
Heal the Bay Blog

Category: Plastic Pollution

Polluters are being held accountable in the Upper LA River Watershed!

A recent legal victory for the Regional Water Board is a major win for the environment, helping to protect the Los Angeles River headwaters and the broader watershed from further pollution.

As a result of advocacy by groups like Heal the Bay, LA Water Keeper, and Parents Against SSFL, the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board) approved updated regulations for runoff from the Boeing Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL) site in 2023. The new permit included strict water quality limits and additional monitoring requirements for contaminants like PFAS and PCBs, permit elements that are necessary to understand and control polluted runoff from this site. Boeing immediately filed a petition against the Regional Board opposing the permit.

For a “deep dive” into the history of Santa Susana and the Regional Water Quality Control Board check out our piece Calling for Accountability at the Santa Susana Field Lab.

Over this past year, Heal the Bay, LA Water Keeper, and Parents Against SSFL supported the Regional Board as interested parties, filing an amicus briefing, or “friend-of-the-court” briefing, to provide useful information to the court as they weighed their decision. The Los Angeles Superior Court recently ruled in favor of the Regional Water Board, rejecting most of Boeing’s arguments, and upholding the new permit terms.

This significant legal victory for the Regional Water Board is a major win for the environment, helping to protect the Los Angeles River headwaters and the broader watershed from further pollution.

Read the full press release.

You’ve heard us say it time and time again: plastic pollution is a HUGE problem for both people and the planet. This one fact says it all: By 2050, there may well be more plastic in the sea by mass than fish if we don’t curb our addiction to single-use plastics. Heal the Bay is dedicated to combatting plastics and their associated impacts to our health and the environment. As the year comes to a close, we’re excited to share some significant wins in the fight against plastic pollution from 2024. We will also outline our vision for continuing the fight next year and invite you to support our work and get involved.

2024: A Year of Action

Heal the Bay Sues Big Plastic

In case you missed the major news – we sued ExxonMobil this year. In a historic move, Heal the Bay joined a coalition of environmental groups in filing a lawsuit against the world’s largest producer of single-use plastic polymers for their role in fueling the plastic pollution crisis.



Closing the Loopholes in CA’s Plastic Bag Ban

Are you sick of those thicker “reusable” plastic bags at the checkout counter? We are, too. That’s why we are celebrating a monumental win for state-level plastics regulation with the passage of Senate Bill 1053 (Blakespear), signed into law by Gov. Newsom in September. This new legislation closes critical loopholes in California’s historic 2016 bag ban by removing ALL plastic film bags from checkout counters at grocery and convenience stores statewide by 2026, finally doing away with those thicker bags. Additionally, the law increases the minimum recycled content in paper bags to 50%, ensuring a more sustainable alternative. For Angelenos, where the bag ban extends to all retail facilities, the phrase “paper or plastic?” will finally become a relic of the past. Goodbye plastic bags!

For a deep dive into the history of the bag ban and our work, check out our No Bag November campaign.

LA’s Comprehensive Plastics Reduction Program Advances

Los Angeles is taking bold strides toward a plastic-free future with the Comprehensive Plastics Reduction Program, and Heal the Bay is proud to play a pivotal role in advancing this City program. In October, the LA City Council unanimously approved the Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR). This crucial step lays the foundation for sweeping plastics legislation in the city. This forward-thinking program will bring transformative measures in the coming years that promise to make LA a leader in reducing plastic pollution at its source and become a model for other cities to follow.


2025: A Year of Promise

New Local Laws: Leading the Way for Reuse

Thanks to the Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR ) passed by the City Council this year, Los Angeles is poised to pass new plastic reduction laws. Heal the Bay, in partnership with the Reusable LA coalition, will advocate for regulations requiring reusable foodware at eateries and refill systems for to-go food. These laws, potentially in effect by 2026, will reduce single-use plastics and help prevent waste at major events like the Super Bowl, FIFA World Cup, and 2028 Olympics.

SB 54 Implementation

SB 54, the California Plastic Pollution Producer Responsibility Act, requires producers to reduce single-use plastic packaging and products by 25% by 2032 and transition to recyclable or compostable alternatives. The law also establishes a framework for extended producer responsibility (EPR), where companies must fund recycling programs, meet waste reduction targets, and comply with regulations enforced by the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle), with the goal of reducing plastic pollution and increasing recycling rates. The regulations will kick in January 1, 2025 and Heal will be keeping a close eye on implementation and advocating for reuse!


Beyond the Bay

State, Nation, and Beyond! Finalizing the Global Plastics Treaty

While Heal the Bay drives local change, we also stay engaged with global efforts like the UN’s Global Plastics Treaty, which aims to reduce plastic pollution worldwide. Despite progress being slow and political roadblocks, over 100 countries support limiting plastic production to address the crisis. This treaty offers hope for a global solution that can ease local pollution and protect ecosystems, including those in our own communities.


You can help us combat plastic pollution

Tell your local restaurants to “Hold the Plastic, Please!”

Plastic reduction laws are crucial, but their effectiveness depends on enforcement, and that’s where you come in. Heal the Bay, a founding member of the Reusable LA Coalition, is proud to support the “Hold the Plastic, Please” campaign, which empowers customers to educate businesses on complying with local plastic laws. By downloading or picking up free tip cards, you can help create a culture of reuse by observing violations, sharing a tip card, and starting conversations to reduce plastic pollution.


Support Heal the Bay

There are many challenges that lie ahead for our coastal waters: climate change is intensifying, Big Oil is making plans to ramp up production of single-use plastics, and our incoming federal administration has a history of taking steps backward on environmental protection.

No matter what happens in D.C. or at the UN, we’re going to use science and policy to drive meaningful change in our backyard. You can count on it!

Nearly 40-years ago, Heal the Bay’s founding president, Dorothy Green, began this organization built on hope for a healthier Santa Monica Bay and a brighter future for Angelenos. We invite you to take action with us by volunteering or making a Year-End tax-deductible gift. Whatever your interests or talents, there’s a place for you at Heal the Bay.


Heal the Bay Sues Big Plastic

Heal the Bay today took historic legal action to put an end to one of the existential threats facing our local beaches and ocean – plastic pollution.

We have joined a coalition of leading environmental groups in filing a lawsuit against ExxonMobil, the world’s largest producer of single-use plastic polymers. California’s Attorney General also filed a similar lawsuit today.

For the past 40 years, we’ve hosted tens of thousands of beach cleanups in L.A. County. Our volunteers have removed over 2 million pounds of plastic-strewn trash from our shorelines and inland waterways.

Today, we say “No more!”

Instead of cleaning up the wreckage created by Big Plastic, we are moving aggressively to stop the harm at its source.

The coalition complaint, filed in San Francisco Superior Court, alleges violations of California’s nuisance law and unfair competition law. In the suit, the plaintiffs argue there must be corporate accountability for a decades-long campaign to bury the truth about the known environmental, economic and human health impacts caused by plastics.

The bold action harkens back to Heal the Bay’s first victory in 1990, when it successfully secured a legal settlement with the City of Los Angeles to stop dumping partially treated sewage into the Bay from its Hyperion wastewater treatment facility.

Who else is backing the lawsuits against ExxonMobil? 

For months, Heal the Bay’s policy staff has been quietly meeting with our peers at Surfrider Foundation, the Sierra Club and San Francisco Baykeeper. Today’s action marks the first step in a coordinated campaign to legally hold Big Oil accountable for the production of wasteful and harmful single-use plastics.

In April 2022, California Attorney General Rob Bonta launched an investigation into ExxonMobil (and other fossil fuel industry giants) for their role in the plastic pollution problem. Based on those findings, Bonta’s office today filed a concurrent lawsuit against Big Plastic. This marks a more aggressive approach to stop plastic pollution at its source rather than merely remediating it.

What are the environmental harms created by ExxonMobil? 

As alleged in the complaint, ExxonMobil-produced polymer resins are responsible for over 6 million metric tons of plastic waste annually — equivalent to the weight of 300,000 garbage trucks. Polymers are used to produce so-called “nurdles.” These BB-sized plastic pellets are the building blocks of such wasteful and harmful single-use items as plastic bags, water bottles and snack packaging. This debris winds up contaminating our environment and our bodies, at every stage of its product lifecycle. By 2050, there will be more plastic in the world’s oceans than fish, according to some studies.

Why can’t we just do a better job of recycling single-use plastics?

Even with recycling programs in place for decades, less than 5% of domestic plastic is recycled into another plastic product, despite being labeled as “recyclable.” The vast majority of plastics end up littering our public places, winding up in overtaxed landfills, or floating in garbage vortexes in our oceans.

What are the ties between single-use plastics and the worsening climate crisis? 

Given falling demand for gasoline as electric cars proliferate, plastics will be the greatest growth market for Big Oil in the next decade.

Plastic production and disposal are also a significant contributor to ever-worsening climate change, responsible for roughly 3% of all carbon emissions worldwide. The doubling of plastics production in the next two decades will contribute to the wildfires, famine and heat stroke that jeopardize the lives of millions.

How has plastic harmed our bodies? 

Plastic pollution never biodegrades. Instead, plastic pollution breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces — sometimes referred to as microplastics. Avoiding microplastics in our daily lives is virtually impossible. It is in our drinking water, it is in the food we eat, and it is even in the air we breathe.

Over the course of a lifetime, the average person will unknowingly consume more than 40 pounds of plastic.  Microplastics have been found in human blood, heart tissue, placentas, and even breast milk.

A Heal the Bay volunteer sorts through plastic pollution on a Southern California beach.

How can our supporters help? 

Today’s filing is just the first step in what could be a years-long legal fight. Just as with our victory at Hyperion, a steady application of grassroots pressure will be required to force deep-pocketed Big Oil to change its harmful practices.

We will be calling on all our supporters in the coming months to add their voices to the chorus of everyday people fed up with single-use plastics. We will also need the financial assistance of donors to help defray costs associated with the lawsuit.


What are the next steps?  

In the next few months, Heal the Bay’s science and policy team will continue to gather data to hold Big Oil’s feet to the fire.


Today is just the first day in a long fight.

To receive regular updates on how you can make your voice heard, please click here. 

Storm drains dump untreated, unsafe water on our beaches – Heal the Bay’s Storm Response Team gives you the safety guidelines to get out a cleanup and stop the trash before it reaches our marine life neighbors at the coastline.

UPDATE 11/14/2024

2024 RECAP 

Los Angeles saw extreme weather swings in 2024. Early on, the 2023-2024 water year brought record-breaking rainfall, making it the second wettest in history. These intense storms refilled reservoirs and led to severe flooding and runoff, stressing the need to protect our coastlines. The Storm Response Team is rallying our community to help by clearing debris from streets, sidewalks, and public spaces while the weather stays manageable. Together, we can start 2025 with safer, cleaner shores! 

Ready to take the next step? Complete the virtual training to be added to
Heal the Bay’s Storm Response Team.

Watch the Training Video

Stay safe and follow our extended self-guided cleanup safety tips for post-storm and atmospheric river conditions.

DOWNLOAD Our Self-Guided Cleanup Tips



California’s coastline has also been experiencing powerful King Tides—exceptionally high tides that occur when the sun, moon, and Earth align. These events push debris back onto our shores, adding to the pollution challenge. Learn more about this winter’s King Tides (which occurred on November 15–17 and will occur on December 13–15).

The combination of heavy rainfall and King Tides creates unique challenges. Storm drains carry inland pollution to the ocean, while big waves bring ocean debris back to the shore. So, we invite you to join Heal the Bay and our Storm Response Team to help keep our beaches and marine environments clean and safe. 


After a dramatic winter, the weather quieted down mid-year, but the start of the 2024-2025 season has been exceptionally dry. October recorded no rainfall, well below the 0.55-inch norm, raising concerns about pollution when the rains return. Now, let’s address this buildup to minimize its impact on our watersheds and coastlines. 

UPDATE 1/3/2023

The first storms of 2024 have brought 0.25-0.5 inches of rain to the Los Angeles Area Basin, which amounts to over 1 inch of rain in some areas over the past seven days, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s California and Nevada River Forecast Center. As part of the Storm Response Team, we ask you to join us in protecting our ocean from inland plastic pollution by removing debris from gutters, sidewalks, and hiking trails while the weather stays dry.

Ready to take the next step? Complete the virtual training to be added to
Heal the Bay’s Storm Response Team.

Watch the Training Video

Stay safe and follow our extended self-guided cleanup safety tips for post-storm and atmospheric river conditions.

DOWNLOAD Our Self-Guided Cleanup Tips


The California coast has also been experiencing extremely high surf conditions due to a phenomenon called King Tides. According to the California Coastal Commission, the term “King Tide” is used to describe very high tides, caused by the combined gravitational pull when the sun, moon, and Earth are fully aligned with one another. The next King Tides will be on January 11-12, 2024. If helping eliminate marine debris isn’t enough community action for you, we encourage you to take part in the California King Tides Project by taking and sharing pictures of high tide events to help record how our coastline is changing in the face of sea level rise.

The combined effect of heavy rain and dangerously high tides is a very powerful combination, with storms washing all manner of debris down storm drains, through our watershed, and big waves bringing trash from the ocean back to the shore. Our local coastal environment could use our help. Join Heal the Bay and the Storm Response team in ensuring Los Angles starts the new year with safe and clean coastlines!

Then join us for our first Nothin’ But Sand Cleanup of 2024 on Saturday, January 20. 2024 and help make an even bigger impact alongside other environmental activists and beach lovers. RSVP to reserve a bucket. 

UPDATE 11/15/2023

The slow-moving Pacific Storm making its way through Los Angeles County is expected to bring 1-2 inches of rain from Wednesday to Saturday. This first flush of the season will send more than 20 billion gallons of water rushing through the city bringing accumulated debris from our gutters, storm drains, and waterways out to the beach.

Please join the Heal the Bay Storm Response Team to protect our coastal waters this rainy season.

Ready to take the next step? Complete the virtual training to be added to
Heal the Bay’s Storm Response Team.

Watch the Training Video

Stay safe and follow our extended self-guided cleanup safety tips for post-storm and atmospheric river conditions.

DOWNLOAD Our Self-Guided Cleanup Tips

EACH TIME IT RAINS, the Los Angeles storm drain system rushes untreated water and all the debris that litters our streets, gutters, and sidewalks right into our beaches and coastline. Cleaning up the mess made by these trash-freeways in our community calls for the help of our trusty Storm Response Team! Made up of Heal the Bay staff and dedicated volunteers, the Storm Response Team acts as the last line of defense, removing garbage washed out of the storm drain system and local waterways before it reaches the ocean. Interested in conducting your own Storm Response Team deployment? Please remember to stay safe and follow our extended self-guided cleanup safety tips for post-storm and atmospheric river conditions. 

📄 Download: Self-Guided Cleanup Tips – Storm Response and Atmospheric River Conditions

When the call goes out, the Team puts on their rubber boots, gloves, and raincoats and goes out during low tide or during a break in the rain to local catch basins and outfalls, gathering as much trash as they can. Pollution and litter upstream are swept through the system and, while the Heal the Bay team attempts to get out there quickly, a barrage of atmospheric rivers dousing our southland can make it extremely difficult to stave the flow of trash, debris, and unsafe particulates. We are encouraged by the volunteers who have reached out about helping to do individual clean ups, but we must warn that it is a filthy job and volunteers should proceed with caution.  

Heal the Bay is constantly advocating for upstream solutions that would stop the flow of pollution into our local waterways and prevent the need for storm response teams in the future. Reducing single-use plastics and polystyrene, the technical term for products commonly referred to as styrofoam, has a significant impact on reducing the amount of trash that reaches our oceans.   

Heal the Bay also supports efforts to collect, treat, and use stormwater. Measure W, passed in 2018, provides funding for local stormwater capture, treatment, and reuse projects. These efforts will drastically reduce our reliance on imported water, reduce pollution in our local waterways and coastal waters, and reduce risks to public health.  

👉 Get caught up: Learn more about Heal the Bay’s efforts in getting Measure W passed and it’s implementation. 

Tips for all Angelenos during #LARain: 

  • Stay out of the water. The County of Los Angeles Environmental Health Department and Heal the Bay urge residents and visitors to avoid water contact at Los Angeles County beaches for at least 72 hours following rain event. Check our Beach Report Card website or app before your next swim along the coast. 
  • Avoid low-lying areas and stay up to date on all local weather alerts 
  • Know the flow. Test your water knowledge, and share insights about rainwater runoff and where Los Angeles gets its water in your community. 





Written by Stephanie Gebhardt. As our Beach Programs Manager, Stephanie organizes Heal the Bay’s beach cleanups and community beautification projects. With experience in sustainability consulting and science communication, she unites Angelenos in protecting what they love.

Heal the Bay closely monitors the progress of bills that impact California’s ecosystems and communities each legislative calendar year, and this season has been a rollercoaster ride ranging from game-changing victories in water conservation to ongoing waste and toxin battles. Let’s take a deep dive into the outcomes of key legislation and what it means for healthy, safe, clean water.

 Major Wins led by Heal the Bay for Water & Biodiversity

When Heal the Bay sponsors a bill, we take on the responsibility of introducing, advocating for, and shepherding a proposed new law through the legislative process. This year, Heal the Bay co-sponsored two bills that were signed into law.

  • Assembly Bill 1572 (Friedman): Irrigation of Non-functional Turf, co-sponsored by Heal the Bay, NRDC, and Metropolitan Water District

a.k.a the “lawn-be-gone” solution for a more water equitable and climate resilient California.

Heal the Bay sponsored AB 1572 which is all about using water more efficiently. The bill bans the use of drinking water to irrigate “non-functional turf” on government and commercial properties. See a patch of grass and wondering if it’s non-functional turf?  If the only time a person walks on the grass is to mow it, it’s probably non-functional turf. This bill doesn’t impact landscapes around people’s homes, but it does mean no more watering fancy lawns with precious drinking water at public agencies, restaurants, and corporate campuses. When it goes into effect, AB 1572 is expected to save the same amount of water 780,000 households use in a year! Even major water suppliers supported it. This bill is a huge win toward a more sustainable and water-efficient California.  While the bill excludes single-family residential lawns, everyone is encouraged to do their part.  To learn about how you can transform your landscape, check out LA Department of Water and Power and Metropolitan Water District’s turf replacement programs.

  • Assembly Bill 1611 (Lowenthal): Fishing Violations, co-sponsored by Heal the Bay and Resources Legacy Fund

a.k.a the “win-win” for fish and anglers.

AB 1611 simplifies and clarifies fishing regulations in California by allowing Fish and Game wardens to cite certain administrative commercial fishing violations as either a misdemeanor or an infraction. This change ensures that wild fishery enforcement is more equitable.

This smart approach ensures that the punishment fits the crime by striking a balance between fairness and strong governance. This bill had strong backing from fishery regulatory agencies and its passing means California is taking essential steps to safeguard its fisheries and continue its tradition of leading in environmental protection. It’s a win-win for both nature and the community.

Want to help Heal the Bay monitor our precious Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)? Become an MPA Watch Volunteer and learn how to identify and report violations – the first step to becoming an MPA Watch volunteer is to attend our next Volunteer Orientation on January 11, 2024, at 6 PM (Heal the Bay Aquarium).

Want to learn more about the bills Heal the Bay helped sponsor? 🔴 WATCH our 2023 Legislative Wins Break-Down on Instagram. 

Other Exciting Legislative Wins

  • Senate Bill 244 (Eggman): Right to Repair

a.k.a “Don’t waste it, fix it”.

Dubbed the “Right to Repair Act”, the passage of SB 244 will have a powerful impact on reducing electronic waste by giving consumers more accessibility to the parts and pieces needed to fix electronics and appliances. Beginning July 1, 2024, manufacturers will have to provide you, their customer, with documentation, parts, and tools for repairs, even if the warranty has expired. This law is all about making repairs more accessible, reducing waste, and promoting a fair marketplace for fixes.  Heal the Bay supported this bill through our Clean Seas Lobbying Coalition.

Tough Losses: Vetoed Bills

Not every bill makes it through the process, Governor Newsom vetoed several bills that Heal the Bay would have preferred to see signed into law:

  • Assembly Bill 1628 (McKinnor): Microfiber Filtration

a.k.a “Microfiber filters could make massive impacts on the environment”.

AB 1628 was focused on microfiber pollution, a major contributor to microplastic pollution around the globe. It would have required every new washing machine sold in the State, whether for homes or industrial use, to come with a special microfiber filter. This filter is like a lint trap that catches tiny microfibers as small as 100 micrometers, preventing them from getting into our environment. The bill was vetoed by Governor Newsom who expressed concerns about increased costs to consumers and instead suggested the exploration of alternative, incentive-based approaches. Heal the Bay does not agree with his false narrative, and, in fact, bill analysis still favors a legislative approach showing that increased costs would have actually been minimal for both consumers and manufacturers.

  • Assembly Bill 1423 (Schiavo): PFAS in Artificial Turf

a.k.a A “turf” loss for the environment.

AB 1423 would have prevented California public entities, schools, and certain colleges from buying or installing artificial turf or synthetic surfaces containing harmful PFAS chemicals (perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances), commonly called “forever chemicals,” which are highly toxic compounds persistent in the environment and linked to a myriad of public health concerns. The bill would have also encouraged manufacturers to choose safer alternatives when replacing PFAS in these surfaces.  Unfortunately, Governor Newsom vetoed this bill citing a lack of regulatory oversight to enforce the ban.  Heal the Bay continues to seek opportunities to educate the public about the dangers of PFAS and encourage alternatives wherever possible.

It’s Not Over Yet: Bills to Revisit

While some bills came out on top and others met their downfall this year, a few were set on a two-year track that may potentially be reintroduced in 2024 (also known as part two of the two-year legislative session). Below are some standout bills that Heal the Bay is excited to work on when they arise again:

  • Assembly Bill 1290 (Rivas): Plastic Additives

AB 1290 sought to adopt new plastic regulations by putting restrictions on certain plastic products and additives. The bill aimed to ban making, selling, offering for sale, or distributing especially toxic items like colored plastic bottles and plastic packaging with toxic substances in California. These restricted substances include colorants that make plastic hard to recycle, additives that make plastic break down into tiny pieces, and harmful PFAS chemicals. This bill was extended to a 2-year bill and Heal the Bay continues to support its passage.

  • Senate Bill 552 (Newman): Reuse for Dine-In 

SB 552 was a tough loss for Heal the Bay and our partners along with bill sponsors at the Clean Seas Coalition. This bill would have prohibited food facilities from providing a dine-in customer with any single-use foodware accessory or single-use food packaging. LA County recently passed a similar law thanks to Heal the Bay and Reusable LA, and we know just how effective this law would be at reducing harmful single-use plastic waste from the source. Unfortunately, thanks to logistical challenges, this bill never really took off this year, but Heal the Bay is really excited to push even harder for this legislation next year.

For a great summary of outcomes on climate and other environmental bills, check out the recap from LA Times reporter, Sammy Roth.

While this year was peppered with heartbreaks and an unusually high number of bill vetoes, Heal the Bay is still celebrating our wins and looking forward to next year.  From equitable fishing regulation to water conservation and waste reduction, our state is at the forefront of safeguarding our precious ecosystems. As we move forward, Heal the Bay will continue to fight for healthy, safe, clean water for all. Keep following along to stay in the know and learn how you can help us support the next round of California environmental bills!




















In the not-so-distant past, disposable plastic bags were a ubiquitous sight, fluttering in the wind and littering our streets, waterways, and beaches. But Los Angeles took a pioneering step in 2014 and implemented a city-wide bag ban in grocery stores. The state of California soon followed, after dozens of districts across the state banned single-use plastic bags, and since then, light weight single-use plastic grocery bags have been officially outlawed. And yet, single-use bags have slowly crept back into our lives.

This month, Heal the Bay launched the “No Bag November” campaign, urging everyone to embrace and recommit themselves to declining single-use plastic bags, and digging up their reusable bags from the depths of their pantries to reaffirm our commitment to a plastic-free Los Angeles. In this blog post, we’ll explore the history of the plastic bag, the nuances of the bag ban, and what we can do to create lasting change.

The Story of the Plastic Bag: A Brief History and the Bag Ban

Behold the infamous “Plastic Bag Monster” at the height of the single-use-plastic bag epidemic before the passage of SB270.

The Rise of the Plastic Bag: Disposable plastic bags became an environmental scourge as their production skyrocketed in the late 20th century. Their lightweight nature meant that, after being used for mere minutes typically, they could easily escape from trash cans and pollute our oceans and landscapes. These bags, while only a fraction of all single-use plastics, are particularly problematic due to the challenge of recycling the thin film which often clogs recycling machinery.

The “Plastic Bag Monster” awaits their fate as the plastic bag ban becomes law, first in Los Angeles, then across California in 2016.

The Bag Ban: California’s bag ban, Senate Bill 270, was implemented in 2016 after a multi-year fight and statewide public vote (Prop 67), and was a significant step towards reducing plastic pollution. This law banned single-use plastic carry-out bags from groceries, pharmacies, convenience stores, and more and required a $0.10 charge on any other carry-out bags provided to customers. Championed by environmental groups across the State, including Heal the Bay, it was a momentous move that set a trend for the rest of the nation. However, the battle was far from over.

The Nuances of the Bag Ban: Despite its initial success, shown by a significant reduction in plastic bags removed from shorelines and beaches during Coastal Cleanup Day events following its passage, the bag ban has faced challenges, including the loophole that allows thicker “reusable” high density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic bags to be sold to customers for the $0.10 fee. These bags present the same waste disposal challenges as their thinner counterparts and are still prolific.

The COVID-19 Bag Resurgence: The bag ban’s so-called “failure” during the COVID-19 pandemic was due to a massive surge in disposable plastics from takeout and grocery delivery, coupled with precautious emergency waivers from state officials that lifted the state’s bag ban. The reality is that, while at first there were many unknowns around COVID-19 transfer and our state leaders took all necessary steps to keep frontline workers safe, it was later proven that reusable bags never posed a risk. But big plastic lobbyists continued to push the flawed narrative of “unsafe” reusable bags and the damage was done; reusable bags disappeared from shopper carts, almost overnight, and the culture shifted backwards. Now, as the LA Times reported this past summer, reusable bags are no longer a priority for grocery stores or for customers. But here’s the silver lining: The City of Los Angeles recently expanded its bag ban beyond grocery stores to all retail facilities, marking a step in the right direction.

Plastic Bag Monsters have made a resurgence since 2020. How can we ensure this invasive species goes extinct?

Recommendations for Policy Updates: To truly make an impact in the new paradigm, we need to amend the bag ban. We must close loopholes, enforce the regulations, enhance consumer awareness, and increase monitoring efforts. Heal the Bay’s “No Bag November” campaign is the perfect opportunity to recommit to our waste reduction and renew the age-old success of reuse.


So, What Can We Do?

As Individuals: The “No Bag November” campaign invites individuals to participate actively. Open that broom closet and dust off your reusable bags and pledge to refuse single-use plastic bags throughout November. Heal the Bay is offering to collect your stash of single-use plastic bags for upcycling, in exchange for a reusable tote.

Creating Systemic Change: To create a lasting impact, we must influence systemic change. Earlier this year, Reusable LA launched “Hold the Plastic, Please” tip cards to increase awareness of plastic foodware laws with your local businesses and encourage them to join the movement against plastic pollution. Get your tip cards to help us create systemic change beyond the plastic bag.

Don’t Forget Who to Hold Responsible: Big Oil and Big Plastic

Big Oil and Big Plastic: While we might fear the “Plastic Bag Monster,” the true villains in this story are Big Oil and Big Plastic. These industrial giants relentlessly produce plastics that harm our environment and frontline communities and funnel millions of lobbying dollars to stop us from passing laws regulating their production. It’s time to shift the responsibility to these industries and demand stringent regulations to reduce plastic pollution at its source.


The “No Bag November” campaign is our opportunity to rekindle our commitment to the environment. Beyond just saying “no” to single-use plastic bags, it’s a chance to rally against the true adversaries: Big Oil and Big Plastic. As a community, let’s stand together to demand stronger policies and push for lasting change. Below are options for you to embrace “No Bag November” and exchange your single-use bags for a reusable tote:

  • November Nothin’ But Sand Beach Cleanup: Help rid the beach of harmful plastic pollution during our LAST BEACH CLEANUP of 2023. Bring your collection of single-use plastic bags to Toes Beach on Saturday, November 18, 2023 from 10am-12pm, to make sure they are properly recycled and receive a reusable tote in exchange. REGISTER IN ADVANCE HERE! Or show up at 10 AM on Saturday! This event will be held rain or shine.
  • Drop-Off Box at Heal the Bay Aquarium: Stop by Heal the Bay Aquarium at the Santa Monica Pier to drop off your collection of single-use bags to be upcycled (see our list plastic film products you can leave at our collection sites). Drop-off is available anytime at our Admissions Entrance during public hours, Wednesday – Sunday 12pm-4pm.
  • Drop-Off Box at Alma Backyard Farms in Compton: Come by Alma Backyard Farms’ big Thanksgiving event to drop off your single-use bags in exchange for some swag – and shop for organic local produce! Event will be November 19th 8am-1pm at 801 E Redondo Beach Blvd, Compton, CA 90220. More information about this regular event here!

Check out our list of plastic film products you can drop off at any Heal the Bay Collection Site!

What We Take – Plastic Film_2

Thank you to our “No Bag November” Partners! 

  • Ridwell – providers of plastic bag collection bins and reusable totes 
  • LA County Department of Public Works – providers of reusable totes 
  • City of Los Angeles – providers of reusable totes 
  • ALMA Backyard Farms
  • Porsche (Nothin’ But Sand Sponsor)

Plastic pollution is a major problem in Los Angeles because plastic makes up the majority of LA County’s litter, according to a UCLA report commissioned by LA County’s Sustainability Office.  LAist recently reported that about 85% of plastic is NOT recycled, “instead, it fills up landfills or ends up in the street and gets flushed into storm drains and ultimately the ocean, causing harmful and deadly consequences to ocean life” (Restaurants In Unincorporated LA County Are Now Banned From Using Plastics, Erin Stone). Consumers are often unaware that when plastic is recycled, thrown away, or improperly put in recycling bins it often ends up in the same place and is always detrimental to the environment.

For several years, Heal the Bay has been working with LA City and County to help create legislation aiming to break the harmful plastic cycle.  And finally, there is some hope.    

In 2023, THREE new laws are making big waves for the environment, and ultimately, reducing plastic in our oceans.  They may sound confusing, but the result is simple, less plastic! Here is Heal the Bay’s quick breakdown of those laws: 

Citywide Changes

Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish

The City of Los Angeles, in accordance with the first phase of the LA Sanitation and Environment (LASAN) Comprehensive Plastics Reduction Program, passed several exciting laws in 2022 to reduce waste and curb plastic pollution in our region. Since then, two of those laws have officially gone into effect as LA takes major steps to reduce single-use plastics. 

So Long, Styrofoam

1) The sale of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS), commonly known as Styrofoam, has been banned. 

The LA City law went into effect on April 23, 2023, and asserts that no restaurant or retail store can give, sell, distribute, or offer products made of EPS to any consumer. This includes cups, plates, bowls, takeaway containers, egg cartons, and even ice coolers. The first phase will only impact establishments with more than 26 employees and will expand to include all restaurants and retail establishments in April 2024. 

Shop Till You Drop the Plastic Bag

2) The City expanded its existing bag ban to include all retail shops.

The LA City “plastic bag ban” has been in place for nearly a decade, banning local LA grocery stores from handing out single-use plastic bags and charging ten cents ($0.10) for alternative single-use carryout bags.  This law was a means to reduce plastic in the environment and encourage the public to invest in reusable totes bags instead. In 2023, the ban on single-use plastic bags was expanded to large retail stores.  Now in effect, retail establishments that employ more than 26 employees should no longer offer flimsy single-use plastic bags to consumers and will offer alternatives or paper bags for a $.10 fee.  As of July 2023, all other shops including apparel stores, farmers markets, and food or beverage facilities will join the list of places to ban the bag.

If you suspect your favorite clothing store, watering hole or eatery is unaware of these new rules, let them know!  Education is the most important part of creating change in your community. You can also give LA Sanitation a call and let them know, too at 213-485-2260.  

LA Countywide Changes

This year has brought a big environmental win to even more places beyond the municipality limits, impacting communities all over Los Angeles County.

Sticking a Fork in the Single-Use Plastic Problem

3) LA County Foodware Ordinance:

In April 2022, LA County celebrated Earth Month with the passage of unprecedented legislation to reduce single-use plastics and curb plastic pollution and it is already being rolled out.  As of May 1st, you should no longer be offered single-use plastic foodware or Styrofoam products at restaurants in the unincorporated areas of LA County!  But this ordinance does so much more:  

  • Phases out single-use foodware that is not compostable or recyclable. Since plastic is neither, that means no more single-use plastic foodware!  
  • Phases out the sale of products made of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) aka Styrofoam. 
  • Requires full-service restaurants to use reusable foodware for customers who are dining on-site (including reusable plates, cups, bowls, silverware). 

The ordinance will go into effect in phases but, for now, if you see a restaurant not complying, be sure to let them know or contact LA County Public Works. 

A Huge Relief and Cause for Hope
Heal the Bay volunteers have removed more than 4 trillion pieces of trash from LA County Beaches in the past 3 decades, and sadly, 80% was plastic. These ordinances are just the first steps on a long journey to end the local dependency on plastic in Los Angeles. With LA leading the way, the rest of California is following along with the passage of bills like SB54.  There is finally real hope for a plastic-free future in LA with safe clean watersheds across the State.  









The Clean Water Act revolutionized water protection law and has resulted in multiple cleanup success stories. However, as of March 2022, the goals of the Clean Water Act are not being met, and there is still much work to be done to achieve fishable, swimmable, drinkable water across the US.

LIVING IN A WATER-SCARCE region like Southern California, I hear this a lot: Water is life! And more than that, the quality of water affects the quality of life for humans, the environment, ecosystems, and, of course, the waters themselves. The US federal government recognized this decades ago, and created the first major federal law in the US to address water pollution, called the 1948 Federal Water Pollution Control Act. However, this policy was ineffective owing to a lack of oversight and enforceability. Public pressure following a series of environmental plights (including the Cuyahoga River catching on fire) forced the US to reconsider its approach, leading to the 1972 Clean Water Act (CWA) Amendment. This amendment, among many upgrades, gave the EPA more regulatory control to enforce clean water requirements and achieve swimmable, fishable, drinkable water.  

PHOTO: The Cuyahoga River on fire due to high amounts of flammable pollution in the water. Credit: Cleveland State University, Michael Schwartz Library, Special Collections

The CWA protects areas designated as Waters of the US (WOTUS) including streams, rivers, lakes, estuaries, and wetlands. Waters of the US are designated with various beneficial uses such as water supply, navigation, recreation, fishing, habitat, etc. In California, new designation categories are being added now for Tribal Cultural and Subsistence Fishing beneficial uses. The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, which reports to the EPA, enforces the federal Clean Water Act locally by determining the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) of pollution that a waterway can handle while still supporting its beneficial uses, and then regulating discharge to stay below that contamination limit. For more information on the structure of the CWA, check out Heal the Bay’s Clean Water Act Knowledge Drop 

Initially, the CWA aimed to achieve pollution-free waters by 1985. Unfortunately, that goal was not met. While this innovative water protection law has resulted in a number of water quality success stories, there is still much work to be done. In fact, as of March 2022, about half of US waterways remain impaired. According to a report from the Environmental Integrity Project, California unfortunately ranked first in the US for most river and stream miles listed as impaired for drinking water, and third for fish consumption. 

a)  b)

Maps of (a) California and (b) the Los Angeles Region, showing impaired waterways in dark green and unimpaired waterways in light green. Available at: California 2020-2022 Integrated Report 

The Los Angeles Region alone has 210 total waterways listed as impaired by pollution in 2022, and since many of those waterways are impaired for more than one pollutant, there are a total of 877 listings in LA. Fifty-four of these listings are related to trash pollution, even though LA was one of the first regions to adopt “zero trash” regulations. 

Santa Monica Bay is one of the waterways of LA listed as impaired by trash pollution and the Bay, along with the watersheds that drain into it and the beaches that line it, need care, protection, and advocacy. On Saturday, October 15, 2022, 366 Heal the Bay volunteers took to Will Rogers State Beach, just north of Santa Monica, for one of the biggest NothinBut Sand Beach cleanups of the year. In just under two hours, over 145lbs of trash were cataloged and removed from the shore. Thank you to all our volunteers who came out to help keep our precious coastline clean.  

PHOTO SET: Hundreds of volunteers support Heal the Bay’s October Nothin’ But Sand Beach Cleanup in honor of the Clean Water Act 50 Year Anniversary. A special thanks to our cleanup sponsors Subaru and Audacy. Photos by Bria Royal / Heal the Bay

PHOTO: Heal the Bay staff member, Forest Leigh, inspecting trash pollution after a first flush event. Photo by Katherine Pease / Heal the Bay

Despite the remaining pollution in our waters, the Supreme Court is considering changes to the definition of WOTUS, which could leave many waters unprotected under the CWA. But there are also many folks working hard towards swimmable, fishable, drinkable water for all. The EPA rereleased its 2022-2032 Vision for achieving CWA goals. The 2022-2023 Vision aims to maximize coordination through partnerships to plan and prioritize opportunities for holistic watershed protection, restoration, and data analysis; and it includes new focus areas for environmental justice, climate change, tribal water quality, and program development, as well as an increase to overall program capacity. Heal the Bay and other NGOs will continue to advocate for water quality projects and comprehensive and science-based water quality regulation under the CWA. 

50 years after the Clean Water Act was established, California’s waterways still need the protection and attention of all those who can help. Discover all the ways you can make an impact. Register to attend Heal the Bay Volunteer Orientation and help us make strides for the next 50 years. 





Written by Annelisa Moe. As a Heal the Bay Water Quality Scientist, Annelisa helps to keep L.A. water clean and safe by advocating for comprehensive and science-based water quality regulation and enforcement. Before joining the team at Heal the Bay, she worked with the Regional Water Quality Control Board in both the underground storage tank program and the surface water ambient monitoring program. 

Watch Tracy Quinn, our CEO on Spectrum News 1 discussing SB 54.

HEAL THE BAY IS ENCOURAGED to share that California has taken a major step forward in addressing the plastic pollution and waste crisis with the passage of Senate Bill 54 (SB 54) in the California State Legislature, followed by Governor Newsom signing it into law on June 30, 2022.

Reducing single-use plastics through comprehensive statewide policy is a priority for Heal the Bay. During Heal the Bay beach cleanups, 80% of the more than 4 million pieces of trash that our volunteers pick up is made from single-use plastics. In our ocean and rivers, plastic waste poses a significant threat to animals, leaching harmful chemicals into their bodies or even blocking their digestive tract, leading to starvation and malnourishment. The plastic pollution can even transfer up the food chain ultimately passing the toxins on to us.

SB 54, authored by Senator Ben Allen, establishes a producer responsibility scheme to hold plastic industries accountable for the waste they produce. We look forward to working with Senator Allen on the implementation of SB 54, and with our environmental justice partners to ensure low-income communities and communities of color don’t bear additional burdens. Pollution from the full lifecycle of plastics, which are derived from fossil fuels, already harms communities of color disproportionately. This pollution can lead to health impacts such as asthma, respiratory illness, headaches, fatigue, nosebleeds, and even cancer.

“Heal the Bay envisions a solution that moves us entirely away from single-use materials, especially plastics, and focuses on reuse and refill instead. Even though recycling is an important part of this process, we cannot recycle our way out — nor can we use dangerous chemical recycling methods that dispose of plastics in our air. We will continue to push hard, alongside other environmental and community-based organizations and advocates, to ensure the producer responsibility program established by SB 54 prioritizes reuse and refill,” said Tracy Quinn, Heal the Bay CEO and President.

The passing of this legislation ultimately means the California Recycling and Plastics Pollution Reduction Act Initiative, which was supposed to be on the November 2022 ballot, will be pulled. While we were thrilled to give California voters the opportunity to make this decision, our California legislature has incorporated many of the requirements and solutions laid out in the plastic ballot measure. The momentum of the plastic ballot measure brought industry to the table to make real commitments, and we are going to hold them to it.

What’s included in SB 54:

  • Sets a 25% source reduction goal for single-use packaging production by 2032. And by then, 65% of single-use packaging still being produced will need to be truly recyclable or compostable
  • Establishes a producer responsibility scheme through the formation of a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) to help California reduce plastic pollution, and creates strong state government enforcement and oversight that will remove power from the PRO should they fall out of compliance
  • Requires $5 billion of environmental mitigation funding from plastic producers to go toward environmental restoration and cleanup over 10-years

What needs to be improved upon in the legislation:

  • Does not outright ban polystyrene, rather it sets recycling rates of 25% by 2025 with the material being banned if this rate cannot be met
  • Allows for post-consumer recycled content (recycled plastic that is used in a new product) to count toward source reduction goal

Heal the Bay thanks Senator Allen and the bill’s co-authors Senators Becker, Gonzalez, Hertzberg, Kamlager, Skinner, Stern, and Wiener for championing SB 54. A huge thank you to Assemblymember Luz Rivas who advocated for important amendments. With the passage of SB 54, we look forward to experiencing less plastic pollution in our communities and environments and seeing a decrease in public health risks in the years to come.

Stay tuned for a deep dive from us on Senate Bill 54: The Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act.


Cigarette filters made from single-use plastic are a huge environmental problem, butt (pun intended), upcoming California legislation offers the first steps toward a solution.

Cigarette Butts are the #1 thing we find at our Nothin’ But Sand Beach Cleanups.

Heal the Bay cleanup volunteers have removed a total of 953,756 cigarette butts from beaches in Los Angeles since 2008. Although we are proud of this impact, the pollution problem is never-ending and what is especially concerning is that the filters in cigarettes are made from plastic, which never goes away. Cigarette butts are not only the most prevalent thing we find on our beach cleanups, they are the most littered item on Earth. For an item so small, they have a massive negative impact on marine habitats.

Not People Friendly, Not Planet Friendly

But aren’t cigarette filters an important public health and safety measure? Contrary to popular belief cigarette filters do not offer health protections. In 1964 the Surgeon General judged cigarette filters to be useless in reducing harm to the average smoker and the health benefits of filters have been called “fraudulent” by the World Health Organization.

Cigarette filters are unhealthy for fish and wildlife too. When cigarette butts with filters are thrown onto the street, they make their way through the storm drain system that flows out to the ocean, carrying the chemicals and toxins found in cigarettes with them. About 90% of filters are made from plastic and end up as micro-plastics in our ocean, which have infiltrated the food web, from fish to humans. Butt, a plan to take single-use plastic filters out of the equation is on the horizon.

Butt, a change is coming!

This year, The Smoking Waste Pollution Prevention Act looks to phase out the sale of single-use, non-rechargeable vaping devices and cigarette/cigar “filters” in California. When our state makes big moves toward change it gives other states the opportunity to follow and before you know it there could be nation-wide change. Use your voice to bring this change to California first. How can you help?

Call or email your California Legislators and ask them to vote YES on AB 1690 at the Assembly Health Committee on March 29 (it takes 3 minutes).

  1. Find your rep here: Find Address (
  2. Call your rep and say:
    1. My name is (your name).
    2. I live (state the city you live in).
    3. I want you to vote YES on AB 1690!
  3. Email your rep and say:
    1. My name is (your name).
    2. I live in (city you live in).
    3. I want you to vote YES on AB 1690

Or download this long form email template you can customize and send a message to your assembly member that could make a huge impact.

Download Email Template

Put an end to butts on the beach (the bad kind!)

Spread the word and share what you’ve learned on social media using the hashtags #AB1690, #CircularEconomy, and #CAMustLEAD! Most people have no idea that cigarette butts are so detrimental to the environment, but when we share what we know we can empower others to help make change.