
Heal the Bay Blog

Category: Locations

Sustain the “doing good” momentum generated by the Giving Tuesday initiative and make a difference in your community. Not all giving needs to be material (although we appreciate the donations). Here are three ways this week that you can give back with Heal the Bay:

In case you are feeling material, our holiday shopping guide is up with all kinds of gift options for the ocean lovers in your life. The guide is also handy for sharing when someone asks what you want for Hanukkah or Christmas this year. 

Visit Heal the Bay’s calendar to discover more ways to get involved.

Last month’s debate and hearing over the new stormwater permit for Los Angeles became contentious for Heal the Bay.  We weren’t happy with the final vote at the regional Water Board, but fortunately there’s a new initiative afoot that could have a real positive impact on local water quality – Los Angeles County’s Clean Water, Clean Beaches Measure.

Despite the differing views on how to regulate cities that discharge runoff into the Bay, the various stakeholders involved all want the same thing: clean water.  It may sound a bit idealistic, but the best way to make progress on stormwater is to have government agencies, business groups and environmental organizations join hands and work together. That is why Heal the Bay strongly supports the Clean Water, Clean Beaches Measure, which will be mailed to property owners next spring.

The County of Los Angeles Flood Control District is proposing to establish an annual clean water fee to fund the Clean Water, Clean Beaches Program.  This Program is an opportunity for Los Angeles County residents to reduce harmful trash and pollution in our waterways and protect local sources of drinking water from contamination. The measure would provide $270 million in funding for innovative stormwater projects that would create multiple economic and environmental benefits for the entire region. These projects serve multiple functions. For example, a stormwater infiltration area could be designed in such a way that it will double as open space, park or local ball field.

Securing clean water in a heavily urbanized environment such as Los Angeles doesn’t happen overnight. It requires resources.  And regional waterbodies are well-worth protecting. Locals and tourists alike frequent Los Angeles County’s beaches, yet 7 out of the 10 of California’s most polluted beaches are right in our own backyard.  This means that a day at the beach could make you or your family sick.  Pollution that runs off our streets can be toxic to fish and other species.  As a result some fish species in our Bay are unsafe to eat.  Trash pollution is so extreme in some areas of the County that our rivers look more like trash dumps.  The current paradigm needs to shift.    

Investing in clean water now will pay dividends for years to come. Nearly 400,000 jobs in Los Angeles County are ocean-related, responsible for $10 billion annually in wages and $20 billion in goods and services.  In addition, the measure will result in thousands of new jobs for our region.  

Currently Los Angeles County depends on importing costly and increasingly scarce water from Northern California and the Colorado River. Storm water can serve as a sustainable, cost-effective local source of drinking water.  The measure would fund innovative infrastructure projects throughout the region that capture and reuse stormwater — before it enters our waterways. Stormwater becomes an asset, rather than a liability.

Our region’s water quality has come a long way, since Heal the Bay started working for a healthier Bay in 1985.  However, we have a long way to go.  The Clean Water, Clean Beaches measure will help us meet our goals for clean water. The average homeowner would pay roughly $54 a year to support projects like green streets, stormwater recharge areas and “smart” trash capture systems. Strict accountability elements in the measure ensure all funds will be exclusively used on improving water quality.

We urge your support of this critical measure. Watch your mailbox in late spring, but in the coming weeks we’ll keep you posted on new developments.

Learn more about the Clean Water, Clean Beaches Measure

Protecting the ocean for future generations is key to Heal the Bay’s mission.

This week we’d like to thank surfer and musician Jack Johnson and The Johnson Ohana Charitable Foundation for their unwavering support of our ocean protection initiatives and stewardship efforts.

The Johnson Ohana Charitable Foundation is a non-profit public charity founded in 2008 by Jack and Kim Johnson to promote positive and lasting change within communities by supporting organizations that focus on environmental, art, and music education.

Four recipients of The Wyland Foundation’s Earth Month Heroes awards — Mark Gold (former Heal the Bay president), Sara Bayles (The Daily Ocean blog), Erica Aguilera (program and education intern, summer 2010), and Patricio Guerrero — chose Heal the Bay to receive a gift donation. Congratulations to you all! We are honored to be recognized by these eco-warriors.

And another thank you to Sara Bayles, who just announced that she’s collected over 1,300 pounds of trash from her local beach. Sara began collecting trash in March of 2009 and is nearing her goal of 365 beach cleanups. Twenty minutes at a time, Bayles has cleaned her beach in Santa Monica and inspired hundreds of other people to do Daily Ocean style cleanups all over the world.

We are also grateful to the many folks who supported us on November 27 through the first annual Giving Tuesday philanthropy campaign. Heal the Bay was among more than 2000 corporations and charitable organizations who partnered with to kickstart the holiday season with this national giving back effort.

Learn all the ways you can help heal the Bay.

The EPA released its final National Recreational Beach Water Quality Criteria this week. After many years of fighting for strong protections, we are greeting the new standards with mixed emotions. The criteria, which hadn’t been updated since 1986, basically determine the allowable levels of illness-inducing bacteria in our nation’s waterbodies. They are a critical tool for ensuring that people don’t get sick when they take a swim at their local beach or lake.

On the positive side, the new guidelines are more protective of public health in several respects than those floated in a surprisingly weak draft document last December. These improvements are thanks to the efforts of Heal the Bay and other environmental organizations.   

However, there are some major steps backwards from the 1986 criteria.  For instance, the new criteria allow for states to choose between two sets of standards based on two different estimated illness rates. Giving the states the option of selecting between two illness rates makes no sense.

Letting states determine their own “acceptable illness rates” allows for major inconsistencies in public health protection among states. What state, if left the choice, would sign-up for stricter standards? The less relaxed standard of the two is clearly less protective of public health, though EPA inaccurately claims that either set of criteria would protect public health.  Further, we do not believe the illness rates that were selected (32 or 36 allowable illnesses for every 1,000  recreators) are protective enough of public health. 

The EPA also missed a major opportunity to encourage states to provide more timely water quality results, through testing known as rapid methods.

Standard testing of water samples now take between 18-24 hours to process, meaning that the public is getting day-old water quality information, at best. EPA developed a rapid method that would get us closer to real-time measurement, therefore increasing public health protection. However, this method cannot be used as a stand-alone process under the new criteria, therefore leaving little incentive for states to move forward with more timely measurement.

The EPA is also providing too much wiggle room to municipalities in the new guidelines by allowing them to employ unproven alternative criteria at certain sites. So-called Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) allows agencies to assess potential human health risks based strictly on the presence of different fecal sources including humans, birds, cows, and dogs. in the beach water. However, much research has yet to be conducted on illness rates and risk associated with specific sources. The alternative criteria are premature to use at most sites. QMRA should only be pursued at remote beach locations (non-urbanized) with no known human sources or influences.

However, not all was lost. Heal the Bay worked very hard to change the draft criteria’s proposed 90-day geometric mean standard to 30-days, which is more indicative of the latest beach water quality, thereby more protective of public health.  This change was made in the final criteria.

In addition, we made some headway with the allowable exceedance threshold.  If a water sample exceeds the bacteria standard it means there is a potential public health risk. A lower allowable exceedance rate will trigger action from the polluter more readily and this will increase public health protection.

So it’s encouraging to see the EPA lower the previously proposed national water quality exceedance threshold from 25% to 10% (above the standard), which is more in-line with California’s current allowable exceedance rates. An allowable exceedance rate of 25% could mask chronically polluted beaches, therefore inhibiting future water quality improvement efforts.

Over the past year, Heal the Bay, along with a coalition of concerned environmental groups, fought tirelessly to strengthen the draft criteria. We submitted detailed comments including an extensive data analysis to EPA, attended countless meetings with EPA staffers, and created a campaign centered on submitting hundreds of petitions directly to EPA’s Administrator, Lisa Jackson, urging for criteria with strong public health protection. 

We also solicited the support of members of congress, such as Congressman Henry Waxman, who expressed concerns to USEPA about their approach. (Kirsten James, our Water Quality Director, traveled to Washington, D.C. to lobby lawmakers on strengthening new recreational water quality criteria.)

We made several important steps forward to strengthen the EPA’s final revised standards. But we are concerned that having two sets of criteria could lead to confusion for the public and for those implementing the new criteria.  It may mean the status quo in some states, though hopefully states will choose the criteria more protective of public health.

To compound this, EPA’s Beach Grant fund, which allocates moneys towards state beach monitoring programs, may be completely eliminated in the near future. Absence of this support could lead to major backsliding of state beach programs. We are encouraging states to explore more sustainable funding sources in addition to implementing the more protective criteria, to better protect beach-goers from getting sick after a day at the beach.

Urge your congressional representative to support federal funding for beach water testing programs.

The landlord, the man in the gray suit, jaws, white pointer, tommy shark, great white – whatever you call it, the elusive white shark has long been the subject of lore and legend. I know it’s a given for a marine biologist, but I have always been fascinated by white sharks. I’m now actively working with ocean groups up and down the coast on an organized campaign to create stronger state and federal protections for these awe-inspiring and misunderstood animals.

Throughout my studies and career, I’ve heard stories of SCUBA divers on Catalina startled by the shadow of a white shark passing in the waters above, seen shots of surf photographers unintentionally capturing an image of them breaching while focusing on their main subject – surfers and fishermen encountering them while they are days offshore and far from civilization.

Since my college days, I told myself that I wanted to log enough ocean time to see a white shark in its natural environment, without luring it in or going to a spot with a high chance of an encounter. After living on a boat in Baja, spending years on the water teaching hands-on marine science on Catalina, and loads of time sailing, surfing, and diving in Southern and Central California, my moment finally came on a chilly September morning last year.

Seth Lawrence, an aquarist at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium at the time, and I had taken his dinghy out in pursuit of the blue whales that were hanging out off the coast of Redondo Beach. It was an early, gray morning and the water was pure glass. After an hour of unsuccessfully searching for blue whales, we started to head into shore, and I saw a small fin at the surface in the distance.

I thought it was a Mola mola (ocean sunfish), pointed it out to Seth, and we cruised in the fish’s direction. As we got closer, we saw a second fin, and the animal was moving in an s-pattern characteristic of a shark. We were both excited, and drifting along, the animal soon became clear. It was a small white shark – about 3 ½ or 4 feet long – directly off the bow. I could have reached out and touched it!

We cruised along slowly behind it for a few minutes before it decided to dive to deeper waters. I was so excited to have my big fish story (and a shaky iPhone video to go along with it, complete with sounds of Seth and me in the background screaming with excitement). I consider myself lucky, as this is quite a rare occurrence, especially since we weren’t fishing or intentionally trying to see the landlord in a hot spot like the Farallon Islands or Guadalupe Island.

Staff scientists at Heal the Bay often get the question whether the recent uptick in anglers catching white sharks off the Manhattan Beach Pier, or seemingly more sightings along Santa Monica Bay beaches, means that white shark populations are rebounding. It seems like a simple question, but it’s often said that scientists know more about space than they do about the sea. Tracking fish is a complicated research proposition. It’s much easier to monitor animals on land with distinct geographic boundaries and habitats defined by buildings, roads and the like. It’s really tough to get a baseline assessment of just how many fish are out there, especially with transitory creatures like the white shark.

We know that there is a Northeastern Pacific population of white sharks that ranges from Mexico to the Bering Sea, and offshore to Hawaii, with aggregation sites off Central California, Guadalupe Island in Mexico, and a feeding grounds between California and Hawaii referred to as “the white shark café.” But, there is no historic population estimate for this region.

The first population assessments of white sharks in the Northeastern Pacific were only released in the past few years. These new studies show that the population is genetically distinct from other white shark populations around the world, and the numbers are astoundingly low. Photo identification and tagging studies from researchers at SCRIPPS, Stanford, and other institutions estimate that there are approximately 339 sub-adult and adult white sharks in the Northeastern Pacific. Compared to other apex predators in the ocean, these numbers are quite small. And, with no reliable metrics to compare changes in population over time, it’s tough to say whether white sharks in California are on the rise or decline.

So, should we be concerned? About a white shark attack in the water, probably not. (But it’s prudent to be careful in the ocean, as it’s a powerful and mysterious world). About their numbers in California waters, I think so.

As a surfer, I have had the feeling that something more powerful than me is lurking beneath the surface with its sights on me during a dawn or dusk surf session. White sharks are a top dog in the ocean, and deserve a healthy respect. Although they have to watch out, too – orcas (yes, the cute likes of Shamu) have snacked on white sharks at the Farallon Islands off the coast of San Francisco. But, the chances of a white shark attack on humans are extremely small, especially in the Santa Monica Bay, where most white sharks are pups and juveniles, which dine on fish, rays, and small sharks. There have been less than 15 documented fatal white shark attacks in California.

Although it is illegal to fish for white sharks in the U.S., they still face threats in their Northeastern Pacific range, including incidental catch from fishing vessels off the coast of California and Mexico, pollution, contamination, coastal development, and climate change. Recent research shows that white sharks are among the most heavily contaminated shark species. Mercury, PCBs, and DDT levels in juvenile white sharks were found to be six times higher than thresholds known to cause physiological and reproductive harm in other fish. As an apex predator, sharks play a key role in regulating prey populations and maintaining a balanced, healthy ocean ecosystem. It is important that shark populations remain viable for a healthy ocean environment.

In August, Oceana, Shark Stewards, and Conservation for Biological Diversity petitioned to list the white shark as threatened or endangered under the California and federal Endangered Species Acts. This designation would allow for the establishment of critical habitat for the Northeastern Pacific population of white sharks and the implementation of management measures to help protect white sharks from threats within their range. Sign our petition today to support the listing of the Northeastern Pacific population of white sharks as endangered or threatened under the California Endangered Species Act.

The shark research community has just started to scratch the surface of understanding their behavior and population trends. But, given that the white shark population is much smaller than other large marine predators, conservation actions are imperative to maintain a healthy ocean and continue to inspire generations with the natural wonder of sharks. They need to continue to be living and breathing kings of the sea, not just remembered in storybooks and scary movies.

–Sarah Sikich

Heal the Bay Coastal Resources Director

Take Action

Learn more about what you can do to protect the white shark population in California and sign the petition.

Stay tuned on how you can help by following us on Twitter.

Visit our Aquarium at 3:30 p.m. on Shark Sundays to discover more about the misunderstood animals.

The cranberries from Thanksgiving dinner may all be consumed by now, but the spirit of giving thanks continues.

This Tuesday, Heal the Bay is partnering with’s Giving Tuesday campaign to help launch a national day of philanthropy. We’re asking you to give thanks for oceans and beaches you enjoy!

Donate funds to feed seahorses, eels and urchins at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium; to save dolphins, terns and pelicans from suffocating on plastic bags by providing beach cleanup supplies; or to provide a day at the beach for underserved children who would otherwise never feel the sand between their toes.

You can also help the once-endangered Brown Pelican by joining the International Bird Rescue’s banded pelican sighting contest. The organization is encouraging the public to sight and report one of the 1,000 blue-banded Brown Pelicans that have been tagged over the last three years to gain a better understanding of their survival and travels. Through Jan.  2, 2013, one adult and one youth (under 18) has a chance to win a pair of Eagle Optics 8X42 Ranger ED Binoculars and a tour of one of their Pelican rehabilitation clinics. 

If you’re a student—or have one in the family who wants to unite in the fight for a healthy ocean and clean community, please join Heal the Bay’s Day Without a Bag campaign by enrolling in our Day Without a Bag Youth Summit, which takes place Sunday, December 1 in Hollywood. At the summit, Heal the Bay staff will provide training and tools for high school and college club leaders to help their communities go bag-free.

Visit Heal the Bay’s calendar to discover more ways to get involved.

Good news from last week’s California Coastal Commission hearing, as the commissioners unanimously denied Pacific Gas & Electric Company’s proposal for seismic testing in the Point Buchon State Marine Reserve.

About 200 people filled the hearing room — environmentalists, fishermen, tribes, local residents, and others – all speaking out with concerns about the proposed testing. Everyone in the room agreed that when it comes to nuclear energy, safety is a huge priority. But the questions and discussion centered on whether the tests would provide new information, as much that is already known about the fault activity offshore – PG&E had already completed onshore seismic surveys and offshore tests that were less threatening to marine life.

After hours of public comment, the commissioners were not convinced that there would be enough benefit to doing the research in comparison to the environmental harm posed to porpoise, whales, sea otters and other marine life in the area associated with the high-intensity sound waves (nearly continuous shooting of 250 decibel air guns for weeks).

Of particular concern was the threat PG&E’s proposed action would have on the adjacent Point Buchon State Marine Reserve and State Marine Conservation Area. Ultimately this was a test case for proposed projects within the relatively new Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) that may be environmentally harmful. The marine reserve prohibits activities that injure or kill marine life, and this testing could have seriously undermined these protections.

“After working for years to designate MPAs in California, as stewards, we now need to actively protect them,” said Heal the Bay’s Coastal Resources Director Sarah Sikich. “I’m glad the Commission sent a strong signal that the lives of marine animals along California’s coast and within these MPAs are valued.”

The Coastal Commission’s decision makes it unlikely the testing will happen any time soon.

 Read more about the decision.

 Sustain Heal the Bay’s work as we strive to protect the wildlife within MPAs.

This Thanksgiving week we’re reminding ourselves of what we’re grateful for, and a healthy, clean ocean tops our list.

We’re asking you to join us as we give thanks for the oceans and beaches we all enjoy! There are many ways to help sustain a healthy, clean ocean. You can:

While the Aquarium will be closed for Thanksgiving, we’ll reopen Friday afternoon (November 23) at 12:30, so please bring your visiting family members. And if they arrive earlier this week, bring everyone to the Aquarium on Tuesday afternoon, have the kids feed the sea stars and then feed the kids at Rusty’s for free. For every adult who pays for an entree worth $11 or more, one child eats free – just show your hand stamp from visiting the Aquarium.

Planning a holiday party? Heal the Bay can help provide the fun either at our Aquarium or in your own home. Interested in celebrating at the Aquarium? Call  310.393.6149 ext 105. Contact Nina Borin for more information about planning a home party.

Heal the Bay is partnering with’s Giving Tuesday campaign to help launch a national day of philanthropy. 

Heal the Bay’s Santa Monica Pier Aquarium is located on the Santa Monica Pier, just below the carousel. Find parking information and directions.

What is Heal the Bay doing in South L.A.? We’re building a park! 

To help spread the word, we hosted a fall festival at the site for the 30 families who live near what will soon become “WAYS Reading and Fitness Park.”

For a little over a year Heal the Bay has been in the development/planning stages of this multi-use park, which will serve as an outdoor classroom, community green space, fitness area, and water quality improvement project in a community that is already underserved and disproportionately lacking park space.  

Thanks to Kendra Okonkwo and Aleke Watson from Wisdom Academy for Young Scientists (WAYS) elementary school, Steve Cancian from Shared Spaces and of course Refugio Mata from Heal the Bay (now with Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign) for laying the foundations for the park.  Their vision of a space where students could experience and learn about their own environment, promises to make the park a place of growth and a source of health as students relearn the importance of our connection to our surroundings.

The showing on October 27 proved that it isn’t just the students who are relearning the importance of this connection — parents are as well.  The families around 87th Street and McKinley Avenue came out in small clusters, curious about what all the tents, pumpkins, and signs were doing in a place that’s usually barren and graffitied. Once we told them it was a celebration for a new park, families responded first with surprise, then approval, then lists of all the reasons why they would love to see the lot turned into a usable space. 

The kids, of course, just wanted to carve pumpkins, get their faces painted, or make masks of their own.

Curious parents began asking questions about who Heal the Bay was, and what the park would look like.  It took very little questioning or convincing to have them talk about the issues going on in their neighborhood and the different ways this park might help.  Abundant lighting, trees, exercise equipment, flowers and plants, and even a fountain were all ideas to come out of the parents themselves, including speed bumps for the adjacent road.

Most importantly, it was mentioned that widespread community participation would be necessary for the success of anything planned for the space.  This came from a concerned parent who recognized a space is only valued if the community around it cares about it.

Ultimately, it was the true measure of success of the festival, and a great prospect for Heal the Bay’s endeavors in South LA.  All of the neighborhood families who came to the park that day demonstrated that they are ready and willing, even eager, to participate in building this park, especially for their children.

I really look forward to building it with them.  Thanks again to everyone who laid the foundation.

-Stephen Mejia-Carranza
Urban Programs Coordinator

Please join us at Heal the Bay’s Holiday Festival, Sunday, December 9, 2-4 p.m. at WAYS Park, 87th Street & McKinley Avenue.

Read more about how to make a difference in your community, as part of our Healthy Neighborhoods, Healthy Environment initiative.

Show the ocean how grateful you are: Come to our final Nothin’ But Sand cleanup for 2012 and bring your kids! Help rid Will Rogers State Beach of yucky trash this Saturday, meet some new friends and end the year with plenty of good vibes. Sign up today. And don’t forget to bring your own gloves, bucket, and reusable water bottle, as we are striving to go Zero Waste at our cleanups.

Can’t join us for this cleanup? You can still make a difference and help protect what you love. Donate $5 and you can provide cleanup supplies and let us offer educational training for two volunteers to spend an hour and a half removing cigarette butts, bags and other trash from the beach. Or, give $10 to double your impact and fund four cleanup volunteers.

If you make it to the cleanup, come on down afterward to Heal the Bay’s Santa Monica Pier Aquarium. At 3:30 p.m. every Saturday, enjoy story time in the Green Room; a perfect way to unwind after a day on the beach.

Want to plan next weekend’s Heal the Bay fun? Consult our calendar.