
Heal the Bay Blog

Category: South Bay

No other animal on Earth has captured the imagination and stirred the range of emotions like the Great White Shark, aka The Landlord. Yes, the Landlord, the lord of the land, or in this case, the lord of the sea. The nickname we SoCal natives have bestowed on this beautiful and misunderstood fish has everything to do with shaking off that jittery feeling we sometimes get out in the water. I will admit there have been times I’ve even heard cellos strumming that all too famous tune. Because honestly, who hasn’t thought about it? The Landlord owns the place, and we just rent the space.

Every summer, predictably, the images of white sharks gobbling up an elephant seal or breaching out of water with a little sea lion in its mouth is the topic of conversation on every TV in the U.S. This time every year, images and programs about sharks and shark attacks seem to consume the airwaves. The news media frenzy about any little story related to shark attacks. And, of course, you can always rely on weeklong programming dedicated to sharks.

I have always questioned this kind of programming and have wondered if this is exploitive or if the people viewing are actually getting educated about the important issues that are facing the global shark population. Are these programs dispelling fear and myth or galvanizing people to appreciate and respect sharks?

The past few years have been very special in the Santa Monica Bay because of the regular appearances of white sharks, sometime small ones and sometimes … big ones!  Last week a large white shark was seen off shore near Venice and earlier this week a young white shark was spotted just off of King Harbor. What a treat! What an amazing event to have the Landlord pay us a visit. I get excited about these sightings because these animals are very rare.

In fact the population of white sharks number in the low hundreds off of the California coast. Decades of over fishing and shark finning have depleted white sharks and other shark species in California and around the world. Groups like Oceana and the Center for Biological Diversity are calling on the government to list the white shark on the federal Endangered Species Act.

At the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium we get to educate thousands of school children and visitors about current marine science issues and the relevant work we do as Heal the Bay. Sharks and the conservation of sharks is a critical part of the education we provide to all of our visitors.

Last year, Heal the Bay helped champion an important law making it illegal to possess or sell shark fins in California. This law is a part of a global movement aimed at saving shark populations everywhere.  It is so satisfying to see a new generation of adults and children learning about the white shark with respect and admiration rather than through fear from misconceptions. It will take continued education and activism to save the white shark from extinction.  Please do your part in helping the Landlord get the respect it deserves.

Jose Bacallao, Operations Manager, Heal the Bay’s Santa Monica Pier Aquarium

Want to get active and protect what you love? Join Heal the Bay.

We didn’t have a Wal-Mart near me growing up in the Midwest. My first real exposure to Wal-Mart came from watching the documentary Store Wars: When Wal-Mart Comes To Town. In case you haven’t seen the film, it pits the big, nasty retailer versus the small town, little guy. Since then I’ve felt guilty when I do shop there. However after last week, I have a somewhat enlightened perspective.

Last week I was invited to participate in a sustainability meeting with Wal-Mart executives and leading California environmentalists. Wal-Mart wanted to better understand the nexus between our initiatives and their company initiatives. Specifically, I wanted to push the retailer on moving away from single-use bags and supporting AB 298, the single-use plastic bag ban bill (Ed. Note: AB 298 did not pass the state senate).

I was pretty surprised by all that the retailer is doing that coincides with many environmental issues. For instance, Wal-Mart is aiming to be zero waste in its stores – 80% of the waste that previously went to landfills is now diverted. Company officials also have a goal for their stores using 100% renewable energy; in fact one of their distribution sites just got its own wind turbine. They work directly with local farmers and source produce, which they characterize as a “no brainer.” As the largest retailer in the world, Wal-Mart has the advantage of scale. If the stores want an organic cotton t-shirt at the same price point as a regular cotton t-shirt, a supplier will typically step up to the plate.

Will a huge company really put the environment first? Probably not. Could they and should they do more? Of course! However, Wal-Mart has found that pollution and conflict (i.e. lawsuits) are expensive. Also they realize that a local tomato tastes a whole lot better (and is less costly to ship) than a tomato from the other side of the world. In other words, the smart choices for the environment don’t necessarily conflict with smart choices for a business. Hopefully many other businesses will come to this same conclusion.

As for AB 298, the execs were non-committal. I’m hoping they will come around and realize that reusables are also smart for business. In the meantime, they did ask us to give them some suggestions for promoting reusables in their stores. So, that’s a start!

Kirsten James

Water Quality Director, Heal the Bay

You can learn more about the cost of single use plastic bags in California. Learn more.

Your donation can help Heal the Bay continue impactful advocacy programs. Please donate now.

We are proud to announce that KTLA5 won a 2012 Emmy for its one-hour special about Heal the Bay’s Coastal Cleanup Day program. The Emmy was the third that KTLA has won for its CCD-focused programming.

We are grateful to KTLA for showcasing our work so effectively. This Emmy win is testament to KTLA’s long support of our mission to keep Southern California’s coast and waters healthy, safe and clean.

In case you missed the show, KTLA will rebroadcast it on Saturday, September 8 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, September 9 at 4 p.m., just in time for Coastal Cleanup Day on Saturday, September 15.

You can join this year’s Coastal Cleanup Day, the biggest volunteer day on the planet: Find a cleanup site near you and sign up now.

Following a path already traveled by the likes of Van Jones in the East Bay Area and Majora Carter in the South Bronx, Rhonda Webb of Compton has started a journey of revitalizing her community that is rooted in green infrastructure and a green economy.

Even the street artist Shepard Fairey is hip to the idea that gardens and green space are important elements in rebuilding communities with his “Urban Roots” piece (see below). The communities involved in each of these efforts general have common threads: dis-investment by private and public sector, large swaths of vacated land, a large population of underemployed and unemployed, and a number of public health issues associated with the built environment.

For the past three years, Rhonda has been working in South Los Angeles, particularly in Compton, to bring attention to the connections of community and environmental health. She has actively worked with school-aged kids to tie environmental education and real world experience. Beyond the environmental benefits derived from her efforts, she is equally concerned with the economics of going and being “green.” For her, “the multi-billion dollar green economy has not altered or improved the quality of life. The green economy has gone mainstream and quietly left communities of color in the grey polluted economy of yesterday. The black and Latino communities are festering in a gray dirty economy.”

While critical of the green economy and its past efforts, she is a believer that green has the capacity to “lift communities out of poverty” through job creation and employment opportunities. But the best part of this effort, it will lead to the more livable communities, healthier food sources, and a softer landscape. “That’s beautiful. That’s power. A power that needs to be developed, harnessed, and used by Latino and black communities in reimagining Compton and South Los Angeles.”

To this end, Rhonda and her community group LEAPS Action Center, will be hosting “Make a Green Noise,” an event that involves community garden planning and planting. It takes place this Saturday (08/18) from 10 .am. to 1 p.m. in the City of Compton at 2125 W. Compton Blvd. This effort is part of a global movement to utilize green tools to promote opportunities for equitable, sustainable and innovative renewal.

Come get your hands dirty and be part of this movement. Heal the Bay staff will be there if you’d like to join us. For more information about LEAPS Action Center call (310) 637-2843 or visit:

Read more about how Heal the Bay has made the Compton Creek Watershed a major programmatic effort for the last 10 years, as part of our Healthy Neighborhoods, Healthy Environment initiative.

James Alamillo

Urban Programs Manager, Heal the Bay

Shepard Fairey Urban Roots


Questions? Call us 1.800.HEALBAY or contact our Programs staff.

Your donation can help Heal the Bay continue impactful community programs such as these. Please make a donation.


They float down the street like tumbleweeds, get stuck in trees and wrap around fence posts, flapping like tattered flags in the wind. You know what we’re talking about: Discarded plastic bags.

We want to tell their story, and we need your help. Because we believe that in a sea of text, it’s often photographs that catch our eye. We ask you to submit to us your own photographs of plastic bags that you find in their unnatural habitats.

You can share your plastic bag images on Twitter, Flickr and Instagram using the tag #BagBanCA, and on Facebook by posting them to our Fan Page. We will be reposting them here and collecting them to present to the State Senate. Your photos are automatically entered to win a free “California, Sack the Bag” T-shirt!

Californians use an estimated 12 billion single-use plastic carryout bags a year, and due to their lightweight nature and the fact that they never truly biodegrade, these bags often end up as litter. This is not just a coastal or beach issue: We encounter them as litter in schoolyards and our parks, and if you’re really unlucky, you’ve discovered them wrapped around your car’s exhaust system.

Over 100 California cities and counties have led the charge in banning plastic bags. And now the California legislature has the opportunity to eliminate plastic bag waste statewide by passing Assembly Bill 298. This bill will create a uniform California policy by phasing out single-use plastic bags in supermarkets, retail pharmacies, and convenience stores statewide and encouraging consumers to bring reusable bags, the most sustainable alternative. We don’t want to just tell state legislators that this legislation is important to Californians; we want to show them why passing this bill is necessary.

It’s time to use photos to tell the story about plastic bag pollution in your neighborhood.

Plastic Bag Images #BagBanCA

On Sunday, July 22, Le Cellier Restaurant and Wine Bar in Marina Del Rey hosted DudaArt‘s “Blue Aquarium,” an artist reception to benefit Heal the Bay. Twenty percent of proceeds from instore sales went to Heal the Bay. Saxophonist Don Bell and singer Summer Rona performed while special French-Vietnamese food and drinks were served.

If you weren’t able to make the event, fear not. Gilcee’ prints are on sale online with 50 percent of proceeds after shipping/handling going to Heal the Bay. Don’t miss this chance to support local art and Heal the Bay.

Petitions are one of the most influential ways to have your voice heard, and this summer, Heal the Bay is running several pressing campaigns to protect clean water and healthy neighborhoods. 

Californians use an estimated 12 billion plastic bags a year, many of which end up as litter. In fact, plastic bags make up an estimated 25 percent of  urban litter in L.A. River storm drains. Let your representative know that you’re fed up with plastic bags trashing our communities and beaches, and tired of wasting taxpayer dollars on plastic bag litter cleanup. Sign the statewide plastic bag ban petition.

Speaking of storm drains, the Regional Board is mulling a new stormwater permit that could result in “urban runoff” such as animal waste, oils and toxic materials being dumped into our local rivers and beaches with little or no treatment. This would result in dirtier water and a higher risk of getting sick anytime you swim or surf in Southern California beaches. Let the Regional Board know you want to be able to safely swim at our beaches or fish in our rivers, today. Sign the Take L.A. by Storm petition.


California, Bury the Bag

Take L.A. By Storm 

A California bill that will prohibit stores from distributing single-use plastic carryout bags, passed through the State Senate’s Environmental Quality Committee with a 5-2 vote on Monday, July 2, just in time for International Plastic Bag Free Day.

The bill, AB 298, still has several steps to go through in the California legislature, which is on recess until August, but the vote is good news. (Ed. Note: AB 298 did not pass the state senate.) Look for Heal the Bay action alerts this summer as we build our efforts to support the bill, which would also require recycled paper carryout bags to be sold at supermarkets, retail pharmacies, and convenience stores throughout the state.

More than 45 municipalities, including the City and County of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Long Beach, Fairfax, San Jose, Watsonville, Solana Beach, and Santa Monica have adopted or are considering a single use bag ban. AB 298 will sew together this patchwork of ordinances, creating a uniform policy that will make it easier for both retailers and consumers.

Beyond their environmental impact, plastic bags remain a huge economic problem in California, with Californians using an estimated 12 billion single-use plastic bags every year. In 2008-2009, the L.A. County Flood Control District alone spent more than $24 million for overall litter prevention, cleanup and enforcement efforts. Single-use plastic carryout bags are disproportionately responsible for these costs as their lightweight nature makes them more likely to end up as litter on our beaches, parks and roads.

For example, while they only comprise 0.4% of the waste destined for landfill, plastic bags make up as much as 25% of the litter stream, studies show. The cleanup costs do not reflect the energy costs associated with producing single-use bags, or the negative socio-economic, public health and environmental costs associated with single-use bag litter.

Always on the vanguard, California is poised to play a critical role in becoming a true leader in eliminating plastic bag waste and preventing the proliferation of plastic pollution in our communities.

Learn more about the California plastic bag ban.

June 12, 2012 — Most teenagers don’t even know what a Marine Protected Area (MPA) even is. Then there’s Zola Berger-Schmitz, who at age 13 earned a prestigious Heal the Bay Super Healer award for her tireless work to help establish MPAs off the California coast.

Now 15, Zola was recently honored for her environmental achievements by Action For Nature, receiving the group’s Young Eco-Hero Award for “speaking out for her generation.”

“Zola was very involved advocating for MPAs here in Southern California,” says Sarah Sikich, Heal the Bay’s Coastal Resources Director. “She even drove up to Monterey to testify at a Fish and Game Commission hearing on her spring break and showed a video about kids supporting MPAs that she produced.”

More recently, Sarah notes, Zola helped gather student support for the L.A. City single-use plastic bag ban. “She’s been a great volunteer, and is extremely driven for such a young age.”

Action For Nature’s 2012 International Young Eco-Hero Award recognizes young people 8 to 16 years old for their accomplishments to “preserve and protect the Earth upon which all life depends.” See the full list of honorees.

You can also support Heal the Bay’s work to protect marine life: Join an MPA Watch training.

Donate now to sustain this crucial conservation program.

Donate to Heal the Bay

The Los Angeles Times reports that “California energy officials are beginning to plan for the possibility of a long-range future without the San Onofre nuclear power plant.”

The story continues:

“The plant’s unexpected, nearly five-month outage has had officials scrambling to replace its power this summer and has become a wild card in already complicated discussions about the state’s energy future.

That long-range planning process already involves dealing with the possible repercussions of climate change, a mandate to boost the state’s use of renewable sources to 33% of the energy supply by 2020 and another mandate to phase out a process known as once-through cooling, which uses ocean water to cool coastal power plants, that will probably take some other plants out of service.”

Heal the Bay has long worked to end once-through cooling, a process in which fresh ocean water is sucked into the power plant, cycled through to cool the systems, and flushed out, destroying thousands of animals a day.

Help our efforts to protect marine animals from threats such as once-through cooling, desalination and habitat degradation.