadn’t seen any quantitative or enforceable limits developed. This month marks the end of this consent decree. As a result of this effort, 47 TMDLs have been established for 175 water bodies that address numerous pollutant impairments including elevated bacteria, metals, pesticides, PCBs and trash. But most importantly, as a result of these TMDLs, our creeks and beaches are cleaner.

We still have a long way to go – many of the TMDLs will be implemented for years to come and Heal the Bay will continue to push the Regional Water Quality Control Board to ensure that the necessary TMDLs are enforced. But it is gratifying to look back over the past 13 years and see that our hard work and the efforts of many other stakeholders has paid off.

Learn more about TMDLs.

The Hermosa Beach City Council has voted in favor of banning single-use polystyrene (better known as Styrofoam) food containers. 

Originally proposed by the city’s Green Task Force back in 2010, the ban is set to go into effect in 180 days if the vote stands. In such a case, violators would be faced with a written warning. Any following violations would elicit fines ranging from $100 to $500.

With polystyrene cited as the trash most often found on Hermosa Beach next to cigarette butts, Mayor Howard Fishman is eager to see it banned.

Read more.

Today’s blogger is Susie Santilena, an environmental engineer in water quality at Heal the Bay.

When I stepped into the Dockweiler youth center meeting room, it was one of those sunny winter Southern California days that make the rest of the country jealous this time of the year. The room had a great view of the beach and sparkling blue ocean outside — the perfect setting for the meeting I was attending, which was all about the direction of Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission (the organization charged with restoring the very Bay at which I was gawking). The Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission (SMBRC) is a state organization with the mission to restore and enhance the Santa Monica Bay through actions and partnerships that improve water quality, conserve and rehabilitate natural resources, and to protect the Bay’s benefits and values. Heal the Bay sits on a number of its subcommittees, including the Watershed Advisory Council (WAC).

Each year, the SMBRC holds a meeting of their Watershed Advisory Committee to brainstorm on next steps for implementing their Bay Restoration Plan. This plan is important because it is the de facto road map to guide the SMBRC in restoring the Bay. A wide variety of stakeholders sit on the WAC, and come to this annual meeting with hopes of getting their priority issues incorporated into the Plan.

Not all of the SMBRC’s stakeholders see eye-to-eye on all of the issues discussed. Heal the Bay’s goal in participating in this council is to encourage the SMBRC to focus its efforts on projects that will gather data and lead to the strongest protection of water quality and coastal resources in the Santa Monica Bay as possible. For instance, we speak in support of the SMBRC’s efforts to restore wetland habitats and efforts to facilitate bay-wide habitat monitoring.

After a lively public comment session and an update on the progress the SMBRC was making on its current restoration plan, we broke into groups to brainstorm on the SMBRC’s plan for the next year. We counted off from one to three, each number putting individuals into a random group with the others who counted off the same number. I ended up in a group with an official from Malibu, an officer of the County lifeguards, an ocean monitoring specialist from a large, public-owned sanitation organization, a member of a local community group and a monitoring researcher at a municipal water district that discharges to Malibu Creek (which has previously been pegged as the largest single contributor to nutrient impairments in the Creek). It was quite an eclectic group, and I was anxious to see how the brainstorming session would go.

While the stakeholders in our group had MAJOR differences of opinion when it came some things, such as the contribution (read scapegoating) of natural sources to pollution, everyone was respectful of each other’s perspective, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that there were some issues on which we were able to find common ground. The need for increased water conservation and reuse was a big one, as well as the need for reliable funding sources for monitoring efforts in the Malibu Creek Watershed. Despite our different perspectives, we all agreed that these should be priorities for the SMBRC in the coming year.

Maybe the beautiful weather and ocean scene outside left me overly optimistic, but I’m hopeful that the ideas we developed at the WAC’s brainstorming session will help take us one step closer to restoring the Bay.

At a hearing today, Judge James Chalfant upheld L.A. County’s plastic bag ordinance.

The Court found that the County’s proposed 10-cent paper bag charge was not a tax under the California Constitution because retailers keep all of the money collected pursuant to the ordinance, and even if the charge were a tax, it would be considered exempt to Prop 26.

While an appeal is expected, this decision is encouraging for California cities moving forward with their own plastic bag ordinances.

Read more.