
Heal the Bay Blog

Category: Long Beach / Avalon

Help the California King Tides Initiative document the impact of rising waters along the California coast by photographing the highest seasonal tides (a.k.a. king tides) occurring February 6-8.

Your photographs will help visualize the impact of sea level rise on homes,harbors, and other infrastructure, as well as beaches, wetlands, and public access to the coast.

According to the California King Tides Initiative: “Our shores are constantly being altered by human and natural processes and projections indicate that sea level rise will exacerbate these changes.  The images offer a living record of the changes to our coasts and shorelines and a glimpse of what our daily tides may look like in the future as a result of sea level rise.”

Here are local spots where you can view and photograph King Tides: Broad Beach, Malibu shoreline homes, Marina del Rey, Port of Long Beach and Port of Los Angeles.

Attention, Shutterbugs: Be safe! Take extra precautions when you walk on slippery areas or near big waves, and always be aware of your surroundings and the weather conditions.

Participants can submit and view images at

Find out more about the California King Tides Initiative at

Thank  you to all those who entered Heal the Bay’s Cirque du Soleil drawing to win a pair of tickets to OVO at the Santa Monica Pier.  The final pair of tickets will be given away for the following OVO performance:

  • March 13, 8 p.m.

Heal the Bay will randomly choose one winner from the drawing participants for the last Cirque du Soleil OVO performance. Congratulations to Kimberly Revere, Eddie Gonzalez and Sonia Sanchez – our first winners for the Heal the Bay OVO performance drawing and giveaway.

In addition, as partners in promoting community education, Cirque du Soleil  is sponsoring five field trip education programs, including bus transportation, to the Aquarium during the run of its OVO show, and has invited the public to visit the Aquarium for free during any Sunday in February. 

Read the official rules for the ticket drawing.

Listen to Meredith McCarthy’s interview on KFWB.

Don’t litter. Bring your own bag to the store. Volunteer for one of Heal the Bay’s monthly beach clean ups.

These are among the 10 ways you can keep our rivers, creeks and beaches clean, according to Heal the Bay’s Director of Programs, Meredith McCarthy.

In an interview with KFWB’s Maggie McKay, Meredith details the easy steps we can all take to protect our oceans and keep our families healthy.

For more plastic bag infotainment watch our latest video.

Work by biologists, physicists and experts in finfish culture and pathogen pollution received a $1.4 million boost from California Sea Grant research funds.

Nine new science-based projects were awarded grants, including:

  • A sustainable domestic tuna farm;
  • a hatchery release plan and krill forecast strategy to help rebuild Central Valley salmon; and
  • a study of beach erosion in Southern California based on changing storm intensities.

Outside experts reviewed all the projects for their scientific merit and relevance to current marine issues.  The two-to-three-year projects are slated to begin in February.

Read more at the California Sea Grant site.

California Sea Grant is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce. 

As top vacation destinations in the country, beaches are critical for recreation and the U.S. economy.  Specifically, California’s coastal tourism, which generates substantial revenues, is largely dependent on clean waters. Yet, every year, millions of people become sick after visiting America’s beaches. This can ruin not only your vacation, but can lead to lost work and productivity.

A new EPA proposal to address pollution at U.S. beaches contains the startling conclusion that EPA thinks it is acceptable for 1 in 28 people to get sick when they go to the beach!  Children are especially vulnerable, perhaps because they tend to submerge their heads more often and are more likely to swallow water when swimming. Imagine a school field trip to the beach – for every large conventional school bus, nearly three kids are put at risk of getting an illness like diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.

EPA’s proposal also allows water testing to be averaged over a period as long as 90 days and for one in every four samples to exceed safe levels before pollution reduction is required. Both of these approaches could mask a serious pollution problem and expose families to an unnecessary risk of illness. Families shouldn’t be exposed to high levels of bacteria—and have increased chances of getting sick—just because the levels of contamination are lower on one day than on another. Beachgoers don’t need loopholes like this in the safety standards that are supposed to protect us. 

Please tell EPA to make sure America’s beaches are safe for all beachgoers, especially children. 



Editor’s Note:  In his final installment, Mark shares some more of his more memorable moments at Heal the Bay. Read the first A Wave of Memories, the second and the third.

Pop culture  HtB’s involvement in popular culture has always been memorable. From “Baywatch” to KTLA’s Coastal Cleanup Day specials, we ended up in the more popular media in a lot of ways. Who could forget “The Solution,” a benefit CD with Bad Religion, Blink 182 and Black Eyed Peas contributing tracks? Evidently nearly everyone — it didn’t sell much. In the movies, we had our star turn in the thriller “Cellular” starring Kim Basinger, Jason Statham and Chris Evans. The kidnapping occurred on the pier during a Heal the Bay “benefit.” The band was supposed to be Incubus, but they had a conflict. HtB also showed up on an exploded bus billboard in “Speed” and a billboard in the John Cusack end-of –the-world  saga “2012.” And I lost track of the number of fishbone HtB cameos in TV shows, from “thirtysomething” to “Hannah Montana” to “Modern Family.”

Malibu  So much work. So much contention. Yet there is no way to walk away from fighting for that incredible coast. One memory: “Surf Doctor” Jeff Harris setting up a PSA shoot at Malibu Lagoon with Mel Gibson. The focus was on the impacts of Tapia’s summer discharges on Malibu Lagoon and Surfrider Beach. I have never seen anyone more agitated in my life. The guy was being stalked by the paparazzi  — helicopter overhead and guys behind bushes. This was a real “Conspiracy Theory” They were out to invade his privacy. On the good news side: the Regional Board ordered Tapia’s discharge out of Malibu Creek from April through October, a major boon to Surfrider’s water quality because the lagoon berm breached less frequently.

Bravery  I’ll always remember the courage of the volunteers that gave Heal the Bay everything they had even when they were fighting cancer. Jean Howell and Bob Hertz for Speakers Bureau. Joe Crocker, our first board treasurer. And of course, Dorothy.

Heroes  Finally getting to see my idol, Jacques Cousteau, speak about saving the oceans. It was at a Marina del Rey chamber of commerce lunch. I took Mark E Pollock. It was surreal. Cousteau was wearing a powder-blue leisure suit and he stood on bright green Astroturf.

Science!  I’ve always been partial to hiring very strong technical staff for the science and policy department. At one time, we had four doctorates (all UCLA Environmental Science and Engineering grads):  myself, Mitzy Taggart, Craig Shuman and Shelley Luce. One Shelley story stands out. She was our science and policy director and she applied for the executive director position for the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission. I encouraged her to apply, but I was majorly concerned about losing such a valuable staff leader. The search committee included David Nahai and myself. We thought that the lead candidate, the highly experienced and extremely bright Nancy Sutley, would get the job in a heartbeat. After all she had recently left the state Water Board and Cal-EPA assistant secretary position. For some reason, Nancy wasn’t on her game during the interview, and Luce blew us away and got the job, where she’s flourished ever since. Sutley became Mayor Villaraigosa’s deputy Mayor for energy and environment and is now serving in the Obama adminsitration as the director of the President’s Council of Environmental Quality. It worked out for the best for all of us.

Smart propositions  The fight for clean stormwater led to the successful Prop O (Los Angeles) and Measure Y (Santa Monica) funding measures. For the $500 million Prop O, I remember enviro groups and engineering firms pulling together under the leadership of Eric Garcetti and Jan Perry to make it happen. And the measure passed with over 76% of the vote! Now that was a fun celebration. Of course none of this would have happened without then Chief Legislative Analyst Ron Deaton’s decision to draw up the measure and go for it. The Measure V success was a little different. Craig Perkins convinced councilmembers like Bobby Shriver and Richard Bloom to push for the ongoing stormwater funding measure to reduce Bay runoff pollution and reduce flood risk and increase local water supply. The integrated approach and ongoing funding was great. The decision to make me campaign chair and plaster my ugly mug all over direct mail campaign pieces was really uncomfortable. Measure V only passed by 100 votes.

Fishy business  During the height of the state and federal government’s natural resources damages lawsuit and the EPA’s Superfund enforcement actions, Heal the Bay undertook a fish contamination study on white croaker sold in local markets.  Staffer James Alamillo led the effort along with chemist Rich Gossett, and we found that locally sold croaker was highly contaminated: one fish had a concentration of DDT over 30 parts per million! Talk about hazardous to your health. As a result, the study was used by the government in its enforcement case. Heck, the polluters even hired renowned UCSB ichthyologist Milton Love to redo our study. Since the contaminated croaker was largely found at Asian community markets, the Center for Biological Diversity actually sued those markets for supposedly knowingly selling croaker after the release of our study,  a Prop 65 violation. We never predicted that litigious outcome, and we even got deposed on the case. Due to the threat of third party litigation, the local white croaker fishery ended up closing down.

No seismic shift  Even an earthquake last year during a joint Heal the Bay-NRDC plea to the EPA office of water for more protective beach water quality standards couldn’t shake up the status quo in Washington D.C.  The recently released draft criteria are weaker in many ways than the 1986 criteria despite the completion of dozens of studies in the beach water quality microbiology and epidemiology fields.

Ballona  The fight for the future of Ballona has gone on for over 30 years. I remember the proposal from former councilwoman Pat Russell that would have destroyed the wetlands. In response to public uproar, Ruth Galanter got elected as the Save Ballona candidate. Poring over reams of Playa Vista EIR documents and design specifications for the freshwater treatment marsh was enormously time consuming and tedious. But the turning point was the environmental group debates leading to the state purchase.  Areas A and B, the main wetland, were for sale and California had the bond money to buy it. Governor Davis’ days were running out because of the recall, so those in favor of the wetland purchase had to act fast. Environment Now hosted a series of meetings where the environmental community was split between buying the wetlands for the exorbitant price of $150 million, or opposing the purchase. The opposition didn’t want to pay more than $8-10M for the wetlands. The opponents were concerned that the extra revenues would enable Playa Vista to finish their development (Phase I was largely completed at that point.) After heated discussions, some of us (NRDC, Heal the Bay and Friends of Ballona to name a few) expressed our strong support for the purchase. I remember saying, “30 years from now, our kids won’t care what we paid for Ballona Wetlands. They’ll just care that they exist and they are preserved.” Luckily, this sentiment prevailed with Mary Nichols, the Secretary of Resources at the time.

The Staff of Life  Watching Alix Hobbs grow from an 18-year-old receptionist to Programs Director to the Associate Director of the organization. Seeing Meredith McCarthy go from a Coastal Cleanup Day coordinator to the Programs Director and a force for greening L.A. Admiring the growth of a couple of UCSB Bren graduates into the water quality director, Kirsten James, and the coastal resources director, Sarah Sikich They’ve become environmental leaders locally and in Sacramento. Receptionist Gabriele Morgan greeting me every day, usually with a bad pun or a political joke. Callers to Heal the Bay have been heard the soothing tones of Gabriele’s voice for a long time. I’ll miss her voice, but not nearly as much as her biting commentary. Matt King, the best communication director in the business, constantly drawing on obscure film, news and sports references. Kudos to Vicki Wawerchak, who has progressed from being a Key to the Sea educator to ably running our Santa Monica Pier Aquarium, a community asset beloved by children and parents alike. I’m thankful for having a decade of Karin Hall as Heal the Bay’s No. 2 – helping to build the aquarium, keeping the board engaged and managing staff.  Lee Myers sharing stories of the trials and tribulations of raising three kids while healing the Bay. And James Alamillo, Big Game James, my closest friend on staff, providing innovative ideas and providing a quick critique, and always there in an emergency or when you want to kill some time talking about sports. I will miss you guys!

Show the special ocean lover in your life what they mean to you by donating a gift to Heal the Bay this Valentine’s Day. At the same time, you’ll be making a significant difference to our local waters.

If you like, Heal the Bay will send notification of your dedication gift along with your personal note to the person of your choosing.

Dedicate a gift.

Editor’s Note: Mark shares some more of his more memorable moments at Heal the Bay. Read the first installment A Wave of Memories and the second

Beach Report Card  Most of the best BRC stories aren’t mine, but I have a few. I remember sitting down with my first staff hire, Roger Gorke – now with the EPA office of water in D.C. —  to create the first report card. It was an annual study and only included Santa Monica Bay beaches. The early report cards often resulted in irate calls from electeds that somehow blamed us for their poor water quality. We had many press conferences with Dr. Aliza (Lifshitz) providing a medical perspective and talking to the Spanish language media. One year, she had to carry the whole press event at Cabrillo Beach because I literally had no voice!  James Alamillo and Mike Grimmer have taken the BRC through many incarnations, but the efforts of former Microsoft exec Jeff Littrell and former staffer Tom Fleming in making the leap to a statewide report card on the website was huge!  Amy Smart has come through as a spokesperson for the Beach Report Card, Annual Dinner, Day Without a Bag and Coastal Cleanup Day. I’m so glad Heal the Bay is honoring her at the annual dinner on May 17 this year.

The shark-fin sales ban campaign  Meeting with state Sen. Ted Lieu with Sue Chen, Yue Rong, Guangyu Wang, Donna Chen and our own Sarah Sikich. We got nowhere and Sue Chen of Shark Savers was so peeved about giving away her two favorite shark puppets (Tiger and Hammerhead) to Lieu for his children. Reading my brother Jonathan’s op-ed, one of the best pieces he’s ever written. Watching in awe the work of Jennifer Fearing and the Humane Society. The joy of getting the call when the bill was signed last year.

Starstruck  An event at a Santa Monica bar where rock Hall of Famers John Densmore and Ray Manzarek from the Doors made a generous donation, and The Surfers (Kelly Slater, Peter King and Rob Machado) played in front of an enthusiastic crowd including Pamela Anderson.

My dissertation research on pathogens in stormdrain runoff and the fate and transport of runoff plumes on the beach.  It never would have been possible without dozens of volunteers collecting samples during all sorts of conditions, support from the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project, and the analytical efforts of L.A.’s Environmental Monitoring Division, and virologist  Charlie McGee and his crew at the Los Angeles and Orange County Sanitation Districts. The research demonstrated that human sewage was getting into stormdrains, which led to the first-ever epidemiology study on swimmers in runoff contaminated waters. The study demonstrated that people that swim at runoff polluted beaches were far more likely to get sick. These results were the catalyst for AB 411,  a state bill that established California beach water quality standards and a beach monitoring and reporting program.

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Editor’s Note: Mark shares some more of his more memorable moments at Heal the Bay. Read the first installment A Wave of Memories.

The Ahmanson Ranch campaign.  I remember: touring the watershed with Board President Tony Pritzker and former Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt, representing Washington Mutual.  Flying up to a WaMu shareholders meeting with Rob Reiner and Alfre Woodard on a private jet to protest the development.  The coalition of Hollywood (Chris Albrecht and Reiner), electeds, Native Americans, Mary Weisbrock and Save Open Space, Heal the Bay (Mark Abramson’s covert maps of Ahmanson Ranch riparian habitat were key), and the brilliant campaign work of Chad Griffin and Steve Barkan.  Getting screamed at by Reiner at a meeting.  The only other person that ever yelled at me like that was my dad.  I can only imagine what would have happened if we lost! The anti-climactic press event celebration when the state purchased the land (Governor Davis was being recalled).  The joy of taking my kids, Zack, Jake and Natalie, to the Ranch just days after it opened to the public.

Litigation  I’ve always been a “sue as a last resort” kind of advocate, but sometimes litigation is the only solution.  NRDC’s Joel Reynolds and I spent countless hours with former L.A. County Sanitation Districts’ GM Jim Stahl to settle the full secondary treatment lawsuit about the Carson plant.  Once we got through the “sewage is good for the fish arguments” (thank you Willard Bascom of the Southern California Coastal Waters Research Project in the late 1980s) and the “sewage solids are needed to cover up the DDT and PCB contaminated sediments” or “two wrongs make a right” argument, we were able to negotiate a resolution quickly.  In fact, it only took the Sanitation Districts four years to build its full secondary facilities.  Also, we partnered with NRDC on some industrial waste litigation and an industrial stormwater lawsuit against the Port of Long Beach (led by current criminal court judge Gail Ruderman Feuer).  I still remember all the inspections of pretty nasty Port facilities.

Read more of this post » 

The Santa Monica City Council unanimously supported a resolution last night affirming individual environmental rights to clean air, water and soil, sustainable water and food supplies, and a climate unaltered by anthropogenic impacts.  Nearly 40 speakers ranging from high school and college students to environmental activists from Northern California spoke in support of the sustainability bill of rights.

The resolution, crafted by Santa Monica city staff in response to a draft ordinance recommended by the city’s Task Force on the Environment, commits the city to come back this summer with recommended legal changes to allow individuals to protect those rights.  Although the council vote only approved a resolution instead of a legally enforceable ordinance, the action puts the city on track to a process that provides individuals defensible environmental rights and extends protective rights to local natural resources.

Last night was a first step towards changing the dialogue on environmental protection in Santa Monica, and hopefully that shift in dialogue will move far beyond the city’s borders. The recommended legal changes to Santa Monica law will come to the city council at the same time as the third iteration (and third decade) of goals and metrics under Santa Monica’s Sustainable City Plan. We could see a draft as early as mid-summer.

We all have the right to clean air, water and soil, and corporate rights should never supersede these rights.  The time is now to move from just voluntary intentions to making these sustainability goals legal, enforceable obligations.