
Heal the Bay Blog

Author: Heal the Bay

July 20, 2016 — UPDATE: L.A. Sanitation estimates that 2,853,200 gallons of sewage was released from the broken sewer during Monday’s spill. Of this amount, 829,100 gallons were contained and returned to the sewer system, while 1,754,100 gallons ultimately reached the Los Angeles River. Emergency sewer repair crews are constructing a permanent bypass system to divert sewage flow around the portion of the pipe that collapsed.

We are still awaiting more complete water quality data from Long Beach and Seal Beach.

July 19, 2016 — BREAKING NEWS: Yesterday afternoon around 2 p.m., a large sewage pipe ruptured near Boyle Heights, spilling 2.4 million gallons of sewage into the L.A. River. The river empties out in Long Beach, so, as a precautionary measure, all beaches in the city of Long Beach are currently closed until further notice. Beaches in Seal Beach from the mouth of the San Gabriel River to Anaheim Bay are also closed.

It’s too early to pinpoint the exact cause of the spill, but aging water and sewage infrastructure is likely to blame: The pipe that collapsed was built in 1929.

While no sewage has been seen on the beach yet, ocean water samples are currently being tested for bacteria that could make swimmers sick. Results should be available on Wednesday, and beaches could reopen as early as Thursday.

Heal the Bay water quality scientists are in touch with public health officials and will keep this blog updated as the situation develops.

For the latest updates, follow us on Twitter at @healthebay and @beachreportcard.

Long Beach closed due to sewage spill (Image by Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times)

Sources: Los Angeles Times,

July 14, 2016 — This past spring Heal the Bay hosted our first-ever BioBlitzes at two of Los Angeles’ remaining wetlands: Malibu Lagoon and Ballona Wetlands. BioBlitzes bring people together to rapidly (over a period of a few hours) catalogue and identify plant and animal life in biodiverse areas. Wetlands are unique and critical ecosystems that are in trouble – in the last couple hundred years, Southern California has lost over 90% of its native wetlands.

Wetlands provide many services, which often go by unappreciated. They help regulate climate, store surface water, control pollution and flooding, replenish natural aquifers, protect shorelines, maintain natural communities of plants and animals, and provide opportunities for education and recreation. (For more information about Southern California’s wetlands, check out Unfortunately, years of development and degradation have destroyed the flow of water, altering the habitat for wetland animals and plants. Heal the Bay supported the restoration of Malibu Lagoon from 2012 to 2013 and now we’re lobbying for the restoration of Ballona Wetlands as well to bring it back to a healthy, functional state. Our BioBlitz events helped capture and illuminate the amazing biodiversity of these areas. After crunching the numbers from these events, it seems timely to share our findings leading up to this Saturday’s beach cleanup and sneak peek at the Ballona reserve.

Malibu Lagoon species diversity pie chartMost of our observations were of the amazing plants that rely on the wetlands to thrive. Plants form this environment’s base, providing a natural filter for water as it passes through. They also provide habitat, food, and shelter for the populations of birds, insects, and reptiles that live in wetlands. We found both sites were host to dozens of bird species including great blue herons, snowy egrets, and brown pelicans. Every year, almost one billion birds migrate along the coast of California in an area known as the Pacific coast flyway. Wetlands in Southern California are a crucial pit stop for migratory birds and the diversity of species we observed is promising. In just three hours at Ballona, we saw 17 different species of birds – almost a third of the bird species found in an extensive wetlands survey conducted by The Bay Foundation that spanned months. This shows the power of BioBlitzes to capture important data for conservation.

Malibu Lagoon species diversity bar graphFrom 2012 to 2013, Heal the Bay advocated for an ecological restoration of Malibu Lagoon which involved removing invasive species, replanting native ones, and adjusting the hydrology of the wetland. Inventories done by The Bay Foundation showed only six species of native plants prior to restoration, while almost 41 were noted after the restoration! Since plants form the base of an intricate web of life in the wetlands, bringing back natives can also bring back other species – including those that are threatened. At both sites our BioBlitzers found four threatened species, but that number will certainly increase with more sampling.

We found more than 20 introduced species at each site, which means they arrived through human influence. These invaders include everything from the delicate cabbage white butterfly to the crystalline ice plant. Invasive species are one of the biggest threats to healthy wetlands because they can outcompete native species and overtake the habitat. Since the restoration at Malibu Lagoon, the pervasiveness of non-natives has decreased. While Ballona is still struggling with invasive species, we hope planned restoration efforts will allow this wetland to reach its full potential.

Thanks to all of our “blitzers” for helping us Blitz the Bay in Ballona Wetlands and Malibu Lagoon. Keep exploring, enjoying, and fighting for our wetlands!

Citizen Science Coordinator Catherine Hoffman led these successful blitzing efforts.

California native legless lizard Brown Pelican by iNaturalist user @glmoryA couple junior BioBlitzers looking for fauna in the creekbed


July 8, 2016 — Yesterday the Board of Supervisors voted to place the parks and open space funding measure on the ballot for this November – a crucial step in achieving our shared goals for access to clean, safe, water smart parks and open space across LA County! The measure will be a 1.5 cent per square foot tax levied annually – which means it will require a supermajority vote in November. $98 million dollars will be created by the tax, which will be managed by LA County’s Open Space District. There is a state measure moving through the legislature but local funding is key because it provides much needed maintenance money that the state bond will not.

Heal the Bay completed its 2015 strategic plan which included a new area of focus called Healthy Watersheds. To meet our new goal of connecting inland communities to their watersheds and to restore the vibrancy of our watersheds, Heal the Bay joined the #OurParks coalition with Trust for Public Land, Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust and The Nature Conservancy and many other groups to support the LA County Parks and Open Space measure. An unprecedented needs assessment illuminated $20 billion of needs across the county. The need for funding is urgent, since the last existing dedicated parks funding is set to expire in 2019.

Parks represent the vast majority of open space we have left in our dense, concrete laden watersheds. We have worked very closely with the Open Space District to ensure the grant programs within this funding measure will provide protection and opportunities for nature based solutions to our challenged water resources, including using parks to capture storm water, creating linear greenways along our rivers, and cool our cities – in addition to their traditional roles like creating safe places to play. This measure matched with future storm water funding will provide leverage for cities using parks to build projects to meet storm water quality mandates. The money can be used to:

  • Protect clean water resources, including rivers and creeks
  • Reduce gang activity and provide safe places to play
  • Ensure drinking water is safe at park and recreation centers
  • Remove asbestos, mold and lead paint from aging recreation centers
  • Protect and preserve parks and natural areas
  • Keep beaches open, clean and safe
  • Supports funding for high need areas

It was disappointing to hear the opposition from the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce. When Gary Toebben, president, said “It’s pretty easy to have a cup of coffee when someone else is paying for it”, County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl replied, “You’ve had plenty of our cups of coffee.” She noted that commercial properties have received favorable treatment under Proposition 13, the property tax initiative approved by California voters in 1978.

What’s next? Click here to learn more about the campaign and final ballot language for the Safe Clean Neighborhood Parks, Open Space, Beaches, Rivers Protection and Water Conservation Measure.

July 8, 2016 — Last year, our supporters helped defeat a proposal to drill for oil underneath the Hermosa Beach seafloor. Now we face another ill-advised project in our Bay – a desalination plant on the El Segundo shoreline near the Manhattan Beach border.

In a time of persistent drought, we all agree on the need to reduce Southern California’s dependence on imported water. But a coaliton of environmental groups — including Heal the Bay, LA Waterkeeper and Surfrider — respectfully disagrees with West Basin Municipal Water District that building a costly and harmful ocean desalination plant is our best option.

Instead of literally sucking the life out of the Bay, West Basin can increase reliable local supplies by aggressively expanding reuse of water supplies we already have. By expanding reuse, we’ll seize on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reliably meet our future water needs while reducing daily dumpings of tens-of-millions of gallons of wastewater in Santa Monica Bay. It’s a win-win.

Each day the Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant uselessly dumps 250 million gallons into the Bay. It’s time to value that highly treated water as the precious resource it is. We can no longer afford to throw water away. If Orange County can recycle 100 milion gallons each day, so can we.

To learn more about the proposed desal plant, and our preferred alternatives for securing water independence, please join our staff scientists and policy experts for a lively town-hall meeting in Manhattan Beach on July 21.


A Special Town-Hall Meeting

Thursday, July, 21, 7:30 p.m.

Joslyn Community Center

1601 N. Valley Drive

Manhattan Beach

July 7, 2016 — Over the last ten months, citizen scientists of all ages helped our Santa Monica Pier Aquarium survey the humble Pacific Mole Crab (commonly known as the sand crab). More than 60 volunteers collected an immense amount of data about these sand crabs on the beach just outside the Aquarium’s doors – what did they learn?

Last year the Aquarium partnered with the Long-term Monitoring Program and Experiential Training for Students (LiMPETS). This statewide program activates people along the entire California coast to do real science through hands-on data collection – at the Santa Monica Pier we focused entirely on sand crabs, an indicator species useful for measuring the health of the entire ecosystem. We observed how rainfall, water temperature and tides affected the size, sex and abundance of sand crabs.

After consistently collecting data for almost a year we are beginning to see some trends. What is most exciting is the sheer number of sand crabs we’ve been seeing lately. In the winter, if we found two sand crabs we knew it was a good day. Now we’re consistently finding 15-25! What’s behind this drastic change?

Plotting average abundance of sand crabs over timeThe answer has to do with the sand crab’s life cycle. Adult sand crabs have a mating season between November and February. Their eggs develop for 30 days, before hatching into planktonic larvae. These larvae float around in the ocean for a little over four months and go through six different life stages (which ensures that they become widely dispersed and colonize new areas)! They eventually settle onto shore as juveniles, or “recruits,” and about a month later become fully grown adults. This explains why we are currently finding so many sand crabs, especially many of the recruits that were laid in the early months of mating season, drifted as plankton for months, and have now made the Santa Monica beach their home. As they continue to feed and grow, they will soon start the process all over again.

So if you joined on a sand crab survey trek in the winter, be sure to come back and help us find, count, and measure all of the sand crabs we have been finding on the Santa Monica beach!

Taylor Spesak, Public Programs AssistantTaylor Spesak is the Aquarium’s public programs educator. Join him every Wednesday at 3pm for sand crab monitoring. The program is included with Aquarium admission.


June 29, 2016 — Heal the Bay celebrates a concrete win in the decades-long fight to clean up polluted beaches in Malibu.

Malibu is one of the most breathtaking and desirable places to live in Southern California, but it has a dirty little secret – septic systems in and around its cultural center have fouled nearby coastal waters for decades.

Malibu Creek, Malibu Lagoon, and the surrounding ocean, including Surfrider Beach, are critically polluted and numerous studies point to septic systems as a major contributor. Swimmers who recreate in these waters run the risk of all kinds of illnesses.

But today Heal the Bay staff and members celebrated an important milestone in what has been a long and protracted fight to reduce water pollution in Malibu – groundbreaking on a Civic Wastewater Treatment Facility.

For more than 15 years, Heal the Bay has called for the Malibu Civic Center’s septic systems to be replaced by a centralized wastewater treatment facility. It has been a long and bumpy road, with officials complaining about costs and some residents worried about the specter of development if sewers are put in. But our advocacy is finally starting to yield tangible results.

The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board adopted a Septic Prohibition in 2009 that required the phasing out by 2019 of all septic systems in the Malibu Civic Center Area (think Malibu Pier, Pepperdine, Malibu Bluffs Park). And in 2015 the Malibu City Council unanimously certified the Civic Center Wastewater Treatment Facility Final Environmental Impact Report and later secured funding for the facility.

Malibu City Councilmembers, along with members of the California State and Regional Water Control Board, were all in attendance today to put golden shovel to dirt.

“The facility will enable Malibu to protect the natural environment that we cherish, while meeting state mandates to end the use of septic systems in the Civic Center area and producing recycled water to reduce Malibu’s reliance on potable water,” said Laura Rosenthal, Malibu’s current mayor.

Ground breaking at MalibuIt was especially gratifying to see Mark Gold, past Heal the Bay president and current board member, in attendance. Amid often fierce opposition from city officials and some Malibu property owners, Gold led the charge to demand an end to septic tanks in the Civic Center area for many years. He helped broker an MOU between the city and the regional water board that phased out septic tanks and mandated the building of a more modern treatment facility. (You can read more about his war wounds in one of his blog posts here.)

While today’s groundbreaking is a big step, the journey to better water quality is far from complete. Septic tanks are still in the process of being phased out and water quality in Malibu Creek, Malibu Lagoon, and local beaches isn’t likely to show improvement until the facility actually begins to treat local wastewater.

The wastewater treatment site is located at the intersection of Civic Center Way and Vista Pacifica. The facility will treat wastewater from properties in and around the Civic Center, and use the recycled water produced by the facility for irrigation of local parks and landscaping.

As the construction advances, we promise to remain vigilant and keep you updated.

June 23, 2016 — Oozing through the Hall Canyon in Ventura, a crude oil leak was spotted at 5:30 a.m. this morning headed toward the Pacific Ocean. The oil spill traveled over half a mile towards Ventura’s beaches and ocean before it was contained by Ventura County firefighters. Fortunately, reports indicate that the leak was stopped before hitting the water, which would have even more devastating ecological effects to our coast. With last year’s Refugio Oil Spill still fresh in our minds, there are a number of lessons learned regarding response and regulations we hope to see applied, to both prevent and minimize the environmental impacts of these oil spills.

Rapid response and containment is critical before oil reaches a waterway. Unfortunately, with so much oil infrastructure in California, the question isn’t if oil spills will happen, but when. The environmental impacts once oil is spilled are unavoidable, but if it reaches the ocean the cleanup and containment is nearly impossible, which makes those impacts much worse.

Spill size estimates are often incorrect or under-reported. The initial estimate of today’s spill was 5,000 barrels, which has since been reduced to 700 barrels –the equivalent of nearly 30,000 gallons. Unfortunately, initial spill size estimates are often low-balled. For a leak to be measured it must first be detected. Unfortunately these systems aren’t always functional. It’s imperative that close attention is provided in the review and determination of a final spill volume so that the responsible parties are held accountable for damages.

Oil spill response authorities should work with local entities to ensure that local knowledge is incorporated into spill response. Locals know their favorite spots best. They can help monitor progress on cleanups and any potential negative impacts afterwards, as well as ensure that cleanup efforts return natural resources back to baseline status.

Public outreach is critical. It’s important that the potential public health impacts associate with an oil spill are clearly communicated to the public, especially when oil is spilled in high-use areas like neighborhoods, trails and beaches. Air quality is currently being monitored in Ventura based upon noxious odors and concerns of crude vapors related to today’s spill.

Pipeline monitoring and maintenance is imperative to find and fix structural issues before they become problems. Pipeline infrastructure in the state is aging, putting our valuable natural resources at great risk. Last year in the aftermath of the Refugio oil spill, Governor Brown signed SB 295 into law, which requires annual pipeline inspections with State Fire Marshal oversight (previously they had been done every other year).

Oil pipeline operations should be improved to reduce the amount of oil spilled when there is a leak or rupture. This is especially true in ecologically sensitive areas such as riparian corridors and coastal watersheds. Leak detection, automatic shut-off systems, and other technologies are designed to minimize leakage during oil spills. SB 864 was passed and signed into law last year requiring oil companies operating in California to develop plans by 2018 for using such technologies to retrofit their pipelines by 2020.

Additional regulations and policies are still needed to help protect communities from noxious oil spills, including:

  • Closing loopholes in the California Coastal Sanctuary Act that allow for slant drilling out into coastal waters. The CCSA was designed to prohibit new oil and gas leasing in state waters, but unfortunately a loophole exists in the state legislation that allows for oil and gas extraction in state-owned submerged lands if those lands are being drained from producing wells upon adjacent federal lands.
  • State Lands Commission has authority over leasing of oil and gas operations in California. Heal the Bay has been encouraging this agency to prioritize identification, monitoring, and tracking of legacy sources of oil and gas in the environment including leaks, seeps, and abandoned wells. There are hundreds of abandoned wells in the Los Angeles region alone, which could be contributing to leaks and pollution. The State Lands Commission should work with relevant public and private entities to ensure such legacy sources are abated and cleaned up.

How you can help. It is important to resist the urge to participate in cleanup efforts. Oil is a hazardous liquid with toxic vapors, and needs to be removed with care. The best thing you can do is to report any abnormal amounts of oil to the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802. Likewise, if you see any oiled wildlife, do not pick up or try to rescue the animal. Wildlife capture takes special training to prevent injury to the animal as well as the person. Please reported oiled wildlife you see to 1-877-UCD-OWCN and trained experts will respond.

For additional information on the Ventura County oil spill, you can check out the Los Angeles Times article.

June 16, 2016 — Summertime and the livin’s easy! What a great time to look back on all of your achievements this year.

With the end of another school year comes the promise of a long and glorious summer. Congratulations to all who have finished another year, to those who have earned Club Drops with Club Heal the Bay, and a special congraduation to those who have attended their last high school class!

June 14, 2016 — From melting glaciers to the rise in extreme weather events, global warming is already affecting our planet in a variety of ways. But according to a new study, not all U.S. cities are prepared to deal with its adverse impacts. Sabrina McCormick, professor at MPH@GW, the online Master of Public Health program offered through the Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University, and her colleague Kathleen Carlson surveyed 65 local decision makers in six major U.S. municipalities to find out which ones are leading the way in climate change adaptation—and why.

What is climate change adaptation?

Climate change adaptation describes the ability of natural or human systems to adjust to the changing climate in order to lessen its harmful effects. This is not to be confused with mitigation, which refers to implementing strategies to remove or reduce the amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs) released into the atmosphere. Although distinctly different, adaptation and mitigation are complementary of one another. When done in synergy, these activities can lead to cost-effective implementation of climate policies.

What did the study find?

McCormick discovered that Portland, Boston, and Los Angeles were best prepared for the realities of climate change—while Raleigh, Tucson, and Tampa trailed behind. The following social factors appeared to impact a city’s level of preparedness:

  • Swing factors, which include events within or characteristics of a city that can lead it toward or away from action. One example is political culture. McCormick found conservative regions to be less likely to support climate change adaptation measures. Extreme weather is another example. In a city like Tampa, events such as hurricanes are viewed as part of everyday life rather than a threat that must be addressed.
  • Inhibitors, which refer to climate change mindsets that may slow (but not necessarily stop) change. Many decision makers cited a lack of clear, trustworthy scientific information on the consequences of climate change as their reason for inaction.
  • Resource catalysts, which provide a strong rationale and therefore motivation for adaptation planning. They may include academic and public interest resources that offer a scientific or moral justification for change.

Not surprisingly, the study pointed to public engagement as a driving force for change. And nowhere is this more evident than in Los Angeles. Here are just a few examples of how L.A. nonprofits and residents are banding together to combat the climate crisis:

  • Heal the Bay collaborates with researchers and agencies to assess the impact of climate change on Southern California coastal environments and help local communities adapt to the new normal.
  • The Sierra Club Angeles Chapter engages its members and the public in a multitude of campaigns centered on air quality improvement, coastline preservation, and building sustainable communities.
  • Climate Cents actively mobilizes public support for L.A.-based environmental initiatives such as kelp forest restoration, urban farming, and tree planting.
  • Los Angeles Walks is a volunteer-run advocacy group focused on making L.A. more pedestrian-friendly and reducing GHG emissions through the development of safe walking environments.

As a heavily populated city that generated a total of 99.1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide in 2010 alone (about 21.7 percent of California’s GHG emissions), L.A. has a unique responsibility to confront the global warming issue head on. And its residents are doing just that. McCormick hopes the results of her study will inspire more American cities to take action. After all, adaptation measures are not something that can wait. “It’s not tomorrow,” she says. “It’s today.”

Guest Blogger Julie PotyrajJulie Potyraj is the community manager for MHA@GW and MPH@GW, both offered by the Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University. For several years, she served as a community development specialist in Zambia coordinating youth empowerment programs and reproductive health education. She is currently an MPH@GW student focusing on global health and health communications.

June 13, 2016 — The drought has harmed California’s economy and environment, exposing serious water management issues throughout the state. We applaud Senator Hertzberg for his leadership today in introducing SB 1298, a bill that will help modernize how California manages its precious water resources by providing local governments a path towards the flexibility needed to ensure a healthy and reliable water future for their communities. This will be especially beneficial in the Los Angeles region, where there are great opportunities to capture and treat runoff, turning a nuisance into a much-needed resource.

Given the importance and urgency of this issue, we’ve been disappointed to see opposition arise, especially among agencies who stand to benefit the most directly from its passage. While the bill isn’t a perfectly conclusive fix, it doesn’t preclude further work towards a more ideal solution. In addition, it addresses an urgent need in a timely manner – to date, the only strategy we’re aware of that can make this claim.

Water policy is tough. It has deep history. And, it’s laden with political wonkiness. Here we break down why SB 1298 is so important.


Communities need better tools to conserve, reuse, and recycle water. The lack of funding for essential water services continues to grow, as shown in a recent Public Policy Institute of California report that identified a $2-3 billion annual funding deficit for critical water services in California.

Additionally, low and fixed income residents struggle to pay their water bills, and it is currently difficult for local agencies to provide financial assistance. It is also difficult for water agencies to create pricing structures designed to conserve water.


We are seeking a legislative solution that would empower local communities to modernize water management and improve public health, water reliability, environmental protection, and economic stability. Specifically, providing local government better tools in three key areas:

  1. Creating opportunities to fund projects and programs that turn the public health nuisance of urban runoff into a resource. This includes capturing and cleaning polluted runoff and then recycling it or using it to recharge our aquifers. Think nature-based solutions like native plant and soil lined roadways that filter urban runoff, or large stormwater treatment facilities, like Santa Monica’s Urban Runoff Recycling Facility that captures and cleans stormwater, which can then be used for landscape irrigation. SB 1298 gives local agencies more options for supporting local water services.
  2. Providing affordable water. California’s Human Right to Water law says that everyone has a right to safe, clean, affordable and accessible water. Unfortunately, our current water management system leaves systems that subsidize low-income ratepayers vulnerable to legal challenge. This leaves many Californians in situations where they are unable to pay for high water rates. SB 1298 would allow water agencies to set rate structures that provide affordable rates to qualifying customers most in need of assistance.
  3. In many parts of the country, water rates are tiered to promote conservation and discourage wasteful overuse – high volume customers are charged higher rates while water savers pay lower rates. Yet, unfortunately current policy contains barriers for local agencies to incentivize water conservation and penalize water wasters. SB 1298 provides a method for water agencies to create financial incentives for water wasters to reduce their use.


With the severity of the drought, there is an urgent need to source water locally and reliably. For years, Heal the Bay has provided technical and policy expertise to shape recommendations on ways to improve water management throughout the state, alongside environmental groups, resource managers, and decision makers. SB 1298 incorporates many of our recommendations, and outlines straightforward improvements to current water management inefficiencies. It is an important step in addressing California’s water crisis.


Call your legislator and tell them how important smart water management is to you by urging them to support SB 1298. Find your legislator here: