
Heal the Bay Blog

Seven-year-old Jack Mcguinness has a passion for all animals, according to his mom Karen Mcguinness. So our Science Adventure Camp this summer was right up his alley.

After a week of fun getting to know the 100-plus species of marine life at our Santa Monica Pier Aquarium, Jack was inspired to fundraise for the Aquarium as well as adopt a swell shark egg through the marine education facility’s aquadoption program.

To run his lemonade and cookie stand, Jack enlisted the help of his siblings, who took turns holding a sign and flagging down customers. Thank you Jack for becoming a steward of the marine environment and for supporting the Aquarium!

Join Jack and support our work. Donate now or adopt an SMPA animal as a birthday or anniversary gift.

They float down the street like tumbleweeds, get stuck in trees and wrap around fence posts, flapping like tattered flags in the wind. You know what we’re talking about: Discarded plastic bags.

We want to tell their story, and we need your help. Because we believe that in a sea of text, it’s often photographs that catch our eye. We ask you to submit to us your own photographs of plastic bags that you find in their unnatural habitats.

You can share your plastic bag images on Twitter, Flickr and Instagram using the tag #BagBanCA, and on Facebook by posting them to our Fan Page. We will be reposting them here and collecting them to present to the State Senate. Your photos are automatically entered to win a free “California, Sack the Bag” T-shirt!

Californians use an estimated 12 billion single-use plastic carryout bags a year, and due to their lightweight nature and the fact that they never truly biodegrade, these bags often end up as litter. This is not just a coastal or beach issue: We encounter them as litter in schoolyards and our parks, and if you’re really unlucky, you’ve discovered them wrapped around your car’s exhaust system.

Over 100 California cities and counties have led the charge in banning plastic bags. And now the California legislature has the opportunity to eliminate plastic bag waste statewide by passing Assembly Bill 298. This bill will create a uniform California policy by phasing out single-use plastic bags in supermarkets, retail pharmacies, and convenience stores statewide and encouraging consumers to bring reusable bags, the most sustainable alternative. We don’t want to just tell state legislators that this legislation is important to Californians; we want to show them why passing this bill is necessary.

It’s time to use photos to tell the story about plastic bag pollution in your neighborhood.

Plastic Bag Images #BagBanCA

On Sunday, July 22, Le Cellier Restaurant and Wine Bar in Marina Del Rey hosted DudaArt‘s “Blue Aquarium,” an artist reception to benefit Heal the Bay. Twenty percent of proceeds from instore sales went to Heal the Bay. Saxophonist Don Bell and singer Summer Rona performed while special French-Vietnamese food and drinks were served.

If you weren’t able to make the event, fear not. Gilcee’ prints are on sale online with 50 percent of proceeds after shipping/handling going to Heal the Bay. Don’t miss this chance to support local art and Heal the Bay.

How many times have walked around your park, neighborhood, beach, school, or outside and looked at the litter left by others? Did you shake your head in disbelief or disgust? Did you curse? How about pick it up and properly dispose of it? I’m guilty of all of the above. In fact, I have even made my kids pick up litter, as an example of taking better care of the world they live in—they’ve rolled their eyes at my fanaticism but they will thank me later.

However, one thing I’ve never done is pick-up litter to be used for an art project. That is hardcore in my book—and this is coming from someone who owns a copy of the Scavenger’s Manifesto and tries to follow it whenever possible. But for Claudio Garzon, it is all about creating the next piece of steam punk marine art, and using the art to educate people about the problems with plastic in our marine environment.

What is Steampunk art? Steampunk art is a genre that incorporates elements of science fiction and fantasy into art pieces, by using lots of metal and electronic materials. However, in Claudio’s artwork, most if not all the materials used by him are plastic bits and pieces he has found in his neighborhood and or at the beach. Instead of simply throwing out the plastic he picks up, he has designed a way to creatively re-use the plastic debris he finds. “Many of us, who live near the oceans, or any body of water for that matter, know that plastic products are one of the top forms of pollution found in these areas,” Claudio says.   

His PlasTiko-Bots Marine series is made from the very same plastic pollution that litters our lakes, oceans and rivers. Three months ago, Claudio made a Steampunk shark for Heal the Bay that consisted of plastic material he had found in the Los Angeles River. 

Claudio recently launched the Sea Turtle Guardian Project, with proceeds from the sales of these custom baby sea turtle sculptures going to Heal the Bay.

Check out Claudio’s work on his Facebook page: PlasTiko-Bots.

Curious how much debris Heal the Bay volunteers find on our beaches? Use our Marine Debris Database.

Be part of the solution: Join us for a cleanup. And bring your kids!

— James Alamillo

Urban Programs Manager



There are still available spots for high school students in Heal the Bay’s Creek Week Summer Institute in August. The days are full of adventure and learning about our local watershed. The sun is bright and warm, and sometimes you slip in the mud. What more could you ask?

The first day starts with the following question: What is a watershed? The response: blank stares and confusion.

Creek Week hopes to fix that by taking high school students through the path of our watershed from the mountains into downtown L.A. and out to the ocean, teaching about just how important the watershed is in moving water throughout our environment.

“There’s a river in LA?” Our students ask that question with a quizzical expression. Hanging out in beautiful natural spaces like the Big Tujunga Creek, it’s not that hard to believe. If only we had a nickel for every time a student asked us if they could jump in. But as we travel down farther into the concrete jungle of downtown L.A., let’s just say there are fewer volunteers for water collection. At one site this summer they weren’t even allowed in the water at the river’s edge!

But with each new day, students learn the science of looking into nature. Teams watch for soaring birds, count darting fish, and measure chemical concentrations, discovering what field science can tell them about the health of the river.

Other hands-on crafts, games, and guest speakers from Heal the Bay keep spirits high after the science of the morning. From improv to human pyramids, students laughed as they learned important lessons about environmental stewardship and advocacy.

And by day five, the students can define a watershed, conduct assessments to determine watershed health, and are prepared to share their new knowledge with their community. Change is in the adventure. Join us as we teach students how to protect what they love!

Find out more about our August 6-10 Creek Education program. Cost: $200

Register here.

–Edward Murphy

Heal the Bay Secondary Education Coordinator

We get it. You use reusable bags, coffee mugs, water bottles… You’ve already made the commitment to reducing plastic in your own life because you see the effect: You know how plastic litter and other pollutants damage our ocean. What’s next? Help us spread the word and help your fellow Angelenos make the same connection. Join Speakers Bureau.

An integral part of Heal the Bay’s mission, Speaker Bureau volunteers build educational awareness by speaking to schools, organizations and businesses about the causes and consequences of ocean pollution.

Just last year Heal the Bay’s Speaker Bureau reached more than 50,000 Los Angeles County residents, including the youth who will be future stewards of our seas.

Training Session Dates:

Tuesdays, August 7th, 14th, and 21st from 1 – 4:30 p.m. Location: The Japanese Garden Kawana Pavilion Conference Room 6100 Woodley Ave., Van Nuys, CA 91406; Saturday, August 18th 9:30 a .m.-noon. Location: Will Rogers Beach.

If you are interested in joining Heal the Bay’s Speakers Bureau and are able to attend all of the training sessions, please complete the registration form.

Learn how to make a difference for the environment and your community. If you have any further questions, email Melissa or reach her at 310.451.1500 x146.

It’s a tough job to stroll along two of the most remarkable beach areas in California, but someone’s got to do it. Why not you?

On July 24 and 28, Heal the Bay is training volunteers to help monitor marine protected areas (MPAs) in Malibu and Palos Verdes. Volunteers collect observational data on coastal uses in MPAs; data which is then used by the California Department of Fish & Game to help with management and compliance. Essentially we want to find out how people are using this newly-established statewide network of MPAs.

“Our volunteer citizen scientists come from varied backgrounds – from social workers to students – but all our volunteers have one thing in common: a passion for the sea,” says Dana Roeber Murray, Heal the Bay’s coastal scientist. Dana started the MPA Watch program in early 2011 to train local citizens on MPA monitoring and has trained over 70 volunteers to date.

“It took years of collaboration with scientists, fishermen, government, and other non-profits to see these protected areas enacted,” Dana says. “We worked hard up and down the state to make it happen. So it’s been very gratifying to see the public embracing MPAs and volunteering their time to help monitor their effectiveness.”

MPA Watch volunteers commit to attending one classroom and one field training to become citizen scientists, then go on to survey the coast at least four times a month. For more information, check out our MPA Watch FAQs or contact contact Dana.

Trainings are only offered a few times a year, so reserve your spot and sign up now.

Petitions are one of the most influential ways to have your voice heard, and this summer, Heal the Bay is running several pressing campaigns to protect clean water and healthy neighborhoods. 

Californians use an estimated 12 billion plastic bags a year, many of which end up as litter. In fact, plastic bags make up an estimated 25 percent of  urban litter in L.A. River storm drains. Let your representative know that you’re fed up with plastic bags trashing our communities and beaches, and tired of wasting taxpayer dollars on plastic bag litter cleanup. Sign the statewide plastic bag ban petition.

Speaking of storm drains, the Regional Board is mulling a new stormwater permit that could result in “urban runoff” such as animal waste, oils and toxic materials being dumped into our local rivers and beaches with little or no treatment. This would result in dirtier water and a higher risk of getting sick anytime you swim or surf in Southern California beaches. Let the Regional Board know you want to be able to safely swim at our beaches or fish in our rivers, today. Sign the Take L.A. by Storm petition.


California, Bury the Bag

Take L.A. By Storm 

A California bill that will prohibit stores from distributing single-use plastic carryout bags, passed through the State Senate’s Environmental Quality Committee with a 5-2 vote on Monday, July 2, just in time for International Plastic Bag Free Day.

The bill, AB 298, still has several steps to go through in the California legislature, which is on recess until August, but the vote is good news. (Ed. Note: AB 298 did not pass the state senate.) Look for Heal the Bay action alerts this summer as we build our efforts to support the bill, which would also require recycled paper carryout bags to be sold at supermarkets, retail pharmacies, and convenience stores throughout the state.

More than 45 municipalities, including the City and County of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Long Beach, Fairfax, San Jose, Watsonville, Solana Beach, and Santa Monica have adopted or are considering a single use bag ban. AB 298 will sew together this patchwork of ordinances, creating a uniform policy that will make it easier for both retailers and consumers.

Beyond their environmental impact, plastic bags remain a huge economic problem in California, with Californians using an estimated 12 billion single-use plastic bags every year. In 2008-2009, the L.A. County Flood Control District alone spent more than $24 million for overall litter prevention, cleanup and enforcement efforts. Single-use plastic carryout bags are disproportionately responsible for these costs as their lightweight nature makes them more likely to end up as litter on our beaches, parks and roads.

For example, while they only comprise 0.4% of the waste destined for landfill, plastic bags make up as much as 25% of the litter stream, studies show. The cleanup costs do not reflect the energy costs associated with producing single-use bags, or the negative socio-economic, public health and environmental costs associated with single-use bag litter.

Always on the vanguard, California is poised to play a critical role in becoming a true leader in eliminating plastic bag waste and preventing the proliferation of plastic pollution in our communities.

Learn more about the California plastic bag ban.

Want to celebrate International Joke Day? Submit your funniest ocean-themed joke for a chance to win a pair of tickets for the July 6 world premiere of Frozen Planet in concert at the Hollywood Bowl. In order to win, you must Like us on Facebook and submit an aquatic/ocean-related joke.

Entries must be submitted in the form of a comment to the post on our Facebook wall by Monday, July 2 at noon PST. We will choose the best joke and announce the winners at 5 p.m. PST on Monday. The winner will receive two tickets to the Frozen Planet in concert performance at the Hollywood Bowl July 6 at 8 p.m.

About Frozen Planet in Concert

Los Angeles Philharmonic

George Fenton, conductor

This stunning new production is the ultimate portrait of the Polar Regions. Led by the award-winning composer, the event combines live orchestral music with breathtaking HD footage from the landmark series Frozen Planet, co-produced by the BBC and the Discovery Channel.

Special Offer for Heal the Bay’s Facebook fans

20% discount to July 6 event at the Hollywood Bowl. Discount available for bench seats in sections M & N. Tickets may be purchased online, by phone at 323-850-2000, or in-person at the Box Office (2301 N. Highland Avenue) by using the code word PLANET, available now.

For tickets and information, visit