
Heal the Bay Blog

Category: News

We may live on opposite coasts, but pollution runoff affects us all and Marylanders did something about it.

In 2012, Maryland passed legislation that would require the city of Baltmore and the state’s nine largest counties to implement stormwater pollution fees to raise revenue to clean up the Chesapeake Bay, serving up some lessons that we can apply here in Los Angeles as we work on our own Clean Water, Clean Beaches measure.

Since its passage at the state level, Maryland’s counties have either approved, or are working to approve, fees their officials find fair for homeowners and businesses…stirring up plenty of debate along the way. In fact, what opponents have termed the “rain tax,” has thrust the mid-Atlantic state’s water pollution solution into the national spotlight. (A similar program was recently enacted in Philadelphia, resulting in a 25-year “Green City, Clean Waters” plan)

An April 16 op-ed in the Baltimore Sun argued in favor of the new fees and disputed the “rain tax” moniker:

“This isn’t merely about protecting the bay (although that alone would justify the program) but also about protecting the health of freshwater drinking supplies and preventing local flooding, two issues that should strike most Marylanders pretty close to home. …We aren’t taxing rain, we’re taxing the pollution all of us generate, however unintentionally. The rain is just the vehicle by which that pollution is swept away.”

We Angelenos can relate, as we import drinkable water and dare not swim in the ocean too soon after a rainfall, so as not to be sickened by pollution runoff. Flooding is also a potential result of climate change here in Southern California.

Which is why we’re working on funding projects that capture and filter rainwater through the passage of the Clean Water Clean Beaches measure, keeping runoff pollution out of our waterways and bolstering groundwater supplies, which could eventually be used for drinking water.

The L.A. County Board of Supervisors put the measure on hold in March, but we at Heal the Bay remain hard at work to keep it as strong as possible. The consequences of not doing anything are just too dire.

Concerned about sustainable water supply in Los Angeles? So are we. Contact your Los Angeles County supervisor to support the “Clean Water, Clean Beaches” measure.

To help educate California state legislators about the ecological and economic importance of the sea to all Californians, Heal the Bay staff joined our fellow environmental advocates in the 6th annual Ocean Day at the state Capitol on April 16, 2013. The event lets us work with policymakers to find effective legislative solutions that protect and restore California’s iconic ocean and coastline.

Ocean Day participants, representing over a dozen non-governmental organizations, were able to stop by the offices of all 120 California senators and assemblymembers to discuss preventing stormwater runoff and plastic pollution, the success of California’s Marine Life Protection Act, and the impacts of climate change to California’s inland and coastal communities.

The timing of Ocean Day couldn’t have been better. Two important bills that would help prevent plastic pollution from trashing our communities and beaches were heard in the Senate’s Environmental Quality Committee the day after the event: SB 405 and SB 529.

SB 405, introduced by Sen. Padilla (D-Pacoima), would phase out single-use plastic bags in California grocery stores, convenience stores, liquor stores, and pharmacies and place a charge on single-use paper bags with the hope of encouraging people to bring reusable bags. The bill cleared the Senate Environmental Quality Committee with the votes of Sens. Hill (D-San Mateo), Hancock (D-Berkeley), Leno (D-San Francisco), Corbett (D-Hayward) and Jackson (D-Santa Barbara). It will next be heard in the Senate Appropriations Committee.

Heal the Bay has long supported passage of a statewide single-use bag bill as a means to comprehensively address the negative environmental and economic impacts caused by single-use plastic bags, and Ocean Day presented another opportunity to educate legislators on plastic pollution before this critical Committee vote. As Sen. Padilla noted in a news release about the committee hearing, “Single-use plastic bags are not just a coastal issue. In our mountains, the winds blow discarded bags up into the trees, you can also find them in our rivers and streams, in our parks, and throughout our communities. It is a statewide problem that deserves a statewide solution — a solution that focuses on reducing the use of plastic bags.” We will continue to work with Sen. Padilla’s office to ensure passage of this important (and long-overdue) piece of legislation.

Another bill supported by Heal the Bay – SB 529, introduced by Sen. Leno (D-San Francisco) – would move fast-food chain restaurants away from foamed polystyrene and other nonrecyclable/noncompostable plastics, again with the hope of encouraging more sustainable packaging options. The bill also passed the Senate Environmental Quality Committee with the votes of Sens. Hill, Hancock, Corbett, Leno and Jackson. It will next be heard in the Senate Appropriations Committee.

Novelist Ralph Ellison said that education is all a matter of building bridges. Ocean Day was an opportunity for Heal the Bay and others to reach out to legislators and educate them on the problem of plastic pollution and possible legislative solutions. This information was clearly heard by legislators, and today’s Environmental Quality Committee hearing was an important step in ending California’s addition to single-use plastics. Stay tuned for updates on these bills throughout the legislative session!

— Kathryn Benz, Heal the Bay Policy Analyst

Live in the city of Los Angeles? Urge your councilmember to finalize the single-use bag ordinance that will keep plastic bags from trashing our communities and beaches!

Uh oh. Here we go again.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is once again recommending the complete elimination of the Beaches Grant Program, a key initiative for protecting public health at our nation’s beaches. Nearly $10 million in monitoring money is on the chopping block in the administration’s recently issued federal budget proposal for fiscal year 2014.

This is a déjà vu moment from last year, as EPA made a similar proposal for FY 2013. Luckily, program cuts were avoided then, thanks to Heal the Bay and our partner groups’advocacy and efforts from a group of 19 U.S. Senators including California’s Boxer and Feinstein.

Routine beach water monitoring, funded through the Beaches Grant Program, is essential for identifying polluted waters and promptly notifying the 90 million plus beachgoers who visit America’s beaches every year of potential waterborne illnesses such as diarrhea, nausea, ear and eye infections and skin rashes.

The majority of state beach programs are completely funded through federal grants. In California, federal money accounts for approximately one-third of the total funding of these critical programs (the state contributes about $1 million). The proposed cut is extremely concerning as states are only obligated to implement beach programs when federal funding is provided.

If implemented, these cuts will likely have a major impact on beach programs nationwide , including reduction in the number of monitoring locations, less frequent monitoring and elimination of off-season water testing programs. Reduced monitoring could compromise not only public health protection but also the ability to track chronically polluted beaches. Failure to protect public health will also endanger the coastal tourism and recreation economies that contributed over $61 billion to the GDP in 2009.

As Heal the Bay prepares for the May release of our 23rd Annual Beach Report Card, which provides annual water quality grades for approximately 650 beaches along the West Coast, we are concerned about the fate of beach water quality monitoring in the coming year.

Again, we call upon our Congressional representatives to take action against this proposal and for the public to sound their concerns. Historically, Congress has appropriated between $9.75 and $10 million to fund beach programs, and they should continue this level of funding to support our valuable coastal tourism-based economies and to protect beachgoers from getting sick from exposure to polluted water. While we understand that some cuts must be made in these difficult financial times, compromising public health is not truly a cost savings.

– Kirsten James

Science and Policy Director, Water Quality

Visit Heal the Bay partner Surfrider Foundation to contact your representatives in D.C. and let them know that you have the right to know if a day at the beach could make you sick.  

At long last we have some good news to share regarding the sea lion pup crisis. While we have yet to identify the cause of the huge spike in sea lion strandings, the California Wildlife Center, just let us know that they’ve begun construction of an emergency seal rehabilitation facility in the Santa Monica Mountains.

With most of the funding in place, supplies are being delivered and expedited, and the Center hopes to have this temporary shelter up and running within two weeks! At the very least, these animals will receive the care they need while we investigate the causes of their illness. This shelter will be used to house seals, as the sea lions have filled the Marine Mammal Care Center, which normally cares for the seals that typically strand at this time of year.

We thank our partners and supporters who galvanized to fulfill this major effort, such as our friends at the California Community Foundation. Compelled by the news of the strandings, our Development staff reached out to a colleague at CCF to see if one of their donors could provide the funding help needed. Within a work day, a match was found. Science and Policy staff also contacted the Waitt Foundation, which issued a challenge grant that to date has raised $50,000.

The Center still seeks donations to meet their fundraising goal.

While Heal the Bay does not work specifically with wildlife, our work is focused on keeping our oceans – and therefore the animals that live there—healthy. We are proud to be able to call upon our partners within our philanthropic network to help ease the pain of these animals. In the meantime, our staff continues to work to address the many facets of ocean pollution, striving to make real and positive change.


There are many ways to help. Donate items from California Wildlife Center’s Amazon wishlist to help alleviate this crisis.  The center’s first volunteer trainings for marine mammal rehabilitation have been scheduled!  Individuals can sign up to attend one of the orientation sessions below:

  • Saturday, April 20 at 10 a.m.
  • Saturday, April 20 at 3 p.m.
  • Wednesday, April 24 at 6 p.m.

Depending on the response, additional training sessions might be added.  Due to the amount of training and the skill level volunteers will need to develop, those interested in volunteering will need to be available to work at least one 4-6 hour shift every week.  RSVP to Cynthia Reyes.  

You can also donate to The Waitt Foundation challenge grant. Every dollar contributed by the public will be matched one-to-one by the Waitt Foundation and dedicated to the direct and urgent care of stranded sea lion pups.

Also, stay up-to-date via the California Wildlife Center’s Facebook page.

UPDATE APRIL 12, 2013: The California Wildlife Center has begun construction of an emergency seal rehabilitation facility in the Santa Monica Mountains. Read more.

For the last couple of weeks, Heal the Bay staff have fielded questions about the hundreds of sea lion pups washing up on our local beaches. We love these animals too, so we’re very concerned. We’ve contacted our partners and compiled the latest information to inform you of the current status of this crisis.

The local California Wildlife Center (CWC) and other rescue/rehab places are inundated, and CWC is trying to raise emergency funds via grants and donations to set up a temporary rescue and rehab center for the overflow of seals and sea lions in L.A. You can donate to their efforts.

In addition to the rescue and rehabilitation efforts, the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is assembling an independent team of scientists to review data collected and to determine potential next steps. NOAA’s investigative team is in the process of developing a plan to test samples from both live and dead animals. Blood and tissue samples will be tested for bacterial, viral and other infectious agents. Samples will also be tested for radio-nucleotides. Results will be available in 1-3 months, and you can track the progress at California Sea Lion Unusual Mortality Event.

This is the sixth UME involving California sea lions that has occurred in California. Prior UMEs were declared in 1991, 1992, 1998, 2000 and 2002. Previous UMEs were caused by leptospirosis (1991), El Niño conditions (1992) and domoic acid toxicity (1998, 2000, 2002).

If you find a marine animal in distress:

  • Don’t touch! Do not pick up, pour water on or feed the animal. They are wild animals and can bite. They also are easily stressed by humans.
  • Do not return the animal to the water. Seals and sea lions temporarily “haul-out” on land to rest. Harbor seal mothers often leave their pups ashore while they’re feeding at sea. A beached whale, dolphin, or porpoise should be reported immediately.
  • Give the animal its space. Maintain a distance of at least 50 feet. Keep people and dogs away.
  • Call California Wildlife Center at 310-458-WILD if you find a distressed marine mammal in Malibu, or Marine Mammal Rescue at 1-800-39-WHALE for Santa Monica to Long Beach. For other areas, consult our list below of rescue and rehabilitation groups in Southern California. When calling, it’s important that you be able to identify your location and provide details of the animal and its condition.

Southern California Rescue and Rehab Groups:

Want to do more? Donate items from California Wildlife Center’s Amazon wishlist to help alleviate this crisis, or stay up-to-date via the California Wildlife Center’s Facebook page.

You can also donate to The Waitt Foundation challenge grant. Every dollar contributed by the public will be matched one-to-one by the Waitt Foundation and dedicated to the direct and urgent care of stranded sea lion pups.


— Dana Roeber Murray, Heal the Bay’s Marine and Coastal Scientist

Artist Erik Abel first volunteered with Heal the Bay at a Nothin’ But Sand beach cleanup in January 2012 where he was treated to a special tour of our Santa Monica Pier Aquarium. There, he found inspiration in the Aquarium’s “shark eggs and funky jellyfish” and realized he wanted to get more involved with our organization. Clean and healthy oceans have always been important to the California native, so partnering with Heal the Bay seemed an obvious choice.

“The ocean is my sanctuary, and I want to do my part to help it stay healthy,” Abel said. “Heal the Bay is a great organization that makes a difference. I’m stoked to work with them and contribute to their cause as a Heal the Bay 2013 Partner Artist.”

As our partner artist, Abel has created stunning artwork accompanying our Bring Back the Beach gala, including the invitation and a mural on display at the event. He will also donate an original painting to the gala’s silent auction and release prints after the event in May. 

As a Heal the Bay Partner Artist for 2013, Erik Abel is also releasing:

  • Three original paintings. Fifty percent of sales from paintings will be donated to Heal the Bay. Each painting 24″x36″ and priced at $1500.
  • 18×24 inch prints of each original painting on sustainably sourced Bamboo archival paper, hand signed by Erik Abel.The first print, “Kelpafornia”, is available now. The subsequent prints will be released in May and September. Prints are available at online for $40 with 15% of sales benefitting Heal the Bay.
  • Ten limited edition 20×30″ prints on solid bamboo of each original painting, hand signed and numbered by Erik Abel.
  • 24-ounce aluminum water bottles made in the US from recycled metal featuring the “Kelpafornia” artwork. Manufactured by Liberty Bottles in Yakima, Washington, the bottles are available online for $20. Fifteen percent of sales benefits Heal the Bay.
  • A series of four iPhone Cases made from 100% post-consumer recycled plastic in Glendale, CA by Tru Protection. The cases are available for the iPhone 4/4S and 5 for $39.95. The “Kelpafornia” design is featured on the newest case to be released. Fifteen percent of sales benefits Heal the Bay.

Abel’s eye-catching work is inspired by the ocean, surfing and travel. The Ventura-based artist uses geometric patterns and bold colors to exude an organic, tribal style. His work has been displayed at galleries nationwide and commissioned for clients including Patagonia, Reef and Billabong, but now Heal the Bay is lucky enough to call this talented artist a partner. Thank you Erik for using your incredible talents to beautify our oceans!

Join us May 16, 2013, for our annual Bring Back the Beach gala.

Visit Erik Abel’s site to learn more about the California artist or shop with Heal the Bay!

Katherine Pease, Heal the Bay’s Watershed Scientist, reflects on publishing and presenting Stream Team data from the Malibu Creek Watershed to the public.

Last week we received a box containing the much-anticipated and limited print copies of the Malibu Creek Watershed report. Holding the weighty report —140 pages! — in hand was extremely satisfying knowing all the hard work that was put into its creation over the last 15 years.

Despite that satisfaction, we also know that with the completion of this physical report only begins the next steps in its lifespan. We don’t want the report to sit on a shelf and gather dust or be downloaded and never examined. Our goal for the report is to share our findings far and wide and to use it to enact positive change.

We kicked off the process Tuesday night at a public workshop about the report. We saw an amazing turnout (over 80 people)! Clearly the topic resonated among community members who are actively engaged in protecting this watershed.

All in all, it was a great evening at National Park Service’s Diamond X Ranch in the Santa Monica Mountains. Sarah Sikich (Heal the Bay’s Coastal Resources Director), Shelley Luce (Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission’s Executive Director), and I  presented the major findings and recommendations of the report along with ways for the public to get involved. A question and answer panel followed the presentation and two of our dedicated Stream Team volunteers joined us for that.

Attendees also had the chance to visit informational booths hosted by organizations working in the watershed and greater Santa Monica Mountains, including Mountains Restoration Trust, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, LA Waterkeeper, California Wildlife Center, Malibu Creek State Park Docents, Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission & Foundation, and California Native Plant Society.

Moving forward, we will continue the watershed monitoring we’ve been conducting since 1998. If you’re interested in participating in monthly water quality monitoring, we will be training Stream Team volunteers (pictured here) on May 11, 2013 – please apply online.

We will also be meeting and working with the public, stakeholders, public officials, and decision-makers to begin to advance implementation of some of our recommendations. Some great ideas for moving forward were proposed on Tuesday night at the public workshop and we will follow up on those ideas for working together to protect and improve a watershed that we all care deeply about.

Read our State of the Watershed Report.

Get Involved: Join us for an Earth Month restoration event in Malibu Creek State Park.

Water is the driving force in nature.” – Leonardo Da Vinci

Tomorrow we celebrate the global importance of clean, fresh water as part of World Water Day. In most of the world, people don’t have access to safe drinking water, while here in Los Angeles protecting our water remains an ongoing challenge.

Which is why we are so grateful to our partners and friends who support our work to maintain a locally sustainable water supply and to protect what we all love and value—clean water!

Just this Tuesday we hosted a workshop focused on the Malibu Creek Watershed and our work to understand this vast clean water resource in our own backyard. We’d like to thank our partners who came out that evening to share their expertise about animals and native plants, scenic hiking spots and restoration activities in the area: Santa Monica Bay Restoration Foundation, Mountains Restoration Trust, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, LA Waterkeeper, California Wildlife Center, Malibu Creek State Park Docents, and California Native Plant Society.

We are also thankful to the 715 volunteers who joined us to pick up 371 pounds of trash at Nothin’ But Sand last Saturday at Venice Pier. Plus, as part of our ongoing Zero Waste initiative, we only used a handful of plastic bags, as most folks either brought their own buckets, or borrowed one of ours! A special shout out to Jason Holland and the Credit Suisse team, whose volunteer hours translated into donation dollars, ensuring that our effective pollution prevention programs such as Nothin’ But Sand keep running and keep our local waters clean.

We’d also like to thank Canehill Glass Ranch for donating to our clean water cause, including lovely repurposed glass “thank you items” to some of our top supporters.

Do you value clean water? Learn more about our work to maintain a healthy local water supply .

Join us on Earth Day (April 20) for our next Nothin’ But Sand cleanup.

Malibu Creek Watershed: Ecosystem on the Brink

With St. Patrick’s Day on Sunday, we’d like to thank those of you who help us “green” Los Angeles and our planet. It’s gratifying to know we’re in this together!

Thank you to the Santa Monica City Council for unanimously voting to support the Earth with the Santa Monica Sustainability Bill of Rights. The law recognizes that “residents of Santa Monica possess fundamental and inalienable rights to: clean water from sustainable sources; marine waters safe for active and passive recreation….”

We’d also like to thank the staff at the Mayme Clayton Library in Culver City for hosting our Earth Month Youth Summit. Students from six local schools, including groups from Dorsey and Crenshaw high schools, came out last Saturday to learn about “greening” their campuses and communities. Big thanks to Alison Jefferson, Rick Blocker and Rusty White who came to the summit to discuss the documentary White Wash, which chronicles the history of black surfing.

Special thanks go to Patagonia’s Santa Monica store, which recently awarded us a grant to help sustain our marine debris work.

Also, a “green” Thank You Thursday would be incomplete without green crayons! Thanks to California Pizza Kitchen on Wilshire Boulevard for donating green crayons (and other colors too) for visitors to our Santa Monica Pier Aquarium. (Heal the Bay’s Aquarium staff would also like to thank CPK for feeding them a delicious lunch last week.)

Meanwhile, we’d also like to thank Golden Road for donating libations to our Tank event at the Aquarium a few weeks ago. We look forward to working with you to “green” L.A. in the coming months.

Go “green” this weekend by volunteering with our monthly cleanup Nothin’ But Sand.

Heal the Bay’s Marine & Coastal Scientist Dana Roeber Murray reports great news from the Coastal Commission meeting on Friday, March 8, 2013:

After hours of public comment and following decades of the U.S. Navy dismissing mitigation requirements for sonar and explosion practices, the Coastal Commission unanimously voted to reject the Navy’s consistency permit!

Heal the Bay board member Dayna Bochco led the charge today by making the initial motion. The Commission sent a strong message that the Navy needs to come back with a robust plan to protect marine animals. Avoiding Marine Protected Areas was also a key message echoed by the commissioners.

“This is a good day for the oceans,” said Dana. “I am proud of our Coastal Commission for standing up to the Navy and using their position to protect our coast.”

Learn more ways you can Take Action.