
Heal the Bay Blog

Category: Santa Monica

Santa Monica, California located in Los Angeles County is a popular eco-friendly coastal destination for families, couples, tourists and Southern California beachgoers.

Today’s blogger is Kirsten James, Heal the Bay’s water quality director.

All too often when I mention the topic of TMDLs (Total Maximum Daily Loads), people’s eyes start to glaze over. What’s a TMDL you ask? It’s a calculation of the maximum amount of pollution that a waterbody (river, lake or the ocean) can handle before it can no longer meet its beneficial uses (i.e. habitat and recreation). Yawn, yawn – I know.

I swear though, TMDLs are actually very interesting. By developing and implementing TMDLs, water quality improves. In fact, TMDLs are arguably the most useful tool in the Clean Water Act toolbox environmental groups like ours have to actually clean up Southern California’s coastal waters and watersheds.

The Los Angeles Region has led the way nationwide in developing TMDLs. Thirteen years ago Heal the Bay, NRDC and Santa Monica Baykeeper entered into a settlement agreement with USEPA to develop a specified number of TMDLs over the 13 year period. Before that time, we hadn’t seen any quantitative or enforceable limits developed. This month marks the end of this consent decree. As a result of this effort, 47 TMDLs have been established for 175 water bodies that address numerous pollutant impairments including elevated bacteria, metals, pesticides, PCBs and trash. But most importantly, as a result of these TMDLs, our creeks and beaches are cleaner.

We still have a long way to go – many of the TMDLs will be implemented for years to come and Heal the Bay will continue to push the Regional Water Quality Control Board to ensure that the necessary TMDLs are enforced. But it is gratifying to look back over the past 13 years and see that our hard work and the efforts of many other stakeholders has paid off.

Learn more about TMDLs.

Today’s blogger is Susie Santilena, an environmental engineer in water quality at Heal the Bay.

When I stepped into the Dockweiler youth center meeting room, it was one of those sunny winter Southern California days that make the rest of the country jealous this time of the year. The room had a great view of the beach and sparkling blue ocean outside — the perfect setting for the meeting I was attending, which was all about the direction of Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission (the organization charged with restoring the very Bay at which I was gawking). The Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission (SMBRC) is a state organization with the mission to restore and enhance the Santa Monica Bay through actions and partnerships that improve water quality, conserve and rehabilitate natural resources, and to protect the Bay’s benefits and values. Heal the Bay sits on a number of its subcommittees, including the Watershed Advisory Council (WAC).

Each year, the SMBRC holds a meeting of their Watershed Advisory Committee to brainstorm on next steps for implementing their Bay Restoration Plan. This plan is important because it is the de facto road map to guide the SMBRC in restoring the Bay. A wide variety of stakeholders sit on the WAC, and come to this annual meeting with hopes of getting their priority issues incorporated into the Plan.

Not all of the SMBRC’s stakeholders see eye-to-eye on all of the issues discussed. Heal the Bay’s goal in participating in this council is to encourage the SMBRC to focus its efforts on projects that will gather data and lead to the strongest protection of water quality and coastal resources in the Santa Monica Bay as possible. For instance, we speak in support of the SMBRC’s efforts to restore wetland habitats and efforts to facilitate bay-wide habitat monitoring.

After a lively public comment session and an update on the progress the SMBRC was making on its current restoration plan, we broke into groups to brainstorm on the SMBRC’s plan for the next year. We counted off from one to three, each number putting individuals into a random group with the others who counted off the same number. I ended up in a group with an official from Malibu, an officer of the County lifeguards, an ocean monitoring specialist from a large, public-owned sanitation organization, a member of a local community group and a monitoring researcher at a municipal water district that discharges to Malibu Creek (which has previously been pegged as the largest single contributor to nutrient impairments in the Creek). It was quite an eclectic group, and I was anxious to see how the brainstorming session would go.

While the stakeholders in our group had MAJOR differences of opinion when it came some things, such as the contribution (read scapegoating) of natural sources to pollution, everyone was respectful of each other’s perspective, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that there were some issues on which we were able to find common ground. The need for increased water conservation and reuse was a big one, as well as the need for reliable funding sources for monitoring efforts in the Malibu Creek Watershed. Despite our different perspectives, we all agreed that these should be priorities for the SMBRC in the coming year.

Maybe the beautiful weather and ocean scene outside left me overly optimistic, but I’m hopeful that the ideas we developed at the WAC’s brainstorming session will help take us one step closer to restoring the Bay.

2012 is the 40th anniversary of the Clean Water Act, the nation’s law for protecting our most irreplaceable resource.

This year EPA and others will highlight the tremendous progress in reducing pollution since 1972, the many milestones along the way, the ways that the job is far from over and the tough challenges we face today and in the future. To mark 40 Years of the Clean Water Act, the EPA has set up a central location for information, activities, news and networking at

You can also find the Office of Water on Facebook.

View all Earth Month events and updates

Heal the Bay celebrates each Earth Day in a big way — by turning it into a whole month. For the entire month of April, we ensure that “Earth Day is every day.” Our month is chock-full of great events for all ages — cleanups, tablings and more. We welcome volunteers to join us in April to get their hands dirty, meet a few new friends in the community and learn all about the Santa Monica Bay at our Aquarium.

To check out our upcoming opportunities, download our Earth Month flyer:

Volunteer Orientation – April 9

When: Monday April 9, 7 – 9 p.m.

Where: Heal the Bay Main Office, Large Conference Room, 1444 9th St, Santa Monica, CA 90401

Get started by attending one of our monthly Volunteer Orientations. Learn more about Heal the Bay, our mission, and the many ways that you can get involved. Orientation is an important first step (and required for some volunteer programs).

Malibu Creek State Park Restoration – April 14

When: April 14, 8:45 a.m. to Noon

Where: Malibu Creek State Park, 1925 Las Virgenes Road, Calabasas

Join Heal the Bay and the Mountains Restoration Trust to restore areas of Malibu Creek State Park.

Nothin’ But Sand – April 21

When: April 21, 10 a.m. to Noon

Where: Santa Monica Beach, 2600 Barnard Way (at the end of Ocean Park, Tower 27)

Volunteer for a beach cleanup!

Nothin’ But Sand beach cleanups sponsored by: 99¢ Only Stores Logo

Santa Monica Pier Aquarium Earth Month Celebration – April 21 & 22

When: April 21-22, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. both days

Where: Santa Monica Pier Aquarium, 1600 Ocean Front Walk, Santa Monica, CA 90401
($5 admission/$3 minimum suggested donation, children 12 & under free)

Enjoy special Earth Day activities and family fun and free admission to everyone who cleans the beach that weekend.

Earth Day Cleanup – April 22

When: April 22, 9 – 10:45 a.m.

Where: Surfrider Beach and Malibu Lagoon, 23050 Pacific Coast Highway, parking lot #23500.

Join Heal the Bay and the City of Malibu for a joint beach and kayak cleanup

WIP FLASH – April 27

When: Friday April 27, 6 – 10 p.m.

Where: Broadway Art Space 929 Broadway Santa Monica, CA 90402

WIP FLASH is a MOPLA (Month of Photography L.A) event featuring Women In Photography.

The WIP FLASH exhibition “First Nature” is in Santa Monica for one night only. The exhibition will start at 6 p.m. for Heal the Bay members with a private, VIP reception. The exhibition will open to the public at 7 p.m.

Enjoy complimentary drinks and cocktails. Valet service available.

WIP FLASH will donate 20% of photography sales proceeds to benefit Heal the Bay.

Guinness, corned beef and…clean oceans? With St. Patrick’s Day just around the corner, Heal the Bay offers some useful tips on how to have fun while also protecting our beaches and watersheds. Think six-pack rings and trips to the loo…

Use a Designated Driver When you carpool or take public transit to your local pub, you reduce harmful emissions that foul our oceans. If you’ve been imbibing, you also keep the roads safer.

Beware of Six-pack Rings Guinness may not use them, but plastic rings from other brewers can entangle and trap marine animals after they get in the waste stream. Cut them up before you throw them out.

Keep Your Trash to Yourself If you’re out on a night on the town, reduce your impact. Keep trash off the street and out of storm drains – lest all that parade and party debris end up in the ocean. Cigarette butts remain the No. 1 item that volunteers find at beach cleanups.

Sack the Plastic Bag Loading up on corned beef, cabbage and potatoes? Bring your own reusable shopping bag to grocery store. Plastic bags create loads of unnecessary litter and choke our waterways. (Ireland, by the way, has decreased plastic bag use by 94% since introducing a levy on plastic bags in 2002.)

Hold Onto Your Balloons All those helium-filled shamrock-shaped balloons may be cute, but they can blow away to the sea and harm animals. Always pop balloons and put them in the trash.

Don’t Be a Drip Too much green beer means more trips to the loo. Use water wisely by turning off the faucet when you don’t need it and installing low-flow toilets. Conserving water helps sewage treatments plants do a better job.

Give Back If you’ve overindulged, you can pay some penance the “morning after” by getting involved with Heal the Bay. Volunteer for a future beach cleanup, adopt an animal at the Santa Monica Bay Aquarium or download our Beach Report Card mobile device app.

This is the final installment of a four-part series on the many changes the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium has undergone since March 1, 2003, when Heal the Bay took over management and ownership of the marine education center. This blog was authored by Aquarium Director Vicki Wawerchak.

Pollution prevention and environmental stewardship are two messages infused into the programs at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium. From learning about storm drains vs. sewers in our field trip education program, to training volunteers to educate the public about our Beach Report Card, the “Pollution Corner” plays an integral role in educating the students and adults about the impacts humans can have – both positively and negatively – on the ocean environment. This exhibit has been transformed into the perfect platform for discussing the latest in plastic bag legislation, but it took awhile for the display to become the popular spot it is today.

The pollution corner, an oddly-shaped area in the far corner of the gallery, has undergone a few variations. When Heal the Bay originally took over the facility it was the UCLA Ocean Discovery Center’s donor wall, which was painted a bright shade of goldenrod. One of the first designs integrated into the corner consisted of an interactive trash timeline, a storm drain versus sewer poster, images of the impacts of pollution on marine life and an eight-foot tall, three-dimensional sculpture of a storm drain with an imbedded video monitor. New teaching elements were introduced along the way including a “butt-o-meter,” a tall acrylic cylinder that was filled to the top with cigarette butts to show just how many were picked up during a beach cleanup, followed by information regarding our partnership with Monterey Bay Aquarium’s seafood watch program.

SMPA Pollution Corner before and after

The Pollution Corner before and after renovation

After many years of trying to figure out what would work well in this challenging space, we enthusiastically settled on the latest rendition. The current pollution corner includes an open ocean exhibit with a sea jelly kreisel (a round tank specially designed to protect the fragile structure of a jelly) filled with majestic moon jellies. Floating inside a tank alongside the kreisel are the remnants of plastic bags and balloons. This exhibit demonstrates the similarities between sea jellies and plastic marine debris in the ocean environment, allowing the visitor to understand how marine life can mistake plastic debris for food, often resulting in death through starvation and choking. A three-dimensional color mural, which also illustrates the negative impact of plastic debris on marine life, is highlighted as well.

I hope you will drop by Heal the Bay’s Santa Monica Pier Aquarium and experience everything it now has to offer after years of improvements.

Read part three of our four-part series.

From gorgeous coastlines and beautiful birds to underwater sea life and happy kids, photographs from the California Ocean and Coastal Amateur Photography Contest are on exhibit at our Santa Monica Pier Aquarium (SMPA) beginning March 1.

The California Coastal Commission, the Thank You Ocean Campaign, and Fairmont Hotels & Resorts sponsor the annual contest. The photos selected for the exhibit represent winning entries from over the years. Santa Monica’s Mayor Richard Bloom, who is also a Coastal Commissioner, requested the traveling exhibit make a stop in Santa Monica.

“I am excited to present science and art together to educate the general public about how interconnected these two disciplines are,” Aquarium Director Vicki Wawerchak said. “The ability to see what the ocean looks like underwater through this exhibit is a great tool to inspire awareness and conservation of the ocean environment. We are pleased to partner with the California Coastal Commission to bring this opportunity to our Aquarium.”

The SMPA uses space in its Dorothy Green Room to exhibit an array of art installations that connect to the marine environment. Exhibits rotate through every four to eight weeks, offering a variety of artists the opportunity to present selections of marine-related work. The exhibits have highlighted creatures from Alaska to Tahiti, depicted in photographs, pen and inks, digitally created images and watercolors.

The Aquarium is open to the public from 2 to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Friday, and from 12:30 to 5:00 p.m. weekends. The marine science education center is closed Mondays.

To view winners throughout the years, visit the Coastal Commission’s contest home page.

Ulices Ramirez and Yahaira Arenas, seniors at Santee Education Complex, a high school near downtown Los Angeles, didn’t like the litter they saw in their community, so they decided to document the problem in a short video as a class project.

With help from their English and Government teachers, the duo focused on the economic and visceral impact of illegal dumping and littering in their neighborhoods. They also asked Heal the Bay’s Susie Santilena, an environmental engineer, about the impact of man-made debris on marine life.

“It was my pleasure to work with Ulices and Yahaira,” said Susie. “It’s clear from watching their video that they really got the message. I’m happy that they’re helping to spread the word about the hazards of litter on public health, as well as on the health of our oceans.”

Watch it now.

This is the third installment of a four-part series on the many changes the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium has gone through since March 1, 2003, when Heal the Bay took over management and ownership of the marine education center. Today’s blogger, Aquarium Director Vicki Wawerchak, recounts some of the not-so subtle modifications.

The exterior and interior of the facility has undergone a variety of design and color changes in the past nine years. When I first arrived at the Aquarium, it was decked out in traditional UCLA blue and gold. And growing up with a father whose mantra was “Root for UCLA and anyone playing against USC!” – I didn’t mind seeing those colors that had surrounded me for many years.

But after settling in and infusing Heal the Bay’s mission into everything we did, we decided to create an exterior that not only called attention to the facility, but also used that space to educate. We designed a variety of concepts and color schemes for exterior paint, patio banners, sail fin banners and pole flags and decided to use the patio banners to educate the general public about the scale of the marine life in the Santa Monica Bay.

That same father who rooted for UCLA at the 50-yard line was also a teacher who taught me to look for and leverage every teachable moment available—even the ones that didn’t seem obvious at first. So I was excited about the educational banner idea and the staff were eager to debut this new addition. Never did I think it would backfire quite like it did. Many people saw the outline of a juvenile grey whale at 15 feet and a sea lion at six feet and were disappointed to learn that we housed neither of those species in our 4,500-square-foot marine education center—there were even visitors that asked for their $2 entry fee to be refunded. Best laid plans…

SMPA before and after

The Aquarium interior before and after renovation

The interior of the facility has also been renovated numerous times; the original color scheme of black ceilings, black exhibit bases and grey floors was designed so visitors would feel they were stepping into an underwater world. The feeling of being under the sea was definitely infused into the facility, but again the opportunity to use the interior — not just the exhibits — as a teaching canvas was the driving force for the remodel. We painted the interior, worked to create new colorful exhibit banners, remodeled exhibit bases using recycled materials and installed a new sandy bottom-colored floor.

In December 2008, the installation of a carpet made of recycled material and flooring from recycled tires in our classroom added a new, fresh and clean look for the interior. That year, when we reopened after the holidays with the new design, the general public, teachers and students complimented the interior and a number visitors asked if we had expanded.

While we haven’t expanded our footprint, through creative use of every square inch of the Aquarium, we have managed to expand visitors’ knowledge of the local marine environment.

Read part two of the four part series.

Today’s guest blogger is Matthew King, Heal the Bay’s director of communications.

Parting can be such sweet sorrow, the Bard once aptly noted.  But speakers at a recent farewell roast of Mark Gold seemed to relish dishing out more sorrow than sweetness to Heal the Bay’s just departed president. As the sun set gently over Mark’s beloved Bay, more than 200 friends, family members, current and former staffers, board members, environmental leaders and elected officials gathered at The Beach Club in Santa Monica to send him off to his new gig at UCLA.

Mark escaped being doused in a dunk-tank (thanks to an innovative last-minute fundraising plea to gathered guests), but he couldn’t escape the pointed darts hurled by some of the city’s most influential leaders. He definitely took some ribbing about his hyper-zealous advocacy, wonky-nerdiness and need to always be the brightest bulb in the room.

Eric Garcetti, a veteran member of the Los Angeles City Council, described Mark as the “poop in the ocean guy” who “speaks acronym, not English.” He recounted his utter disappointment about Mark’s reaction to the council enacting a difficult piece of environmental legislation. “He’s always sitting on that high horse. And after you did 90% of the things he asked you to do, then he’d turn around and yell at you about the 10% you didn’t!”

Read more of this post »