
Heal the Bay Blog

Category: Santa Monica

Santa Monica, California located in Los Angeles County is a popular eco-friendly coastal destination for families, couples, tourists and Southern California beachgoers.

This Thanksgiving week we’re reminding ourselves of what we’re grateful for, and a healthy, clean ocean tops our list.

We’re asking you to join us as we give thanks for the oceans and beaches we all enjoy! There are many ways to help sustain a healthy, clean ocean. You can:

While the Aquarium will be closed for Thanksgiving, we’ll reopen Friday afternoon (November 23) at 12:30, so please bring your visiting family members. And if they arrive earlier this week, bring everyone to the Aquarium on Tuesday afternoon, have the kids feed the sea stars and then feed the kids at Rusty’s for free. For every adult who pays for an entree worth $11 or more, one child eats free – just show your hand stamp from visiting the Aquarium.

Planning a holiday party? Heal the Bay can help provide the fun either at our Aquarium or in your own home. Interested in celebrating at the Aquarium? Call  310.393.6149 ext 105. Contact Nina Borin for more information about planning a home party.

Heal the Bay is partnering with’s Giving Tuesday campaign to help launch a national day of philanthropy. 

Heal the Bay’s Santa Monica Pier Aquarium is located on the Santa Monica Pier, just below the carousel. Find parking information and directions.

Show the ocean how grateful you are: Come to our final Nothin’ But Sand cleanup for 2012 and bring your kids! Help rid Will Rogers State Beach of yucky trash this Saturday, meet some new friends and end the year with plenty of good vibes. Sign up today. And don’t forget to bring your own gloves, bucket, and reusable water bottle, as we are striving to go Zero Waste at our cleanups.

Can’t join us for this cleanup? You can still make a difference and help protect what you love. Donate $5 and you can provide cleanup supplies and let us offer educational training for two volunteers to spend an hour and a half removing cigarette butts, bags and other trash from the beach. Or, give $10 to double your impact and fund four cleanup volunteers.

If you make it to the cleanup, come on down afterward to Heal the Bay’s Santa Monica Pier Aquarium. At 3:30 p.m. every Saturday, enjoy story time in the Green Room; a perfect way to unwind after a day on the beach.

Want to plan next weekend’s Heal the Bay fun? Consult our calendar. 

First things first: Don’t forget to vote on Tuesday! Once you’ve recovered from the election frenzy, we’re offering two ways to engage with us and your local environment on Thursday, Nov. 8.

First, stand up for clean water at the L.A. Regional Water board meeting, the public hearing regarding a revised stormwater permit. Written comments will no longer be accepted, but interested parties may present oral comments concerning revisions to the permit.

Afterwards, join us for music, refreshments and shopping at clothier Ted Baker (either the Santa Monica Place or Robertson Boulevard locations). Guests will receive an exclusive 10% Privilege Rate on the night, and 10% of proceeds will benefit Heal the Bay. Plus enter for the chance to win a $300 gift card!

On Saturday, you’re invited to join us to plant native Sycamore and willow trees and help restore the natural habitat of Malibu Creek State Park. This event is open to volunteers age 10 and over. Volunteers under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Those under 18 must have their waiver forms (also available at the event) signed by a parent or guardian.

Finally, as a reminder, our Aquarium will be closed for Veterans Day. Looking for a way to honor U.S. veterans, current military personnel and their families? Visit Volunteer Match to find opportunities to give back.

Want to plan next weekend’s Heal the Bay fun? Consult our calendar.

I’m a patient woman, but I’ve had enough.

I realize I will never get back the countless hours I’ve spent in stuffy, over-crowded public hearings listening to endless complaints from California dischargers. I realize some dischargers might actually believe that upholding the federal Clean Water Act and implementing basic water quality protections in their community will bankrupt their cities or industry.

But ongoing public hearings about determining appropriate storm water pollution limits for Los Angeles County’s 84 cities have set a new low for wheel-spinning and economic fear-mongering – all at the expense of clean water for the region’s nearly 10 million residents.

Many of the cities regulated in a soon-to-be-released updated municipal stormwater permit came out to plead poverty due to water quality regulations at last month’s meeting of the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board. After months of debate, the board will issue the new permit this Thursday.

So what was all the fuss about?

Basically, any city that discharges water into the storm drain system, and ultimately the ocean, must abide by the regulations issued by the Regional Board as part of its permitting process. The rules require cities to implement different practices in their jurisdictions to ensure that their runoff doesn’t pollute local waterbodies. Examples of these requirements include building and maintaining trash capture devices at stormdrain outlets to ensure that debris doesn’t find its way into creeks, rivers and the ocean. Many of these requirements are basic practices, such as street sweeping, needed to maintain a healthy city aesthetic (permit or no permit).

During public hearings about the new permit, a long line of city managers came to the podium to relay dramatic stories of looming library closures and staff layoffs — all due to being compelled to implement water quality protections. They all urged the Regional Board to weaken existing and proposed limits.

Most notably, a city official from Vernon lamented that these proposed regulations would force his city to lay off 30-plus employees. Yes, you read that correctly – Vernon, the city that made headlines for lavishing huge salaries on top city officials. The city of 90 or so residents bankrolled million-dollar salaries and first-class air travel for its top managers. But now it can’t afford to keep its runoff free from metals, harmful bacteria and other pollutants before heading to the L.A. River and out to the beaches of Long Beach?

As Director of Water Quality at Heal the Bay, I work to convince decision-makers that our local waterbodies are well-worth protecting. It’s simple economics. Investing in clean water now will pay dividends for years to come. Nearly 400,000 jobs in Los Angeles County are ocean-related, responsible for $10 billion annually in wages and $20 billion in goods and services.

We’re a First World region, and we should have basic regulatory policies that reflect our commitment to clean water. Do we really want tourists coming to visit Los Angeles beaches and returning home with an illness after swimming in water polluted by urban runoff? Do we really want local resident feeding their family locally caught fish that contains DDT or PCB levels well above protective thresholds? Yet, the cities’ continued lobbying to weaken existing pollution requirements – and the board’s apparent willingness to consider their pleas – raises these troubling questions.

Waiting to testify at these protracted hearings, I often wonder how much truth there is in city managers’ assertions that spending on pollution prevention will perilously drain their coffers. So in advance of the October Regional Board hearing, our policy team did some digging that revealed this troubling fact: To curry favor with the Regional Board, a number of cities seem to be over-representing the amount of money that they are spending each year on complying with the permit.

Each year the cities must report to the Regional Board the actions they have taken to comply with the permit and the costs of implementation. We took a closer look at the reported expenditures in these Annual Reports to the Regional Board. In the latest release, we noticed a big red flag: the total spending on stormwater programs in 2011-12 by the 84 regulated cities and County was projected to increase 172% (237% when price adjusted) from the previous year. Such a dramatic increase in a single year is particularly glaring, given that overall stormwater spending since 2006 has decreased every year when price adjusted.

For example, Lynwood reported to the Regional Board that it would spend $10,679,915 more on stormwater projects in 2011-12 than it did the previous year –a fivefold increase. That kind of jump doesn’t pass the sniff test — $10 million in spending would equal more than 10% of the city’s entire annual budget. Lynwood may be doing some good work with stormwater pollution controls, but the reported numbers just didn’t seem plausible when compared to spending projections by cities with similar populations and geographic area.

As a next step, we took a sample of cities that showed the greatest single-year increase in proposed expenditures: Culver City, Diamond Bar, Lynwood, and South Pasadena. Comparing the four cities to other Los Angeles County cities with similar populations, land area and land area per capita, we continued to notice major discrepancies.

For example, South Pasadena projected to spend $28,697,450 to comply with the permit in 2011-2012, whereas Agoura Hills with a similar population size projected only $513,550 in spending. We simply can’t believe that South Pasadena is more vigilant about stormwater than Agoura Hills by a factor of 55. Comparing cities with similar geographic areas, South Pasadena projects to outspend San Marino, its nearby neighbor, by over $28 million.

To get to the bottom of this discrepancy, we examined the actual approved city budgets for cities in our sample. In the annual budget for Lynwood, managers claim to have had a storm water budget of $237,432 in 2010-11 and $313,140 in 2011-12. However, the numbers reported to the Regional Board were $2,308,085 and $12,988,000, respectively. We saw similar abnormalities in other cities.

Based on this cursory review, we have reached several conclusions:

  • Some municipalities appear to have mischaracterized their stormwater expenditures in their Regional Board Annual Reports,
  • City budgets and Regional Board-reported stormwater expenditures do not always match, and;
  • These findings call into question the validity of financial complaints made in testimony at the hearings.

Even the board’s staff has uncovered inconsistencies. In a presentation at the October hearing, Executive Officer Sam Unger noted “non-uniformity” in reporting and said “not all costs reported can be solely attributable to compliance with the requirements of the L.A. County MS4 Permit.”

It’s important to note that not all dischargers are manipulating numbers. Many are abiding by the permit and trying hard to reduce their contribution to water pollution. Many city managers work creatively within the constraints of city budgets to create stormwater programs with high impact and relatively low public cost. For example, the City of Los Angeles and Santa Monica passed far-reaching Low Impact Development Ordinances on their own initiative, requiring developers to infiltrate and capture runoff on-site before it heads to the sea.

Unfortunately, many dischargers seem to be making an impact on Regional Board members and staff with their emotional testimony – even if their numbers don’t add up.

The latest version of the permit is a major weakening from a draft issued in June without any sufficient justification. These changes may trim some city budgets, but to what end? Any short-term cutbacks in stormwater investments will maintain the status quo of dirty water and will come at a great cost to our ocean economy and our environment down the line.

As our case studies demonstrate, the Regional Board seems to be responding to a group of Chicken Littles crying disingenuously that the sky is falling due to environmental regulations.

The Regional Board will make a final decision on the permit at its Thursday hearing. I’m sure I’ll hear many more pleas of poverty due to environmental protection. I’m still hoping that the Regional Board will see that light and follow its sworn duty to safeguard our region’s water quality.

Vernon may be having major budgetary problems, but I’m certain they aren’t due to water quality regulations.

– Kirsten James

Water Quality Director, Heal the Bay

Join us November 8 at the public hearing on the revised draft of the stormwater permit.

This grassroots campaign needs your donations to stop the attack on clean water.

Sign up for our Action Alerts to stay up to date on the Take L.A. by Storm campaign, or follow us on Twitter for real-time updates with the hashtags #LAbyStorm and #CleanWater.

Earlier this month, I had the privilege to speak at a TEDx Santa Monica focused on the City 2.0, and in Santa Monica that focus was on sustainability.  There were City 2.0 events occurring all over the world on the same day.  It was such an honor to be a part of a cross-global event associated with such a respected brand and powerful idea. 

I had previously lost many an afternoon to TED and TEDx talks, and now my talk might make its way into someone else’s view list.  I can’t tell you how nervous I was and how much pressure I felt to live up to the prestige of the TED brand.  Give me a room full of anxious middle or high schoolers any day over the pressure to be as inspiring and as much of an agent for change on the scale that TED attempts!

On the other hand, I am proud to work for Heal the Bay, and I believe in our mission and in the power of education to help move our mission forward.  So, I showed up that Saturday afternoon in the hopes of imparting that message. I hope you are inspired to get involved where you can in encouraging science and environmental education in our cities of the future, our City 2.0.

  — Tara Treiber, Education Director, Heal the Bay

Watch Tara speak at TedX Santa Monica above, then watch more from the City 2.0 talks

Learn more about how Tara and her team of educators at Heal the Bay make the ocean relevant to students all across Los Angeles.

Help us bring more kids to the beach for the first time. Donate now.

Seeing the Heal the Bay flag fly high gives us a “Zing!” feeling. There’s not much we enjoy more than sharing our message… except when others share it for us with equal enthusiasm.

• Last weekend, Adventure Voyaging invited us along for the launch of Cruising Season. Captain Woody Henderson and Captain Jim Mather hosted our crew (Nina Borin, Development Manager, Corporate Relations & Special Events, and Eddie Murphy, Secondary Education Coordinator) on a trip to Catalina. Captain Mather and his family helped us spread the word to “Protect What You Love” Thank you to Adventure Voyaging! (Eddie and Nina pictured below with the Adventure Voyaging crew.)

Heal the Bay's Eddie and Nina with the Adventure Voyaging crew

• Multi-platinum album selling rock band Incubus just announced that they are helping Heal the Bay fund our anti-marine debris advocacy programs through their Make Yourself Foundation. We are thrilled with the partnership and want to thank the band (which originated in Calabasas!) for sustaining our work. Stay tuned for more exciting news to come!

• A HUGE shoutout goes to our team of Beach Captains who worked so hard to help us go Zero Waste at the October Nothin’ But Sand in Venice last Saturday: Barrett Porter, Terumi Toyoshima, Jerry & Joady Gorelick, Tom Logan, Margarita Lozano Trejo, Olga L. Ayala, “Minah” and the “UPS dad and daughter duo.”

Here’s what Zero Waste meant for these Beach Captains and our staff: Schlepping heavy buckets and tons of garden gloves to the beach and back. Not to mention getting every item returned and cleaned. A special “WHOOT!” to Eveline Bravo, our courageous Beach Programs Manager for implementing this innovative program. The payoff was worth it: 500 volunteers only used 13 garbage bags, versus the 200 we would normally use for a Nothin’ But Sand cleanup!

Join us for the next Zero Waste beach cleanup, scheduled for Nov. 17, 2012. Remember to bring your own bucket and gloves!

We’d also like to thank:

  • Soaptopia! Mention “Heal the Bay Fundraiser” at checkout and 15% comes back to us as part of their Grassroots Gratitude endeavor to fund our Aquarium, among our other programs. We are certainly grateful as we LOVE Soaptopia!
  • Ford Motor Company’s Community Changes program. Thank you, Ford! Get your next oil change through this program at one of four local dealerships (it doesn’t matter what make of car you drive) and name your price. Whatever amount you choose to pay will go directly to Heal the Bay. Register here.

Want to see your name here? You and/or your company can also help support Heal the Bay’s work to keep our local waters healthy and clean. Learn how.

Heal the Bay staff canvass Los Angeles County each week, hosting events and offering fun ways to engage with the local environment.

Tuesdays are the days that we really get going, with the weekly feeding time at our Aquarium, which starts at 3:30 p.m. during public hours. Come help us feed a sea star and then feed your kids at Rusty’s Surf Ranch. With proof of Aquarium entry, you’ll receive one free child’s meal with purchase of an adult meal. The Aquarium is located on the Santa Monica Pier, just below the carousel.

You’re also invited to return October 27-28 to the Aquarium’s Fishy Fest, our annual Halloween/Dia de los Muertos celebration from 12:30 to 5 p.m.  Experiment in the mad scientist laboratory, create colorful Dia de los Muertos crafts and masks. Costumes are encouraged, but you can also dress up in our costumes and pose with a marine themed backdrop at our photo booth. Both days will feature a glow in the dark bioluminescent deep-sea experience. Face painting and spooky story times are scheduled throughout the weekend as well. The weekly Saturday story time at 3:30 p.m. is guaranteed to be ghostly; and at 2:45 p.m. on Sunday, special guest author David Derrick, will read his new children’s book, “Animals Don’t So I Won’t.” Derrick is also a story artist at DreamWorks Animation and the author of  “Sid the Squid,” which he read last year to a captivated Aquarium audience. Shark-themed Sunday will also feature spine-tingling facts about these misunderstood marine creatures and a feeding at the shark exhibit. 

Check out the SMPA Pinterest site to get into the spooky mood!

Also this weekend, we’ll be hosting our first annual fall festival at WAYS park on Saturday, October 27, 2-5 p.m. Come carve a pumpkin, climb a hay bale and create an art or a craft!

Once the weekend’s over, it’s time to get Hallow-clean with Soaptopia, which is offering $1 donation to HtB for every bar of Beauty and the Beach or OCEAN’s 12 purchased. Mention “Heal the Bay Fundraiser” in the note section of checkout, and Soaptopia will donate 15 percent to Heal the Bay. Want a coupon? Become a Heal the Bay member through Soaptopia and receive a $10 coupon! Shop now.

Want to plan next weekend’s Heal the Bay fun? Consult our calendar.

Heal the Bay has been fighting to protect our local waters since 1985 and we’ve made a lot of friends along the way who steadfastly support our efforts.

For almost 20 years, actress and glamour gal Amy Smart’s been in our corner, fearlessly speaking up against plastic pollution. A Heal the Bay board member, Amy is often called upon to help us in our campaigns, whether it’s advocating for a Los Angeles plastic bag ban or Coastal Cleanup Day. Yet, she still finds creative ways of supporting us, including teaming up with her favorite clothing designer, Rachel Pally. Through October 13, Rachel Pally is donating 20% of all her proceeds to Heal the Bay. Thank you to Amy and Rachel for your help in sustaining our mission.

We also thank one of our neighbors, Rusty’s Surf Ranch. Bring your kids to the Aquarium on Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m. to help feed our sea stars, then head upstairs to Rusty’s Surf Ranch on the Pier where kids eat FREE with proof of Aquarium entry! One child’s meal is free with the purchase of an adult entree. Thank you, Rusty’s!

We’d like to take the time to thank the Grousbeck Family Foundation. If you check our Beach Report Card before you swim or surf, then you’ve benefited from their support. We appreciate their help in sustaining this valuable public health tool.

Heal the Bay thanks Feit Electric

We wish the Riding Currents team a bon voyage as they head south on their expedition along the California Coast, collecting water samples for us along the way! We’re grateful for the help gathering data for our water quality monitoring.

Last Saturday, employees from Feit Electric (pictured, right) did their part, by cleaning the beach in Hermosa and helping us defend our Bay from pollution! Thank you, Feit!

Protect your car and the ocean with the Ford Motor Company’s Community Changes program. Thank you, Ford! Get your next oil change through this program at one of four local dealerships (it doesn’t matter what make of car you drive) and name your price. Whatever amount you choose to pay will go directly to Heal the Bay. Register here.

It’s not too late! Order a tank or tee-shirt from Honu Yoga and they’ll donate 20% to Heal the Bay! Namaste. And, all through October, Casmaine Boutique (2914 Main Street in Santa Monica) will support Heal the Bay with every purchase of women’s clothes, jewelry or home décor.

Want to see your name here? You and/or your company can also help support Heal the Bay’s work to keep our local waters healthy and cleanLearn how.

The animals at Heal the Bay’s Santa Monica Pier Aquarium get hungry. So do your kids.

Why not feed them together?

Bring your kids to the Aquarium on Tuesdays at 2:30 p.m. to help feed our sea stars, then head upstairs to Rusty’s Surf Ranch on the Pier where kids eat FREE with proof of Aquarium entry! One child’s meal is free with the purchase of an adult entree of $11 or more.

Happy feeding!

Kids Eat Free at Rusty's Surf Ranch Coupon

This morning, after listening to the rain fall on my roof all night and waking up to soggy streets, I put on my raincoat and trekked out to see what the stormdrains were pumping out onto the beaches. What I found was quite shocking — this being my first time witnessing what Heal the Bay calls “First Flush,” or the first significant rainfall of the year.

I ventured out to the Pico/Kenter stormdrain and saw runoff flowing fast out onto the Santa Monica beach, carrying along with it strong smells reminiscent of motor oil and gasoline, hundreds of plastic cups, chip bags, soda cans, an unusually high number of tennis balls, plastic bags (some full of pet waste), bits of Styrofoam, bottle caps, and more urban detritus. It was a saddening and somber sight, to say the least.

No bucket or trash bag could clean up the mess that was before me. And the worse part about it was thinking of all the trash that I didn’t see, that ended up tossed around in the heavy surf and pulled out to sea, only to wash up on distant shores — if it wasn’t first mistaken for food by some unfortunate marine creature. And then there’s all that unseen bacteria and other pathogens spewing into the sea, ready to pounce on the surfers at Bay Street who are unable to stay out of the water when there’s decent swell.

These photos speak for themselves.

2012 First Flush

The First Flush often carries higher levels of trash/debris, pet waste, fertilizers, toxic chemicals, and automotive fluids through our neighborhoods and into our local creeks, rivers, and ocean environments. This runoff is a main source of pollution to our local waterways, because unlike sewage, this polluted water receives no treatment or screening and flows freely along our streets into the catch basins and out into the network of open channels, creeks, and rivers until it reaches the ocean. All this runoff flows through a 5,000 mile-long storm drain system that drains the Greater Los Angeles area.

So be prepared for possible localized flooding from plugged catch basins due to the large amounts of trash clogging the openings. If this happens, then please call it in to the local agency so that they can unplug the drain. Consult this listing of county hotlines.

In addition, avoid surfing or swimming this weekend. Even if the surf is up, the sun is out, and the rainstorm has passed, health officials generally recommend to stay out of the ocean water for more than 72 hours and avoid stormdrain impacted and enclosed beaches for 5 to 10 days after a storm. The reason to stay out of the ocean? This runoff can cause a variety of human pathogens, which can cause illnesses like respiratory infection or stomach flu. Near flowing storm drain outlets, bacteria indicator counts are approximately 10 times higher at ankle depth – where small children typically play – than at chest depth.

How will you know when it’s safe to return to the water? Always check our Beach Report Card for the water quality of your favorite or local beach prior to visiting it.

And yes, there are simple things you can do to help. Heal the Bay reminds L.A. residents that they can take steps in their own homes and neighborhoods to take pressure off an already taxed storm drain system: Join a local group clean-up, keep trash out of gutters and storm drains, and dispose of animal waste and automotive fluids properly. Find out more tips on how you can get involved.

Seeing all that manmade waste on the beach this morning saddened me, but there is hope in a new initiative afoot that could reduce the impact of stormwater and have a real positive impact on local water quality – Los Angeles County’s Clean Water, Clean Beaches Measure. This program is an opportunity for Los Angeles County residents to reduce harmful trash and pollution in our waterways and protect local sources of drinking water from contamination. Read more about the measure.

-Ana Luisa Ahern, Campaigns Manager